A few months have passed by this year, as things were sort of normal, yet strange. We all continued with our usual classes everyday, as Malfoy and I have our usual daily arguments. I haven't seen Adrian ever since I bumped into him near the hospital wing, as there has been several tests that had to be completed.
"Malfoy, what're you doing?" Flint whispers as we walk in the snow.
"Shh! I want to check something" He mutters.
I sigh as we all follow Malfoy past a few trees, when we were behind Hermione and Ron. "Malfoy, what're you-"
"Well, well, look who's here," Malfoy calls out as he walks towards them. I groan as Alexa, Pansy and Bella follow the boys, "You two shopping for your new dream home?" He asks. Can he be anymore stupid?
"Bit grand for you, isn't it Weasel Bee? Don't your family sleep in one room?" He says as he gets closer to them. I roll my eyes as I meet eyes with Hermione, when I give her a small smile.
"Shut you mouth, Malfoy" Ron mumbles.
"Oo, not very friendly.. Guys, I think we need to teach Weasel Bee, how to respect a superior" Draco says. Blaise, Flint and Pansy chuckle a little, as Bella, Alexa and I stay quiet.
"I hope you don't mean yourself!" Hermione says.
"How dare you talk to me, you filthy little mudblood!" Draco mutters before a snowball hits his arm. We all turn our heads to the right immediately, "Who's there?" Draco calls out.
We all stare at the right for a while, before another snowball came flying towards us. It hits Draco, before another one hits him again. "Don't stand there, do something!" Draco yells to Flint.
Draco, Blaise and Flint, we're on the ground, as they were shrieking. I couldn't help but laugh once Draco got pulled downwards, by his legs. It wasn't long till they finally managed to get up, as Draco pushes Blaise, "Get out of the way!" He yells as he runs away.
"Malfoy!" Blaise yells as he chases after him with Flint. Pansy follows them, as Bella, Alexa and I decided to follow them. "Oh my god, that was the best thing I've seen a month!" Alexa says. We all laugh as we follow their footprints, which were shown on the snow.
We reach them, as they stand in a small circle. "The fuck was that?!" Draco yells. They all shrug, "They deserved to be punished for whoever did that.." Flint mumbles.
Draco nods before he looks at me as I was smiling, "You think this is funny, do you?!"
I nod, "And if I did, what're you going to do about it?" I smirk.
He glares at me, "You little shit, your friends with that mudblood! You knew that would happen-"
"I never knew that would happen, and for your information, I have never even spoke to Hermione!" I yell.
He scoffs, "Whatever, I'm heading back" He mumbles.
"I'll come!" Pansy says before she follows him. We decided to follow them, till we reached Hogwarts again.
I entered the main entrance, when I bumped into someone, why am I always bumping into people, I thought.
"I'm so sorry-" I blurt out before I look up, when I realised it was Adrian.
I raise my eyebrows, "Adrian-" He chuckles a little, "We need to stop meeting like this.." He mumbles.
I laugh, "I'm so sorry.." I look to the side, when I realised Bella and Alexa were looking at me as they were smirking. I chuckle as I look back at him, "Uhh.. I wanted to ask you something.." He says.
I smile, "Uhh.. sure.." I say.
He sighs, "Do you want to hangout sometime? I know we barely know each other and all but we could go to the library or-" He begins.
I nod slowly as my smile grows, "Yeah, sure.. how about tomorrow after classes?" I ask.
He nods back, "Yeah, of course. Sorry, I should've not asked like that.. I was sort of looking for you all day to ask you-"
I widen my eyes, "Oh my god, you shouldn't have.." I mumble.
He smiles, "It's alright, at least I found you, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" He ask.
"Yeah sure.." I smile.
He smiles back, "Alright, cya!" He says before he rushes out the door as he follows his friends. I look back at Alexa and Bella as they're heads were touching as they were still looking at me, "Awww!" They both say.
I roll my eyes as I smirk, "Oh shut up.."
"Mila! You got yourself a date!" Alexa says.
I widen my eyes, "I do not! We're just hanging out.. not going on a date!" I say.
Bella smirks, "It's definitely a date"
"In the library?!" I mutter.
"Well, you guys could study together you know? It will be cute!" She says. I sigh as I begin to walk down the halls, towards the common room.
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