Chapter 5 An Explanation

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Chapter 5

(Danielle's Point of View)
Me, Ron, Hermione, and Harry fell into dead silences "So, if our lives are in there..." Hermione said, breakign the silences, "Does it finish it?" she said.

i flip the pages but stopped from first year "Your in second year, right?" i ask, they nodded, "It only goes from First year then...." i flip a page to see a blank page "It ends" i said, and show them, i look back into the book and raise my eyebrow "I don't understand though..." i whisper.

"Me either, maybe we should ask Dumbledore or McGonagall" suggested Harry. i nodded and close the book and we all got up we head out, my book in my backpack, we sneak by Filch, to the Trio's amazement how sneaky i am, and we got to the Gargoyle "Password" it requested. the Trio looked puzzled but i remember the password my last visit "Lemon drop" i said. it moved and we got on the stairs as it goes up.

i knock and wait a second until i hear a faint "Come in" i open the door to see Dumbledore where he was before at his desk "Miss. Swan, Is everything okay" asked Dumbledore

"Actually, sir, something's wrong with my book" i said. i walk up to the desk, the Trio trailing behind, i got it out of my backpack and see 'Once Upon A Time' written on it i smile a little remembering Henry i take a deep breath and open it to the page of Harry's parent's death. i turn it to Dumbledore "Harry's life been added to my book magically" i said.
Dumbledore took the book and examined it "How did this come to your possession?" he asked.
"It appeared in my Grandma's closet one day when she was cleaning it she has two copy's i own that one my brother has the other...there story's or history of what happened to people in The Enchanted Forest" i said.
"Their Fairytales, yes?" he asked.
i nodded
he smiled "And magic as well" he also asked, i nodded again ,"Do you remember if their's children books of Harry's life?"
i thought for a second i went through my memory's until i remember Bell telling me about this one book that had dust on it in her Library in the clock of a book with a boy on a broom trying to catch something he had black hair, glasses, and a lighting scar i look over to scar....i turn to Dumbledore "I remember my friend Bell tellign me she found a book of a boy on a broom trying to catch something he had black hair, glasses, and a lighting scar" i said.
"Did she tell you the books title?" Dumbledore asked.
i thought what she said then Bell's voice rang through my mind 'It's titled 'Harry Potter and the Sorcery's Stone' it's about a eleven-year-old boy going to a school called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, i haven't read it, but it seems good' "'s called" i gulp fear rushing through me Harry, Ron, and Hermione will call freaks with this i take a deep breath "Harry Potter and the Sorcery's Stone" the Trio's eyes widen "Didn't you save that last year, Harry?" said Hermione. Harry nodded
"I Never read it, i swear," i said.
"It may be different" said Dumbledore.
"Huh?" me and the Trio say in union.
"You say these story's tell the truth what happened?" he said, standing up and going around his desk going to my level. "Um...yeah, the girls are more...rebel-er then sweet, innocent, and damsel in distress " i said.
Dumbledore handed me the book "Then this is part of your story it's telling you the truth then the lie in the book at the library" said Dumbledore.
"But, how did it appear? i never saw it before" i said.
"It maybe been waiting for it's home to appear in the book, Miss. Swan, Hogwarts is a magical place, Miss. Swan, remember that" he said.
i nodded we started to leave i was about to head out until "Oh, and Miss. Swan" said Dumbledore. i turn to him "Keep Harry's life in your book a secret students may make fun of you" he warned me. i smile and nodded and we walk out.

we were walking down the corridor with dead silences "Are you going to read what happened in first year?" asked Harry, breaking the silences, "Do you want me to?" i ask, "Because if it gives you discomfort i'll not read it"

"I think it'll be a good idea" said Hermione.
"How?" asked Ron.
"She's new here she doesn't know any magic here it'll give her what we've learned and how to do them" said Hermione. i look down to my closed book i sigh and held onto my necklace "Okay, it makes sense" i said, "But i'll always think of you guys as yourselves this wont change my opinion on any of you" i said. they smile a little then we heard something. we stop dead "What was that?" i whisper.

then came around the corner was our horror....Filch... Hermione and Ron jump behind a armored man but me and Harry were too late and guess what we have....detention....

A/n: If none of you Minions understood Dumbledore's explanation just write a comment of a question and I'll happily explain what's up with Danielle's book.

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