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The run to Krels locker wasn't time consuming but still breathtaking, and not in the "oh that's so gorgeous way". He opened the locker with ease and pulled out the boombox "They've been inside." He turned it over to inspect it further.

"So you brought them to school" Aja screamed at her younger sibling.

"After you brought them to earth" He bit back at Aja

"There's no time to be fighting, just fix it" You enjoyed their bickering as much as the next guy but there was an infestation of skeltegs that could take over the whole school. They need to choose better times to start arguing.

That made Krel start working.

You waited for the whoop of excitement that Krel made whenever he was finished working. You had barely begun your nervous pacing before he announced the completion of his task. It seems like you didn't have to wait all that long. Either the sectons are getting shorter or Krel is getting faster but it doesn't matter as long as you get out of this mess.

The boombox started to emit a very unique kind of music that contained no words but spoke volumes over most of the music you have heard. The Skeltegs might have been drawn to it in the same weird way you were. Hundreds of skeltegs rushed out of the halls and towards the source of the sound.

As they did with Mary's ringtone they erupted when they were in close range with the boombox. Krel changed the music with the press of a button, playing music that appealed to his taste. "Another use for human music" He said way too avidly as he held the boombox above his head.

You giggled at his ability to make the best of the worst situations. That small giggle quickly ascended into a full fit of laughter as he began to dance along to the music. Not only was he creative with inventions but he was also creative with dancing. You might need to take some lessons.

The screeches and sounds of the dying skeltegs forgotten about as you doubled over, holding onto your stomach. You were laughing so hard it physically hurt. You weren't even aware of the Skelteg goo that stuck itself on you from skeltegs that went boom above you.

"Should we bring this thing back home or do you think Stuart has things under control" Your laughter ceased when you thought about it. You barely knew who Stuart was but from what you heard he wasnt that bright.

"We should go"

"Definitely go"

"Onward" The after-giggles took over and as you ran home you chuckled occasionally to yourself.

Poor stuart, nobody trusted him

After your well deserved well needed shower. You made sure to clean off all the skelteg goo and to lather and rinse one extra time to get the smell of Stuart that you inherited from the hug you shared with him when no one else was willing, off of you.

Once you were fully changed you took a seat on your bed as you waited patiently for your transduction to fade. You grew to like your human form, having flesh is a whole new experience for you. You thought your hair was absolutely gorgeous and fitting to your human personality.

The creative freedom that came with picking a new outfit was addicting. There were so many things that you hadn't known you like or had any interest in. While earth has many downsides at least there was something you liked about it.

Your door creaked open behind you, alerting you of someone's presence. You could already tell who it was from the soft footsteps.

"Hey, krel" His transduction also has yet to wear off. His brown hair was sticking up at all angles like he had been electrocuted. "You look amazing" you could barely get the lie through your teeth before you were laughing at yourself.

"I know i know" He wasn't in a joking mood and you get that. You guess it was just one of those days. "What's wrong?" you asked as he took a seat next to you.

He sighed "why does something have to be wrong, why can't I just come in here to talk to my best friend" Now you really thought something was wrong, everytime those words come out of his mouth it means something is bothering him. It is kind of shocking that he's said that more than once.

"Okay s.." You started but you were cut off by Krel, like you had been everytime before.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were hurt? I know I never directly asked but it has just been eating away at me. You always told me everything so why was it any different?." When he brushed over it earlier you thought that it wasn't a big deal and something that would be forgotten. You didn't think it would start to cause him emotional distress.

"I just didn't want to worry you..." you saw him open his mouth to speak but quickly interrupted his interruption, "before you say anything hear me out, we need to figure out how to get off of earth and you need to concentrate on that" You crossed your legs to show him that you were giving your full attention to this conversation.

A frustrated groan came after your words, Krel ran his hand through his already messed up hair. "That's the thing (y/n), I can't stop thinking about you... i mean about you being hurt" He rephrased his sentences assuming that you wouldn't notice his slip up.

The blush on his face grew dusting his face in pink. The observation made your heart rate increase faster by the second.

You had to turn away the desire to take his face into your hands and press your lips against his, to see if what you have been feeling for a long time now was real. You wanted to make him yours.

Wholeheartedly yours from his body (both Akiridion and human alike) down to his core.

He finally took his hand out of his hair only leaving it messier than it was before."I'm always going to worry about you"

He scooped your hand up and gently clasped it with yours. "You can't expect me not to." His eyes found yours in the moonlight shining through your cracked window. It had gotten dark out so fast.

"I'm sorry" It was all you could say. All the other appropriate responses refused to be said.

Timed perfectly your transductions wore off, your human identity shifting in a flash of blue. It didn't really matter what form he was in, he was beautiful.

And perhaps it was the soft setting with the moonlight flooding your room or it was the Gentle way that Krel was silently admiring you but something was pulling you closer despite the voice in your head.

"Move away"

"Don't do this"

You uncrossed your legs and scooted closer to him...


Your legs were touching now confirming the lack of space between you. "Krel... I..."


You jumped when the voice in your head got significantly louder. You backed away from krel whose face held a look of confusion and worry.

"Is someone calling me" you knew that nobody was but it was better than to think you were going crazy. It wouldn't hurt to try.

Krel raised an eyebrow "are you okay?" He was looking at you like you were nuts which is not the look you are going for.

"I think I need some rest." You pulled your hand out of his when you felt his grip tighten. You might have come off a little rough but you felt discombobulated now. Perhaps you did need to sleep it off.

He thought against going more into depth about it. Thinking that it was nothing that a little sleep couldn't fix. "Understood" After mulling it over he gave you a little bit of privacy.

He shut off the light after confirming that you were clambering into bed. And with a hushed goodnight he shut the door behind him.

You must be going crazy right?

Your not going crazy

Then why am I hearing things?

Your not hearing things raven

At first it was just a classic case of doubt .But then there was something different this time round, almost sinisterly clawing its way up your spine.

The hairs on the back of your neck stood at attention. The nerves that had been building all day had reached their peak.

Raven The nickname rang through your head. It sounded so familiar yet the memories were so far from you. No one had called you that since


Since you were a baby.

The voice came and you were once again consumed by the quick spreading spots that blocked your eyesight.

It was like you were passing out all over again.

The thought pass through your brain before your body fell limp against your mattress.

"No,no you will not take my child away from me" Val yelled at his brother from behind the glass he was held behind, waiting to be exiled.

"She is not your child anymore" The king spoke calmly despite the anger that was directed towards him.

Vals temper didn't hold up as he let out a mocking laugh. "And what are you going to do huh? Take her under your wing and make her a princess."

"I'll make sure to keep her far away from you but it looks like it won't be very hard." He gestured to the room around him. It was a low blow even for him.

"Just let me see her one last time, think of it as my final wish"

Fialkov wasn't stupid he knew what Val was capable of. He wasn't going to let a man like him anywhere near that child.

"Goodbye Val" he wasn't going to dignify that with an answer instead opted for gracefully exiting the room.

The memory turned to dust around you and collapsed at your feet. Instead of scattering as sand was supposed to, it disappeared when it touched the ground. You weren't even sure you could call it that. It was more of an abyss filled with miles and miles of darkness.

One minute you were in your room thinking over the voice in your head and the next you're here, wherever here is.

That was the king and General Morando.

Was this real? Were these real? General Morando's voice rang in your ears, Val was what the king referred to him as. It aroused so many more questions.

Noise filled the void once more as another projection began to form.

"My little raven, I'm sorry I couldn't give you the life I have worked so hard toward but this isn't the end of our story, we will meet again."

Val was no longer inside his "cell" but it still felt like a punishment. The guards the king insisted take watch were blocking off the doorway ready to make a move if needed.

"Times up" The nearest guard took the sleeping child out of his hands while the others helped the criminal back into his glass prison.

This one was shorter than the last, only taking a brief amount of time. It made your internal questioning more aggressive.




It was General Morando all along. The voices and the doubts and small fits of hatred pointed towards Krel and the others.


The sand created from the remnants of the memory gathered in the middle of the room as opposed to the last which disintegrated into thin air.

General Morando or rather a copy of him created entirely by sand stood in front of you.

The replica spoke "Hello daughter, oh how you have grown" He held his sandy arms out like he was expecting that hug.

"How are you here?" Your panicked voice reached his ears "where am I? How is this possible? What's going on?" It was exactly the response he was expecting.

His arms fell to his side, the expression on his face hardening "This is what I like to call the mindscape, I believe you don't need anymore explanation" the disapproval in his voice was as clear as daylight.

You didn't need any more explanation. You spent too much time around Krel to not know what that was. Now, that information wasn't of much importance because you were far too preoccupied at the moment.


"Don't call me that" your voice echoed off the invisible walls when you screamed at the top of your lungs. "You're not my father" even your mindscape couldn't keep up with you. But once again, Val predicted it.

He let out a mirthless chuckle. "And who is? Fialkov, Or is it Vex?" He held the same distasteful tone.

He took slow and steady steps towards you. Perhaps he was trying to reassure you in a sick and twisted way. It wasn't working.

This couldn't be real. It must've been a nightmare because there was no scientific or fantasy reasoning to prove that it wasn't. It was just simple facts.

"Look at you now. I have to admit, I'm quite disappointed. I guess that spending all of your time with the royals made you weak. Especially Krel '' the more he droned on the more terrifying his voice got.

In a whirlwind of emotions you gripped your hair and pulled at it. You could feel your fingernails digging into your scalp. Not enough to make you bleed but enough to leave a mark. "Get out of my head"

He just smirked. He was waiting for something and he was doing so patiently.

A wave of drowsiness fell over you. It had your hands dropping from your head onto your knees to keep yourself upright.

That's when you noticed the color fading from your arms. The blue of your skin turned an alarming gray. The dull color travels up your arm until the blue no longer stands out.

You feel drained and angry




"Come back to me (y/n)"


Mmmkay ghouls so ik there was that one part that came off as dirty, but i assure you that there will be no smut in this story seeing that krel is a child and is not over the age of consent.

But I might add a tiny bit of spice (Age appropriate), who knows?

Wewooowewoooo yall better watch out, a lot of fatherly vex is coming your way.

And i'm feeling rather affectionate so take this 🤲❤🥰🥺🌸

I'm trying to make the valentine's one super duper long so yayy for that.

I would love feedback and or tips, it would be appreciated.

Okey dokey thats all

Till next time


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