welcome home ch.1

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No ones POV

It was a normal day in fairy tale as natsu and grey were fighting again and Lucy was talking with erza and Wendy was talking with Carla and happy while gajaell and levy were talking when the door to the guild hall opened to reveal a kid about Wendy's Hight with Grey hair and eyes as he walked in he had a blank face and he turned to see the two idiots fighting and he sighed and mumbled
"Idiots" he dissipered and reapered in the middle of both of them as he kicked grey away and caught natsus fist and natsu said "hay why are you inturupting my fight" and the boy looked at his eyes with the same blank face he had as he entered and natsu got a look at his face before he had a face of fear and said "z-z-zane...when do you get back" he said as he tried to run but Zane's iorn grip did not allow that as he said "I just got back and what do I see?...two idiots acting like children" and he flicked his wrist sending natsu in to the wall and everyone stoped and looked at him and there was silince in the guild hall until everyone except the newbies shouted "ZANE YOUR BACK!" and Zane let a small smile and said "good to be back...what's new?" And suddenly he was ingulefed in a bone crushing hug as the person said "oh! My little boy is finally home!!!" And it was revealed to be mirajane while she had tears as she put him down and put her hands on his shoulders and he wiped her tears and said "don't cry mom you know I don't like it when you cry" and she just said "I know its just so good to see you" and he nodded as they hugged and then he herd some one say "is that zane?...oh it is welcome home my boy" and he released the hug and turned to see makarov and he smiled and bowed saying "yes I am master and its good to see your still as short and balled as ever" and makarov just sat in the corner sobbing as Zane was hit over the head by his mother and said "OW what was that for mom" and she just glared at him and he apologized and then he saw elfman walking up to him with his arms speed saying "hay there little man come and give your uncle a manliy hug!" And Zane just hugged him and then he herd some one say "is that my little zuzu" and he turned around to see lisanna he stared wide eyed and with tears and he said walk-in closer to her "aunt lis" and she nodded and held her arms out and he ran into her arms shouting "AUNT LIS ITS REALLY YOU I THOUGHT YOU DIED BUT YOU DIDNT THANK HEVENS!!!" and he was slightly crying in her shoulder and she patted his head and said "well I'm not dead and I'm not going any where" and after explaing how she was alive and after calming down Zane went to talk to natsu and he said "hay natsu...who's the new people" and natsu smiled and said "hi Zane and the use are the newest members" and Lucy came up saying "hi there Zane I'm Lucy heartfelliya and I'm a celestial wizerd" and he said "nice to meat you Lucy I'm zane" and then juvia came up saying "hi I'm juvia lockser and I'm a water mage" he said "hi and a water mage hm interesting we have to spar some time" and she nodded and walked back to stalk grey and then Wendy came up to him and he blushed a little and she did as well and she said "h-hi I'm Wendy marval and I'm a sky dragon slayer" and he was shocked a little but did not show it but he did smile little and took her hand and kissed it saying "please to meet you Wendy I'm zane" and she was blushing like crazy and Carla said "and I am carla her partner" and he nodded and pulled out a candy from no where and said "nice to meet you Carla and here want some candy" and she smiled and said "I would love some and thank you Zane" and he nodded until he felt himself git lifted up and he turn to see gajeall and he said "names gajell redfox and I'm a iorn dragon slayer what's your name little girl" and suddenly he felt his hand burn like a oven and he let him down and grabed his hand and saw it smoking and looked at Zane to see he had a golden arua around him at that his hair was shifting between gold and his natural grey and his eyes Wes also shifting between emrealed green and his usual grey and he lookd at gajell with pure rage and said "I. AM. NOT. A. LITTLE. GIRL!!!!!" and the floor below him turned in to a crater and a golden arau surrounded him and his hair turned gold and his eyes turned green as he released more power

And everyone stood shocked at his transformation as he dissipered and reapered behind gajell an punched him in to wall and caused him go be thrown out side and Zane went out side and slowly walked up to gajell as everyone came out side and to see gajell get up and to see Zane charge and gajell was going to block until he used time skip to punch gajell in the gut and gajell spit up some saliva and fell to the ground unconscious and Zane powers down as his eyes and hair return to normal and hut his hans in his pockets and he walked away saying "dont call me little girl... you idiot" and he walked back into the guild hall and levy and Lilly helped him up and back inside as everyone went back inside except natsu who stood smiling at the idea of fighting the grey haired teen and he went back inside to see if he could get a fight with the boy

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