20 Yellow

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"Alright, bye." Carter says one last time before closing the door of our apartment. He runs a hand through his hair as he walks back to where the rest of us are sitting. Damon and his friends finally left, after what feels like seven hours when it's only been two.

I haven't been out today at all and it feels so unnatural to me. I laid in bed until noon which is when Sarah woke me up to eat pizza. After that I organized the trip and then the boys came, starting a gossip party. If you thought girls were bad, try listening to them. They apparently know a lot of people, so they had a lot to say about them.

"Is there anywhere I can rent a bike here?" I ask no one in particular. I'm playing with the Rubik's cube that I tried solving earlier. I can barely figure out how to move each row, let alone create a full colour.

"Kat, you'll break it." Luke eyes me from the side, his eyes following my every move on his precious cube.

"I won't! I'm just twisting it." I try, but he shakes his head. I pull a row, trying to move it towards me but it gets stuck in place.

"Yeah, in the wrong directions." He mutters before leaning over to snatch it from my hands. I pout but he doesn't budge, focusing his attention on the colors.

"You can take the bikes of the house. They are in the basement, unless they are all taken." Carter answers my previously asked question. I look away from Luke and his cube and over to the boy standing in the middle of the room.

"And I can just take one? I don't have to pay?" I wonder.

"No, but you have to return it until midnight." He says and looks at his watch.

"Awesome." I smile brightly, already getting up.

"Where did this idea come from? You were never a fan of riding bikes." Hailey mentions, probably remembering all of my whining when she would force me to sit on one. It's not that I don't like cycling, I just easily get tired.

"I'm bored." I shrug and go into my room, grabbing my sneakers.

"And you'll go alone?" She asks as I walk out and fix my ponytail. I have my shorts on and a casual shirt on, so I shouldn't change. It's not like I'm gonna ride like a professional. I sit on the floor and start tying my shoelaces.

"I'll go too."

Wes stands from the sofa and takes his phone with him. Oh, no, he isn't. He wants to jump on my nerves and I won't allow it. I need some relaxing time and he's only going to ruin that.

"No, you won't." I spat.

"Did I ask you?" He raises an eyebrow and moves over to where our shoes are lined up.

"No, no way. Not happening, buddy." I shake my head and stand up from the floor.

"I don't think you can stop me." The annoying boy mutters and I growl, literally. He's trying to piss me off because I went against him.

"Calm down, you two." Jessica tells us but we don't pay her any mind.

"Wes actually needs to go." I hear Mel say and spin to face him. "He has to stop by the store to buy some things for our place."

I glare at him so hard, trying to prove something or make him take that back but he smiles dumbly and winks at me. I have a feeling I'll be hearing more from him regarding Wes and I.

"I won't be a gentleman for long, Katherine." Wes speaks from behind me and when I turn around I see that he's holding the door open. I glare at him as well as I pass him, stomping out of there like a little child. I notice his smirk as I walk by him and roll my eyes at that.

I walk down the hall into the elevator and lean on the metal wall, crossing my hands over my chest. Wes enters inside without a care, letting out a short breathy laugh when he sees my posture. He presses the button and silence comes over us as we wait for the elevator to go down. I can see he's amused by me, which irritates me even more.

As the doors open, I walk out first and head to the left side, but Wes's fingers curl around my wrist, stopping me in my tracks and turning me around.

"This way." He gently pushes my back and I roll my eyes once again before walking ahead of him. I follow the stairs and walk down them.

"First door on the right." Wes informs me and I push the door open, revealing a dark room filled with different sorts of bicycles. I hear the sound of the switch as light fills the small room.

My eyes dance around the different colors and sizes and I spot a yellow one which reminds me of the one I have at home. It doesn't have a basket like mine, but it still looks nice. I walk over to it and grab the handles, taking it out with all my strength.

I check its tires and smile when I find that they're full. I look at Wes, who is holding a black sporty bicycle next to him and he nods at me to follow him. I grumpily go after him, tagging my bike along.

We exit the house and I take in the fresh air around me. It's still daytime and birds are chirping on the trees that surround the white house. The sound of water splashing is heard, being so loud I'm able to hear it from in front of the house. I love summer with all my heart. But I do sometimes wish it would be less warm, since I have a feeling I'll be sweating like crazy during this ride.

"Are you gonna stand there like an idiot or?" Wes's voice brings me back from my thoughts and I narrow my eyes at him. He's already on the bike, casually fumbling with the speedometer.

"I hope you break that so I can leave you stranded." I murmur, slowly sitting on the seat of my bike. He smirks and staightens up. I must admit, he looks really good in all black, his shirt, shorts and his running shoes.

"You would be lost without me." He says.

"Yeah, lost in heaven." I spat and he scoffs quietly, his smirk never leaving his face. His eyes travel to the lower part of my body before returning back to my face.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Wherever you won't be."

"Katherine." He says and chuckles lightly. He leans both of his elbows on the steering wheel. "Stop acting like a kid."

"Then stop pissing me off." I remark.

"Well, that's what you get for saying no to me." He shrugs and I groan. He has decided to ruin my entire afternoon because of that one little answer. I would regret it, but his face expression pleased me in that moment.

"Come on. I'll lead." He says, placing his feet on the pedals. He starts to drive and I hurry to follow behind. He probably knows this area well, while I'd have to pay too much attention to my surroundings in order not to get lost.

The soft wind hits my face, making my hair flow behind. The sound of the tires moving over the small stones brings me joy and I can't help but smile. The house is surrounded by a small forest, although I wouldn't call it that way. It's more of a field, a grassland with more trees than usual. You can still see the land in the distance, which is creating a beautiful view for me. The sun is illuminating the flowers that we pass, like a garden filled with wonderful decorations. I love nature, and as much as I'm ready to sleep in my bed all day, being outside is more refreshing than anything else.

I remember when I used to walk around my mother's hometown fields with her holding my hand. We would pretend to explore it. Well, I would explore and she would only pretend. I would see benches and get excited because my mom would tell me nobody ever found a bench around here, in the fields that we walked through. She loved flowers, and she taught me so much about so many species. She used to sing to me as we laid on the grass in the middle of nowhere, a place only the two of us knew. We went there even when as I was growing up, our sing alongs turning into story times, chats about friends and boys and eventually, grown women talks. Although I love my father incredibly much, my mom is my ultimate best friend.

Losing her was my ultimate fear. And that fear became reality.

"Hey, hey, hey!" I hear Wes's distinguished voice before I snap into reality, realising he stopped to a halt and I'm practically speeding straight into him. I panic and press the brakes, my tires screeching against the dirt road. I manage to stop right in front of Wes's bike and notice his hands are gripping my own steering wheel, his blue eyes focused on mine, an expression of panic evident on his face.

I roll my eyes at him but when my eyelid closes I feel the water form in my eye, a small tear slowly falling down my cheek, leaving a salty taste in my mouth.

As soon as I realise this, I scramble to get off the bike, wanting to move away from there. But as my feet hit the ground and I go to walk a little further, Wes's hands grip my waist harder than usually. He turns me around and ever so carefully brings me closer to him, into his embrace. He doesn't ask anything so I say nothing, my arms going behind his back. He must've noticed, but I don't want to question it. Tears tumble down my skin, the only sound audible are my quiet sobs. His fingers stroke the ends of my hair and I tighten my grip around him.

After a couple minutes I manage to calm down my breathing and I slowly push away from him. He hesitates but releases eventually, his eyes instantly finding mine. I must look like hell, my eyes swollen from crying, so I bring my hand up to dab on my closed eyes.

"You wanna talk about it?" His voice sounds restrained, probably because he is unsure of what to say.

"I, uh, I don't know." I answer honestly, staring into the distance.

"Okay." He says.

"Come on, let's walk." He suggests, taking my hand in his. It feels awkwardly calm to rest my own hand in his as we take a small path down the dirt road. It doesn't lead anywhere particular but seems long enough.

"You know what she once told me?" Wes starts and I feel my breath stop in my throat. I could've assumed he knew the reason for my outburst, but it's so strange for him to know me so well. "She said: 'It's such a funny story, the two of you. You've known each other since you were little and never got along. But I can bet you that one day you'll have different views on each other. Even if you keep breaking each other's bones at the moment.'"

I smile at my mother's optimistic views on life.

"When was this?" I ask, continuing the conversation.

"When you broke your arm." He says and looks at me with a smirk. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was in the school cafeteria grabbing a muffin when Wes came and stole it from me, making me chase him around the cafeteria. I didn't notice that someone spilled their drink on the floor so I slipped and broke my arm. It is the stupidest way to break a bone which is why I was so angry at him.

"So she wasn't mad? Way to go, mom." I chuckle. By that time, she was already used to being called either for Wes doing something to me or me doing something to him.

"I actually think she was praising me." He says and I scoff loudly. Only he would think that.

"Sure she was."

Wes stops walking and so do I. He looks at his feet before looking to where our bicycles are still visible.

"We shouldn't go far." He says and I nod.

"Will someone steal them?" I ask, referring to our bikes. I haven't seen anyone on the road but that doesn't mean someone can walk by.

"Nah, there's basically nothing around here except the house and that store." He looks around the beautiful green field, pushing his hands in his pockets. Honestly, this place looks like it's been taken out of a movie.

"What's that?" I point to a dark grey building in the distance. It seems tall, looking at it from my point. Wes follows my finger and squints a little bit.

"Oh." He figures it out. "A castle. But it's desserted. We went there once and it was pretty fucking scary."

"What's in there?"

"Nothing. But all the rooms are dark and dirty. We haven't really explored it because the girls shit themselves."

"The girls did?" I smirk, looking up at him.

"The girls did?" He mocks me and I giggle. Out of all his jokes and comments that is the funniest to me. He smiles at me when I let out the sound.

"Do you wanna go there?" He asks and I raise my eyebrows.


"Babe, you need at least fifteen minutes with a car. Are you sure you wanna cycle there?" He raises his own eyebrows.

"I can do anything so if I wanna go there on a bike, I will." I say, standing my ground. I'm not really meaning it, I would probably stop after two minutes. He smirks at me, clearly seeing through my bullshit.

"Then let's go." He takes my hand and this time I'm the one to stop him and turn him around.

"Well, uhm, not today. I'm not wearing a good outfit." I lie. His eyes fall to the bottom of my shoes and he slowly drags them up, a mischievous look on his face.

"True." He shrugs and my mouth falls open, receiving a chuckle from him.

"I look fine, excuse me." I protest even though a second ago I was saying something else. Us women, really works of art.

"That's enough sunlight for you today. It's getting to your head." He ruffles my hair and I groan.

We walk back to where we left our rides and I sit on the yellow bicycle, once again watching the view as I drive through the trees.

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