Tao’s POV
I awoke to a sleeping girl in my arms and Yifan sitting in the seat across the row from me. Without hesitation, he spoke.
“I’m almost jealous that this girl seems to cling to you more than anyone else in the group. Do you think maybe she chose you as her bias?”
“Even if she did, I don’t mind. She’s a nice girl.”
Yifan smiled and looked over at me, before looking back at his phone. He wasn’t one to give lectures or advice unless asked, but he felt the need to say so.
“She seems like someone who’s good for you, and I don’t want you to mess that up, because I believe that she’ll get along with everyone else pretty well too. Don’t lose her.”
I closed my eyes and nodded my head out of appreciation of him caring and also out of respect. He was right. All of the members had already taken a liking to her, especially Yifan, and she clearly shows the most interest in me. I can’t mess this up.
“Thank you Yifan, and I won’t mess this up.”
He silently got up from the now unoccupied seat and gently put his hand on my shoulder before walking back to his original seat. I closed my eyes and ever so gently pet [y/n]’s hair, twirling the dark locks around my index finger. She moved closer, and I held on tighter.
There were about two more hours until we landed in our final destination, and as the members awoke they became increasingly more excited. [y/n] must have awoken from the noise, and I felt her stretch her arms.
“You both slept for like, nine hours. On this plane. How is that even possible?”
I turned around to see Luhan resting his chin upon the back of [y/n]’s seat and looking at me curiously.
“We were tired, I guess.”
“I see.”
Suddenly, [y/n] decided to speak. “Tao, when do we arrive at the airport?”
Before I could even answer her question, Baekhyun bursted up from his seat and yelled “We have approximately two hours and twelve minutes until we arrive!” and the members all smiled and clapped out of the excitement. Other passengers seemed annoyed with the presence of loud, young men. But every now and then we would catch a flash of a picture being taken out of the corner of our eyes and giggling girls coming from the very back of the plane.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” [y/n] said as she untangled her arms from my waist, “I almost forgot I was even… yeah.” She laughed as she folded Yifan's jacket and set it on her lap. “Is this Kris’s?”
I stretched my legs and nodded my head. “Do you want me to give it to him?”
“The least I could do would be to give it to him and thank him, it’s fine.”
She smiled, this time showing a perfect white array of teeth, and gracefully got up from her seat and began looking for Yifan. She made her way to him as I grabbed my phone and checked my messages. Minseok did in fact keep his word, because when I checked the group chat of messages, there was a photo of [y/n] and I sleeping with eleven messages that either said “Awww” or “I ship it.” I laughed and put my phone back into my bag.
Your POV
“Here’s your jacket, Kris.”
You smiled and held it out towards him, and he smiled and thanked you politely before taking it. Before you turned around, he gestured for you to sit beside him, and D.O. got up for you to take his seat. You thanked him and he went to go occupy Tao.
“I forgot to ask Tao what your name was.”
“It’s [y/n].” you said as you smiled again. It was hard not to smile while around all of them.
“Ah, pretty name. You can call me Yifan from now on if you’d like. I’m sure you know our stage names but in person we normally stick with our real names or nicknames. Kai is Jongin, Sehun is, well, still Sehun, Baekhyun sticks with that name as well, same goes for Chanyeol, D.O. is Kyungsoo, but we call him Dyo, Suho is Joonmyun, Luhan still goes by Luhan, Tao is Zitao but I’m certain you knew that,” he smiled and took a breath before continuing, “Chen is Jongdae, Lay is Yixing, and Xiumin is Minseok. You can call us whichever you prefer, though.”
“I’ll try to stick with your real names but that might be a hard habit to break from your stage names.”
“It’s fine.”
“Kris- I mean, Yifan,” you laughed a little before continuing, “I’m confused about something.”
He looked you in the eyes and only nodded his head, allowing you to continue.
“I don’t know, maybe it is an act of kindness, but I would just assume you all would think of me as an ordinary fan that happened to have a seat beside Tao,” you said before licking your chapped lips and continuing, “But you guys are inviting me to do things with you and go places, and honestly it seems more like a dream than reality.”
Yifan lowered his voice as if he were quieting himself for Tao to not hear. “When Tao first boarded the plane, I watched him as he stared at you, and I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable so I called him over. I noticed how he had been nervous to even speak to you. I don’t know, maybe he’s just mesmerised by how pretty you are.” Yifan smiled sincerely and you blushed a lot harder than you had meant to. He continued speaking, this time switching to English so the others didn’t catch much. “After he hugged you and you began to cry, all of the other members felt happy for you because they can’t imagine how much they’ve done for you, and they hugged you too. But we all noticed that Tao has taken an interest in you, and we want someone good for him. We think that you would treat each other well. So we decided to make you a part of our lives.”
You hadn’t realised you began to cry, but Yifan did. He wiped your tears with his thumb and hugged you. “And about earlier, what I said,” he breathed heavily as if something were troubling him. “About me knowing that you aren’t okay.. If you ever feel upset, you can talk to me about it. And if you don’t want to, talk to Zitao. Even though we’ve all just met, you’ve known us a lot longer than we have known you, but he cares about you just as well as we do.”
You nodded your head and said okay, and Yifan began speaking in Korean again. “Theres not much time before we arrive at the airport, so go ahead and speak with Zitao about what we’ll do when we get there.”
Tao’s POV
“Dyo, where are we going to eat when we get there?”
“I’ll figure that out with the rest of them in a bit.”
[y/n] made her way down the aisle, occasionally being stopped by the members and asking of her name.
“Alright, here she comes. See ya later, Tao.”
Kyungsoo made his way past [y/n] and smiled before sitting next to Yifan.
“Jongin, do you have my other bag?”
Jongin held up my book bag from a few rows back to show me and I gave him the thumbs up. [y/n] finally made it down the aisle without further more questions from the members and sat down, exhausted from the flight even though we both slept for a majority of it. I broke the silence first.
“What did Kris want?”
She paused for a minute, looking over at him before opening her mouth. “He was just telling me about Korea and the food. I’ve never been there so I’m a bit nervous.” She scratched her arm and leaned back a bit.
“You don’t have anything to worry about as long as you’re with us. And just in case, would you like our numbers?”
She reached for her phone and swiped her finger across the screen before typing in four numbers that allow her access to the phone. She selected new contacts to add and handed her phone to me.
“Thank you, Tao, for everything I guess.”
“No problem.”
I smiled brightly and began typing the names and numbers of my brothers and messaging them saying that it was Tao who had given their numbers to [y/n], and they all replied warmly.
Sehun decided along with the members to add her to the group messaging that way she didn’t miss out on anything important like locations or advice. She thanked me again as I handed her phone back to her and I nodded like it was nothing. The flight attendant announced that we were now in South Korea, and would be at the airport in an hour or so. [y/n] practically jumped in her seat as she looked out the window and admired the foreign skies that she had never laid eyes upon before.
I had only just met this girl eleven hours ago, and every time she looked at me, my heart pounded and my palms grew sweaty. I had never been affected by someone in such a way before, but already I could feel myself falling for her. She's strikingly beautiful, kind, and quite intelligent. Even the other members paid close attention when she spoke, as if her presence made everyone aware right away.
“Hey, [y/n], whats your favourite song by us?”
“Do I just have to choose one?” she said as she laughed.
“Yeah, just try.”
She rested her chin on the palm of her hand and was silent for a minute. “I don’t know, I love all of your songs. But I really Like Two Moons and Black Pearl.”
“Can you dance or sing?”
Her eyes widened and she shook her head rather quickly.
“No no no, I’m horrible at singing. I learned how to dance Minseok’s part in Mama, but thats it really.”
I grabbed my phone and ushered for Yifan and Yixing to make their way over here.
“Is there anything wrong?” Yixing said as he sat beside Yifan across from myself and [y/n].
“Nothing is wrong, but she just happens to have Two Moons as one of her favourite songs, and we’ve been meaning to rehearse it for tonight, so I felt like now would be a good time.”
Yifan rolled his eyes and smiled. “Alright, play the song, Tao hyung.”
As soon as the song began, we all focused on the beat and waited for our parts.
Kris breathed in, and calmly began. “Ni dang ran kan bu tou kong tian de miracle, zhe bu shi meng bie zai wen fang kong ni de tou. Ni de si xu hun luan nai xin, now behold, wo zen me bu xiang hou hui mo ji so qing deng hou.”
I smiled as [y/n] listened in awe.
"Sui lie le ji jing de pao xiao whoa shuai bao de feelin’. Dian li chuan tou quan shen dao whole world, let me hit it, hit it.”
[y/n] mouthed the words along with my part, and I laughed.
Chanyeol began saying the parts in the chorus and then Lay rapped his part.
"Yue liang yao sheng qi lai kuai yao kuai yao sheng qi lai. Ready set, oh my, ye kong dou liang qi lai!”
All twelve members joined in on the next part instead of just EXO-M, and I smiled again as the overly practiced words rolled off of my tongue.
"Jin wan yao duo le ge duo le ge yue liang duo le ge duo le, jin wan yao duo le ge duo duo duo duo le ge duo le ge yue. Two moons, two moons, two moon two moon two moons.”
I paused the music and applauded for my brothers as they all applauded back. I looked over at [y/n], who was completely astounded. Her mouth was agape and she looked as if she were about to cry again. But instead she hugged me, and I hugged her back. Even the flight attendant clapped her hands, and a few passengers in the back of the plane who probably recognised us.
[y/n] still had her arms wrapped around me in a tight hug, and the next line she whispered in my ear sent shivers that went up and down my back.
“I’m so happy I met you today.”
“I’m happy that I met you, too.” I whispered back.
~ ~ ~
“We’re here!” Luhan said excitedly as we awaited our luggage.
“[y/n], how do you feel for being in Korea for your first time?” Yifan said in an upbeat tune.
“I feel great! I can’t wait until you guys show me around.”
“After the concert, we’ll all go eat out in celebration and go shopping. Fair enough?” Chanyeol said as he grabbed a wide black suitcase off of the conveyor belt.
“I’d be happy to tag along, it’s just that I don’t have much money at the moment since I’m moving here.”
[y/n] looked a little upset, and we all looked at each other and laughed.
“What?” she said, sounding flustered.
“You actually sounded like you were talking to a couple of commoners! [y/n], we would be more than willing to pay for you.” Kyungsoo smiled and patted her on the back.
“How would I ever pay you back though?”
“You don’t have to,” I said, butting into the conversation. “Your company is all we need.”
They all nodded in agreement as we grabbed the last of our luggage. Security tried to push [y/n] away from us, but she wasn’t too entirely confused since we had told her to expect it.
“She’s with us, its alright.” I said as I grabbed her arm gently and continued walking.
Without realisation, I hadn’t let go of her arm and she didn’t try to stop me, so I merely acted as if it were nothing. Yifan glanced over at us and smirked before whispering “This hyung is feeling a little brave today.” to Joonmyun, who laughed and patted me on the back.
“Where are we going now?”
[y/n] had been pretty quiet ever since we got off of the plane, so when she spoke, we were all slightly surprised.
Yixing made his way through the group to get closer to [y/n] and I. “Well, after we get in the car, we’ve decided to go to a small Korean restaurant not too far from our dorm. Is that okay with you?”
“That’s perfect.” she said as she smiled. Yixing smiled in return and continued walking forward and onto the escalators. If it wasn’t for security, we would have been bombarded by multiple fans. A few girls tried to reach over and snatch some of our belongings, causing us to squeeze together. People were taking pictures, and surely a few photos would show my arms linked with a girl unseen by the fans before.
Maybe this would make the message clear, that I wanted her to be mine.
And mine, only.
~ ~ ~
I held in my laughter as I watched [y/n] struggle to use her chopsticks correctly. Yixing held his hand over his mouth to hide his snorting and Sehun’s eyes crinkled as he silently laughed so she didn’t hear.
“What?” she said, puffing out her cheeks as she pouted.
“D-do you need some help?”
I reached out my right hand to grab the chopsticks, and in my left I had her hand. I positioned them correctly between her relaxed fingers, and then grabbed mine to hold as an example.
“Okay, trying picking up some of your food now.”
“Ah, ah!~ You almost got it!” Jongdae said, clapping his hands with everyone at the table. Just as she held the small setting of rice inches from her face, it fell back into the small bowl it had originally sat in.
“Can I just use a fork?” she whined.
We all laughed as I fetched the waitress for some silverware. It was interesting to have someone new around. Since she was so new to our country, it was practically like teaching a child about their surroundings and mannerisms. But it was quite cute, how easily flustered and frustrated she became when she didn’t get something right the first time. Dinner will be a lot more interesting until she becomes acquainted.
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