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Chapter 24

"Nah, nowhere too fancy, let's just go to the local beach"
"Shut up Beomgyu! Summer vacation means go out of state!"
"Jungwon, you know I cannot-"

"Yes you can, and yes you will. Let us all go to the mountain camps my uncle owns! The owner said, she'll give us a week off gyu! Let's go",Yuna yelled.
"Are you sure it will be fine?"
"Yes obviously! We'll just help my uncle and we won't even have to pay"
"How would we go though?"

"I can take my car", Jungwon said. Yuna rolled her eyes, "A car? No Jungwon, let's go in the bus! It will be more fun!"
"What's wrong with a car? Who doesn't love car rides?"

Both of them looked at Beomgyu for the final decision. Beomgyu chuckled, "I don't know guys, decide for yourself, I'm fine with both"
"Car is it then"

Yuna pouted. Beomgyu smiled, "we can come back by bus!", Jungwon and Yuna nodded.

"Guys would it be fine if I bring someone along?"

"Depends who", both of them said together and looked at each other.

"Well, my sister Eunchae. She has a vacation too and-"
"Oh, and here I was, thinking that you'll bring the f4 boys", Yuna said.

"No Yuna, they are in a different world, I can't bring them, I have no right to"
Yuna nodded, not really agreeing to beomgyu.

The three of them prepared themselves for the upcoming week and were ready to leave on Saturday.

Jungwon and Yuna picked Eunchae and Beomgyu up from their house.

Eunchae kept playing Taylor swift in the car, and everyone enjoyed, how could they not. Beomgyu was tired soon, he took a small nap.

Yuna looked back to see Eunchae and Beomgyu asleep, they looked like twins, similar positions, their mouths were opened in a similar way, their heads were tilted in a similar direction.

Yuna awed and clicked a picture of them. Jungwon chuckled through the rear-view mirror.

After a long 8-hour ride, they finally reached the place. It was already dark outside. Beomgyu and Eunchae were woken up by Yuna and jungwon.

Beomgyu walked outside, they met Yuna's uncle and aunt. They worked in a guest house. The place was aesthically pleasing, it looked like a fairytale set brought to life.

Beomgyu was in awe. He took out his phone and clicked the pictures, he saw that there was no connection.

Beomgyu and Jungwon stayed in one room, Eunchae insisted on staying with Yuna.

All four of them walked down to have dinner.

"Let's have dinner quickly, we'll go to the bonfire!", Yuna said, excited.

They sat down with the other guests, Yuna and Eunchae helped in serving food. All of them had food. They were very tired, especially Jungwon.

After having dinner, they walked a little down to an empty ground decorated with lights. There was bonfire set up in the middle. Suddenly helicopter noises were heard. Everyone looked up. Beomgyu covered Eunchae's eyes so that the dust won't go in.

Jungwon yelled, "uncle, is it the mountain police's fancy way to make entry!?"

The guy shook his head and yelled back, "There's nothing like mountain police here!"

The helicopter landed and the door opened.

Beomgyu hit his forehead in annoyance.

Eunchae yelled, "It's that handsome guy Beomgyu slept with!"
Beomgyu widened his eyes and closed her mouth.

The F4 boys got out, one by one. Yeonjun waved at Beomgyu with a smirk from far.

"How did they even get here?", Beomgyu sighed.

"I'm sorry I guess it was me" Yuna scratched the back of neck.

"You told them?"
"I posted your and eunchae's picture with the location on my private account"
"and which one of them is on your private account"
Beomgyu sighed.

Jungwon walked towards the boys, "Hyung, I drove here, I'm tired. You guys should have informed me and brought all of us with you"

"I expected you to inform me, jungwon" Yeonjun stated.

Jungwon shrugged and stood in front of Taehyun, waving at him. Taehyun chuckled and patted his head.

Beomgyu walked back to his room while the others enjoyed the bonfire.

He wanted a break from the boys, this is what vacation meant for him. A break from all the complicated feelings.

Beomgyu changed into his night suit and walked to the balcony to look down, he saw everyone enjoying. Beomgyu smiled. "It won't be that bad"

Beomgyu caught Yeonjun's attention. Yeonjun took out his phone and clicked Beomgyu's picture. He sent it to Beomgyu. Beomgyu opened his phone and saw it, beomgyu rolled his eyes and texted, "stop being annoying, bully"

Yeonjun smiled and texted back, "why aren't you here?"
"Because I'm tired"
"Do you want to go for a walk?"
Beomgyu closed his phone and kept it inside his pocket, he looked up in the sky, it was full of stars, unlike the city sky.

Yeonjun pouted as he was left on read. Beomgyu texted back, "I said I'm tired"
"Being around me will make you energetic"
Beomgyu scoffed.

"Let's go"

Yeonjun got up and trekked up to the entrance of guest house. Beomgyu walked out with a jacket on. Yeonjun followed Beomgyu.

"If I get lost, it's your fault"
"I'm ready to take the blame"

Beomgyu walked around, stepping up on the railing, Yeonjun widened his eyes, "you'll fall down"
"I won't"

Yeonjun held his hand as Beomgyu tried to balance himself on the railing.

Yeonjun chuckled, "You rat, I have the power to push you off"

Beomgyu held Yeonjun's hand tighter, "I'll take you with me, you rat"

Beomgyu chuckled and stood at one place. Yeonjun looked up at him. "Why did you come here?"
"I told you you'll spend your vacations with me"
"What if I don't want to?"
"What's so bad about spending your vacations with the hottest, the coolest, the nicest guy ever?"
"Nicest guy? Sure. The bad part is spending your vacations with a bully who thinks money can buy anything"
"That's true though! Money can buy anything"
"Yeah? Money won't buy you love, Yeonjun"
"I can make anyone love me though!"

"Alright then, prove it to me"
"Tell me who won't love me"
"There would be many people"
"I need names"
"Choi Beomgyu"

Yeonjun scoffed, "are you sure about that? I can make you fall for me within a second"
"Try me"

Yeonjun picked Beomgyu up and made him stand in front of him. Beomgyu hitted his shoulder, "What the fuck"
Yeonjun held Beomgyu's nape and pulled him closer.

"Are you sure, Choi beomgyu?"

Beomgyu hitted Yeonjun's chest, "Get away from me!"

Yeonjun chuckled and left Beomgyu's neck. He then looked at Beomgyu, scanning him, up and down.

"Look at your cute night wear"
"Shut up"
"What is it Beomgyu? You get mad when I say something rude, you get mad when I say something funny and now you even get mad when I compliment you?"
"Because you're doing all of it with an intention of teasing me!"
"You think you know me better than I know myself?"
"How even is that possible?"
"I just do know all you want to do with me is teasing!"

Yeonjun bit his inner cheeks, "You don't even know what all I want to do with you"

thank you for checking out the story. hope you're enjoying.
have a good day! ♡

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