Your POV
All around you, overwhelmingly famous men sat, carrying on about normal conversation. Every now and then, you’d catch them whispering your name and Tao’s, and then start giggling and beaming uncontrollably. They switched in between advanced Korean and Chinese in almost every sentence, making it hard to understand.
“Tao, what are they talking about?” you said as you laughed and set your phone down.
“I’m not sure, I wasn’t paying attention,” (and he was.) “But, do you wanna listen to music or something? I have a few Chinese artists I could show you.”
You weren’t really fond with any foreign music besides EXO and some Japanese artists, so you nodded your head. He handed you the earphone that was meant for your right ear, and he put the left earphone in his ear before plugging it into his phone. He played various genres of music, most of them rap. They spoke a little too fast for you to comprehend but it was enjoyable. One of Tao’s favourite songs, or you assumed it to be at least, came on, and he silently spoke the words along with it. Almost as if he forget you were there, he became more soulful, focusing on the notes and matching the rhythm.
“[y/n], do you have any songs you’d like to show me?”
“I don’t think you’d enjoy them very much.”
Tao grabbed your phone and plugged in the earphones, looking at you expectantly. You shrugged nonchalantly and began scrolling through your playlist.
“Do you prefer rap?”
“Is it okay if it’s in English?”
“Of course.”
He smiled elegantly and waited for you to select a song. And so you did. The only rap you had was of Tyler, The Creator, and he was quite vulgar, but Tao wouldn’t understand much to begin with. You had forgotten that you kept your volume up a little too loud for other peoples taste, so when the song began, you and Tao both jumped and you scrambled to turn the volume down. Chanyeol seemed to pop out of no where, for when he tapped on your shoulder, you jumped again.
“Was that Tron Cat by Tyler that I just head blaring?”
You laughed nervously and nodded your head yes, and when he spoke, his voice rose a few intervals, causing you and Tao to jump again in synch.
“Really? I love him!”
Chanyeol looked down to show you his Wolf Gang snapback that he wore happily, and you high fived him in return. He smiled brightly before turning around and finding his seat next to Baekhyun again.
Tao yawned and stretched his arms, while you put your phone on airplane mode and unplugged his earphones before handing them back.
“Do you want to take a selca?”
“A what?”
“A selca.”
“Is that your guys’ slang for ‘selfie’ in Korean?”
“I’d assume so.”
“Sure, why not.”
He lifted up his iPhone and angled it in multiple directions for the perfect lighting. Without thinking, you put your arm around him for the pose, and he seemed to tighten up out of surprise, but then he relaxed again.
“Are you ready?”
You smiled warmly as he touched the screen and a small shutter sound was given off. Revealed in the photo were two happy people, and a photobombing Luhan in the background who stuck his tongue out at the two of you. Tao turned around in his seat and playfully punched him in the arm.
“Is it okay if I post this on Instagram?”
“I don’t mind!”
He smiled and said okay, and then asked for your instagram so he could tag you. He uploaded the picture that you planned on checking later, and then put his phone in his bag.
“[y/n], are you tired at all?”
“Yeah, and a little cold to be honest.”
Your thin jacket wasn’t doing much of a great job at keeping you warm and you had decided to wear shorts that day.
“I packed my jacket and didn’t bring it with me. Would you like to borrow Kris's or D.O.’s jacket?”
“No, I don’t want to trouble them.”
“I don’t know if this would be uncomfortable for you, but I just so happen to be tired myself, and I don’t mind holding you as a friendly gesture as long as it keeps you warm.”
You looked up at Tao, who avoided eye contact right away and smiled whole heartedly.
“Won’t they taunt you later on?”
Tao laughed and shook it off like it wouldn’t matter to him either way to begin with.
“If they did, I can just remind them that it was me and not them that got to help a pretty girl out.”
You felt yourself blush slightly before pulling up the armrest that separated both of your seats and leaned forward. You looked up at Tao again just to make sure before you rested your head in his lap and silently giggled, in which he did the same. You closed your eyes, and after a while you still couldn’t fall asleep. You listened to Tao’s steady breathing, and every now and then he played with your hair. He must have thought you were asleep. You took this as an opportunity to snuggle closer to him. You could just blame your sleeping actions, anyways.
You heard Xiumin whispering to Tao behind you in a hushed Chinese. Xiumin probably didn’t know that you could speak Chinese as well.
“Is she asleep?”
“I think so.”
“She really is cute though, isn’t she?”
Tao laughed silently. “Yeah, she’s beautiful.”
“When you fall asleep, I’m taking a picture of the two of you.”
“Minseok!” Tao whined.
“Sh, go to sleep.”
Tao eventually fell asleep, and sure enough, Xiumin took a photo of you and Tao, and sent it to each member of the group.
~ ~ ~
You awoke leaning against Tao instead of laying down, and he had his arms around you as well as a jacket that he used to cover your legs, which you assumed to be Kris’s due to the size. Kris must have gotten up to cover your legs. They really were a kind group of people. You lazily rubbed your eyes and waited for them to adjust to the faint lighting. Most of the other members were just waking up, but Tao still slept heavily. You remembered in an episode of EXO Showtime (you were such a fangirl that you even watched their television show.) that Tao slept through a whole car ride and still stayed sound asleep as the members got out of the car for lunch and got back inside. Kai peeked around Tao’s seat at you and gently smiled, as if he were checking on the two of you, before turning back again.
It was strange to you, how they openly accepted you as a fan and even wanted to spend time with you. And even Tao seemed extremely comfortable with the thought of you sticking around. He was obviously comfortable enough to hold you so you stayed warm. Wasn’t he worried about his reputation of being single at the moment? Any stranger could look at the both of you right now and instantly assume you were together. But the thought of that strangely didn’t bother you, and instead it made you smile. You closed your eyes again, this time falling asleep more peacefully, safe in Tao’s arms.
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