Chapter 8 - Crash

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The next few days after the sports festival were quite uneventful. The students had gone to work at internships, so the teachers didn't have that much to do. Evelyn sighed as she pulled out her keys, carefully unlocking her apartment door.

She sighed as she stepped into the tiny home. It was nice, decorated with white and gold accents. There was a small pot hanging from the ceiling with vines cascading down. The kitchen had a floor to ceiling window, giving a lovely view of the city. Evelyn trudged to her room and set her staff and rapier on her desk.

Her room was simple as well. Her bed was pushed against another floor to ceiling window, golden sunlight filtering through it. Above it, was a set of three rapiers, varying in color. Her main one was a golden color, but the ones on the wall were rose gold, teal, and black. Evelyn flopped down on her bed, relaxing into the soft comforter.

Her eyes fluttered close as she let sleep take her.


Evelyn woke, disoriented, and fuzzy. She wiped at her eyes, trying to clear her vision. She was still in her hero uniform. She swung her legs off her bed, moving over to the kitchen, yawning as she sat at the counter. She glanced over at the window, the dark cityscape filling her view. It had started raining. 

There was a small flash. Evelyn ducked as the window shattered. The bullet whizzed by over her head, as she fell behind her counter. There was a whirring sound, and she could hear the pounding of feet outside her door.

Evelyn grimaced, taking in her surroundings. Sniper atop the building and she can't head out the door. Her sword, staff, and phone were in the bedroom. There was a clattering sound. Evelyn peeked up to see a grenade.

She groaned as it went off, filling the room with smoke. Someone climbed in through her broken window, charging at the blinded woman. Evelyn was smacked with a fist.

She winced, barely dodging another fist. She coughed, trying to peer through the smoke. I can't see. They probably have a heat sensor quirk or something. Evelyn ducked another fist but a harsh kick was pushed into her ribs, sending her flying.

Evelyn stood, sprinting over to the counter and grabbed a knife out of the drawer. She spun it skillfully, scanning through the smoke. It had begun to fade and she could see a silhouette now. There was a pounding at her door, someone trying to break it down.

Gotta go fast. She smirked at the reference, before lunging at the person. They could see where she was, but Evelyn had the upper hand with her weapon. She jabbed it into their shoulder, kicking them in the side, hard enough to crack a rib. The person dropped and Evelyn sprinted for her room, but not before someone else climbed through the window.

The person lunged. Through the smoke, Evelyn could make out the simple blade quirk. She threw a punch only for a blade to appear, stabbing into her wrist. Evelyn hissed in pain and backed up. She let off a small burst of bright gold light, temporarily blinding her opponent, before sweeping the person off his feet. She placed another kick to his head, knocking him out.

The door broke down, filling the room with more people. Evelyn dodged as a vine reached out to her, grasping onto one of the stools by the counter and chucking it at the congregated group of people. Two dodged while the other three were knocked down. The vines from her hanging plant lunged at her. She gasped, barely dodged the first, the second one grasping onto her injured wrist and tugging. She sucked in a quick breath before yanking it off, tugging it down and tossing it out the window.

She peered at the two people who were still standing. One has a plant controlling quirk. The other, I still don't know. Evelyn let off another blinding light before landing at the two. She placed a swift kick to the first one's head. The second person charged at her, placing a quick jab into her already bruising ribs. She groaned, stumbling to the side.

"Like it?" She peered angrily at her opponent. The fuck you say?! "My bones are made of metal, so my knuckles pack a harder punch."

Evelyn's eyes narrowed. It'll be too hard to get a decent hit in since it'll hurt me more than him. She charged towards him sliding under his legs at the last second. She kicked up, grasping onto the man's waist. She pulled her legs up, wrapping them around his neck before twisting and smashing his skull into the ground. Evelyn stood shakily, before sprinting to her bedroom. She turned and locked the door, before grabbing onto her rapier. She strapped her staff onto her belt and slipped her phone into a small pocket.

The door blew off its hinges with a large explosion. Evelyn was thrown back, crashing through the window, and smacked against the brick building next door. She tumbled through the air, before gaining her senses and unfurling her wings. She flew up to find five figures standing in her bedroom, covered in black clothing and wearing masks. 

She held out her hand, giving off a blinding light. Evelyn quickly took off. She landed on a building a few blocks away, taking off running. It had begun pouring. She tapped a small button on her suit, and her clothes faded into black. The camouflage was a small perk she asked for after an unfortunate recon mission. Rain pattered down, masking her light footsteps. At this point, she was drenched. 

Her back hurt like hell from the window. Evelyn frowned. She couldn't fly, it'd be too easy to spot her. She scaled down the side of a building into an empty alleyway, panting heavily. Her ribs ached as she pulled out her phone, tapping through her contacts, before pressing call. 


"I need a place to crash." She let out a breath, scanning the alley for any immediate dangers. 

"What? What happened? Are you okay?" Aizawa's concerned voice filtered through the air.

"Send me an address. I'll tell you when I get there."

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