oc info: zane strauss

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Name: Zane Strauss

Age: 12

Guild: fairy tale

Class: SS-class

Looks: grey hair that reaches his back thats tied in to a pony tale,and Grey  eyes,and pale skin


Personality: cold and unfelling (after getting to know him or if your his family or guild) kind,careing,stubborn,childish

Likes:family,his guild,candy,cake,food,fighting

Dislikes:stuck up snobs,dark guilds,jerks,weak opponents

Basically super saiyan forms and powers

Note:he has all of gokus and vegetas abilitys

The ability to skip 1/2 of a second in time and move freely


Super saiyan:

Super saiyan 2

Super saiyan 3

Super sayin 4

Super saiyan god

Super sayin blue

Super instinct

Super saiyan rose

Note: Zane always has a bag of candies and will destroy anything that messes with his food especially his candy

Quote: alright let's get the real party started

Another note: Zane is one of the strongest mages in the planet so he will jump at the chance to fight a strong opponent


Mirajane strauss (adoptive mother)

Lisanna Strauss (adoptive aunt)

Elfman Strauss (adoptive uncle)

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