AU: Tales from the Snowfields
Context: Sabre can actually fight the Darkness pretty effectively, despite being smaller than almost everything.
[Orange Steve's POV]
"Sabre!" I shout into the blizzard, running. Where the heck did he go?!
We were just gathering resources and of course some Darkness had to show up. The next thing I know Sabre's disappeared into the snow while I was trying to get to him, and there's still Darkness husks following me. And these ones are faster than the one he ran into.
I shout Sabre's name again, quickly changing my course when an icy figure jumps out of a snowbank at me.
But as I run to keep looking for him, I hear something break behind me.
When I turn around, the Darkness that was just chasing me is gone. As I stop, I hear more shattering around me, coming from areas I can't see because of the falling snow. I quickly look around, trying to figure out what's going on.
Suddenly a Darkness rushes at me out of the blizzard, scrambling to attack. I shout and grab my axe-
But the creature falls apart into chunks of ice before it gets too close.
And standing there, pulling an ice pick out of what's left of the thing's back, is Sabre. He just looks up and smiles at me.
"Hi." He greets. "Turns out it's not that hard to climb up these things' legs. They don't even notice I'm there."
I just stare at him in silence for a moment. He's a third of these things' size- How did he do that.
"Let's just... Let's just go home."
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