[ Warning : Short Chapter ]
Once the annoncer said those words, the holy knight charged at the demon-fairy.
As the holy knight sent a punch towards the female's face, she swift moved to the left. This continued for a while, the groud started cheering until the female yawned.
"This is getting boring.." The demon-fairy muttered loud enough for the opposing male to hear.
"Boring, ehh?" Howzer smirked. "Well how do you like this then! Rising Tornado!"
A dust-devil like tornado formed in the holy knight's hand. It transfered from his hand all the way to the ground.
"What even is that.." [Name] muttered as she jumped away from it. The tornado like substance flew right towards the demon-fairy, if she didn't jump to the side uickly, it would've hit her.
"If I take that full-on, we're talking torn to shred!" The demon-fairy thought outloud.
"I'm glad you know what you're up against now! But!" Howzer then charged towards the demon-fairy, sending punches and tornado's at her with everypunch. "Just lie back and let it happen! It'll feel great! You'll love it, It'll feel like you're flying!"
"He's incredible!" Meliodas said loud enough for the two fighting to hear. "Everything he says is sexual!"
"Th-That's not what I--" Howzer blushed from hearing Meliodas's comment, he had turned around to look at the smaller blonde.
"M-Meli!" [Name] yelled as she turned away from the holy knight and the said male.
Howzer then turned back to the demon-fairy, [Name] did the same. The two had been completely ignoring what Meliodas had said. "Now.. Let's end this quickly!"
Howzer then sent two tornadoes towards the [Hair Color] haired female, she ran away from one then got trapped in a corner by the other.
"I'd hate to corner a girl like this... but you left me no choice!" Howzer said.
The demon-fairy's eyes widened as the two came at her. She squealed as the tornadoes completely destroyed her outfit.
She then waved her arm and the tornadoes dissapeared.
"What the!" Howzer exclaimed. "You said that if one of my tornades hit you then you'll be torn to shred!"
[Name] blushed now seeing her half naked body, all that was left were cloth that acted as a pair of undergarments and uppergarments.
"I meant my clothes would be torn to shred, idiot!" [Name] yelled back. "Those were my last pair, I don't have anymore clothes left you jerk!"
"Well then maybe you should've had a second thought about joining a fighting festival!" Howzer yelled as he looked away from the demon-fairy.
"Di- Matrona! Can I borrow that cloak of yours?" [Name] yelled out into the crowd, searching for her little Giant friend.
"Sure! Here!" Matrona yelled out in the croud as she threw the cloak at [Name]. As she waved her hand, the cloak came closer towards her and turned into a light pink shirt and a dark blue skirt. (The pink came from the stiching or like.. hat? I dunno imagine something like that.)
Howzer then turned back towards his opponent, his blush still visble from earlier. "Now, fight me for real!" He exclaimed.
Howzer charged towards the female as she did the same, she dodged a punch that was thrown by him as she sent a punch of her own towards Howzer, she used a bit of magic to boost her punch, using Whirlwind made Howzer fly away and out of the ring.
"And Howzer is down!" The announcer exclaimed.
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