AU: Rainbow Crossing
Context: In this AU, Sabre is allergic to venomous bugs. So contrary to the game, he is not the one to take care of the scorpions and tarantulas that occasionally pop up around the island.
Warning: Big spider
[Sabre's POV]
"Did you see how many stars that was?! It was awesome!"
"Yeah, I counted eleven! How many did you see?"
Orange and I are excitedly walking back to our houses after watching shooting stars. The night air is cool and quiet, crickets chirping somewhere. Streetlamps and other light sources light up the island, making a serene scene. I see moths gathering at some of them.
We're passing through the main area of the Orange Sector, some of the other Orange Steves waving at me sometimes. Orange introduced me to them, I'm trying to remember their names... Funny, Happy, Shy, Loud, Fisher... was that one Farmer- wait no, Farmer is always wearing a straw hat. That one's Gardener.
We're about to leave the plaza when I suddenly stop, Orange quickly doing the same.
Right there in the middle of the plaza is a huge tarantula. Everyone's staring at it, being careful not to make too much movement. The Orange Leader is sitting on the steps of the sector hall with Shy, both keeping an eye on it. A few other Orange Steves are gathered at random spots around the plaza in groups. Miner is very slowly pulling out a shovel, but then the tarantula turns to him and he freezes.
I just stand there, starting to shake. I don't want it to rush at me. I don't want to get bit. I don't wanna go back to the hospital.
"Sabre." Orange whispers to me, being careful not to move too much. "Do you still have that bug net Happy gave you?"
"Yeah, b-but I'm allergic to insect venom." I whisper back. "If I try to catch it and miss-"
"Oh. Oh no."
While the tarantula is still focused on Miner, I notice Orange and some of the others that were standing near us slowly move to block the tarantula's path to me. They must have overheard.
After a few minutes of everyone just standing there, Beekeeper walks into the plaza, carrying his own bug net. He also stops as soon as he sees the giant spider, but instead of freezing in place, he lifts his net and starts taking very small steps towards it.
After a few steps the tarantula notices him getting closer, and it shifts its focus to Beekeeper. Beekeeper stops moving as its raises its front two legs. As soon as it lowers them though, he moves closer again. He repeats this until he's within arm's length of the thing.
He raises his net higher, and swings it downwards-
"I got it!"
Everyone in the plaza collectively breathes a sigh of relief, and claps as Beekeeper scoops the net and its contents back up and quickly twists the mesh part of the net so the tarantula can't get out.
"Thanks, Beekeeper." The Orange Leader says from the stairs. "That thing just popped out of the bushes and we didn't know what to do."
"No problem Leader! I'm just glad I got here before it bit anyone." Beekeeper smiles back. He pulls out a small, plastic terrarium and puts the tarantula inside, closing the lid as soon as it's out of the net. "I'm gonna give this to my friend Entomologist Red Steve, he loves bugs and hasn't gotten a tarantula to study yet."
"Sounds like a plan. Just keep it far away from me." Orange chuckles next to me.
"You got here just in time, I nearly went and flattened the menace." Miner says as Beekeeper walks by him. Beekeeper laughs.
Soon enough, everyone goes back to what they were doing. Orange and I leave the plaza and keep taking the path back to our houses.
"That was close." Orange says. "Glad Beekeeper showed up to take care of it."
"Yeah. I wonder how long we all would've been there if he hadn't." I reply, smiling a little.
"Pft- Maybe Miner would have actually tried to get it with a shovel."
"It would have been entertaining, at least."
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