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Chapter 23

"Someone is confessing again, it's to Yeonjun, I don't know where they all get the guts", the talk went on among the students gathered in the garden.

Yeonjun walked in with the boys, the girl yelled.
"Yeonjun oppa!"

Yeonjun walked to her. "I think you're very handsome, and you're the coolest too! I love it when I watch you play basketball, and I love your presence in gener, can you please accept the cookies I made for you?"

Yeonjun looked around, everyone was expecting him to push the girl away, curse her out or get her beaten.

Yeonjun sighed and said, "No".

Everyone was surprised by the bare minimum, Choi Yeonjun, and verbal communication? They never had a connection.

Yeonjun said, "I'm pretty sure you did a good job making them, but if me taking it would lead you on, I won't have it"
"Are you rejecting me?"
"Yes I am"
The girl nodded.

"What if I still keep pestering you?", she dared to question.
"I'll reject you again, and again"

Soobin looked at Taehyun and Kai who were as surprised as him.

Yeonjun looked towards the crowd to see Beomgyu and Jungwon looking at him. Beomgyu broke the eye contact and dragged Jungwon to the class.

"Hyung, what happened to you?", Kai asked.

Taehyun said, "He has gotten religious"

Soobin chuckled. Taehyun mouthed, "The religion is Beomgyu".

Yeonjun was lost in his own thoughts, wondering why Beomgyu didn't greet him.

After the school ended the boys went to hang out.

"Yeonjun hyung, you'll really like this place!"
"Why? it seems like a minimal café"
"Get inside, you'll see it"

Yeonjun walked in and spotted Jungwon on the counter. Yeonjun said, "Why is he working in a café?"

Taehyun was surprised. He walked to Jungwon and talked to him.

Yeonjun and Soobin found a place for themselves. Kai chatted with Yuna on the counter.

Taehyun said, "Wonnie, I didn't know you worked with Beomgyu"
"I don't, I'm just filling in for him. He has gone to meet someone"
"meet someone? who?"
"some boys from his highschool invited him to lunch"
"I thought he was on bad terms with them"

The café became empty as time passed. Yeonjun fell asleep, laying his head on the table.

Soobin was on his phone. Suddenly the door flung open.

Everyone looked at the door to see a tired Beomgyu.

Beomgyu looked up to see the boys, he sighed and then put on a smile.

"Hi, everyone", Beomgyu walked to the counter and sat down.

Jungwon noticed Beomgyu's forehead, "how did you get a scratch?"
"oh? I guess maybe when I fell down"
"you fell down?", Jungwon yelled a little too loudly.

Yeonjun opened his eyes and looked around.

"Who fell down?", he mumbled.
"Beomgyu", Soobin answered.

Yeonjun opened his eyes widely and said, "Beomgyu is here?"

Beomgyu smiled and walked to the washroom. He cleaned his face, washed his hands and walked outside.

"How was the sale today?"
"it was great, girls kept on coming to watch these handsome boys", Yuna said. Beomgyu chuckled.

"Did you guys eat something?", Everyone shook their heads.

Beomgyu said, "I'll bring something then"

He wore the apron and started cooking. Yeonjun rested his chin on his palm and watched Beomgyu while the others chatted.

Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun looking at him, he mouthed, "does your back still ache?"

Yeonjun shook his head. Beomgyu showed him an okay sign.

Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun again, "did you get in trouble?", he mouthed. Yeonjun shook his head again. Beomgyu nodded and settled the plates, bringing them to the table.

Beomgyu removed his apron and sat beside Yeonjun.

Everyone started eating, praising Beomgyu. Jungwon sighed, "you didn't fell, right?"

Beomgyu was confused. "They bullied you again, am I right?"

Yeonjun was confused. "What? who?"

Jungwon sighed. "Beomgyu went to meet his old schoolmates. They bullied him like they used to in school"

Yeonjun looked at beomgyu, should he say anything? Was he in the place of saying something? He bullied him too, even though he won't ever bully him again, but isn't he the same as those boys?

Yeonjun held Beomgyu's face and looked at the scratch on his forehead. Beomgyu threw his hand away and chuckled, "No! no one bullied me, I fell. I'm telling you!"

The boys walked out, exploring the mall, beomgyu stayed back cleaning the dishes while Yeonjun leaned on the counter to observe Beomgyu.


"why did you not say hi in the school?"
"I don't know?"
"What? You should have."
"We know each other too much to not greet each other"
"What are we, that I have to greet you"
"I don't know, forget the labels. Just know that we're close."
"are we?"
"We slept with each other!"
"Can you be quieter? Can you rephrase that too?"
"we slept beside each other. we are close"
"What okay?"
"Why didn't you accept the cookies today?"
"I don't like cookies"
"you should've given it to me"
"I mean- i can buy some for you!"

Beomgyu nodded. Yeonjun said, "Will you spend your summer vacation with me?"
"Will you come with us?"
"to where?"
"I don't know! just come with me"
"No, I don't want to go with you"
"you're annoying"
Yeonjun gritted his teeth and spanked some water from the tap on Beomgyu's face.

Yeonjun ran away before Beomgyu could say anything.

Beomgyu sighed. The door opened, Soobin entered the café. Beomgyu smiled, "did you forget something?"

Soobin took out a bandage from his pocket, he peeled it and applied it on Beomgyu's forehead. Beomgyu smiled, "Thank you"

Yeonjun spotted the boys in the ice rink  on ground floor. "Guys is there a pharmacy here?"
"Soobin was searching for one too!"
"why would he need to go to a pharmacy?"
The boys shrugged.

Yeonjun looked at the escalator to see Beomgyu and Soobin coming down.

He saw Beomgyu had a bandage on his forehead.

Yeonjun said, "I'm going home, we have a family dinner", as he walked out with his hands in his pockets.

Beomgyu looked around, "was yeonjun so afraid of hitting me that he ran outside?", Beomgyu joked.

thank you for checking out the story. hope you're enjoying.
have a good day! ♡

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