[Third Person POV]
Once the match finished, the demon-fairy headed back to her group.
"Great job at completely destroying your clothes." Ban said sarcastically as the demon-fairy rolled her eyes.
"Nice ra-" Meliodas was interupted by Hawk's smack to his head.
"[Name]!" Diane called out as she ran over to the [Hair Color] haired female, ingulfing her in a giant bear hug.
"Can you please let go of me.." [Name] coughed out.
"Oh right!" Diane giggled as she released the demon-fairy of the tight hold.
"Hey, King?" [Name] said as she turned towards the male.
"Hmm?" The orangette hummed.
"Your good at making clothes right?" [Name] asked.
"Mmhmm." King nodded. "You want me to make you something to wear right?"
The demon-fairy sighed. "Yeah.."
"Why can't you just wear my tavern outfit?" Melodies said as he rubbed the spot on his head where a bruise had formed.
[Name] blushed as she looked towards the blonde. "There's no way I'm wearing that thing!"
"I'll work on that but it might take a while." King said.
"As long as I can change out of... this." [Name] said as she stared down at her current 'clothes'.
[-Time Skip-]
Meliodas was standing in the arena alone as he clapped his hands together, 'dusting' of the 'dirt' on his hands.
"And the battle tournaments have ended!" The announcer yelled. "Meliodaf wins!"
The crowds were cheering and girls were..... 'cheering' for Meliodas.
Though a certain [Hair Color] female wasn't all that impressed. She was just stand there with a shocked and sort of confused look on her face.
All of a sudden, the sins', including [Name]'s eyes widened.
"[Name]?" Elizabeth asked. "Are you o-"
Elizabeth was cut off by Meliodas's voice. "Hey!" He yelled with a straight, stern look on his face. "Every body here, listen up! We're the Seven Deadly Sins and if you don't leave now, we'll slaughter you all!"
Terrified murmurs were heard throughout the crowd.
"I said scram!" Meliodas yelled.
The people started running. Due to Meliodas's threat, they were scared for their lives. None of them being holy knights, they couldn't fight against others with power, especially against the Seven Deadly Sins.
Meliodas made his way to the rest of the group.
"Sir Meliodas? Why'd you say that?" Elizabeth asked.
"Yeah, what was that for you idiot!" Hawk said. "You scared away all my customers!"
Like before, all the sins and [Name]'s eyes widened.
"They're coming.." King said.
All of sudden, a huge crash was heard.
"Hello...." A voice said. "Sins."
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