chapter eleven

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After the Quidditch game, I immediately rushed over to the hospital wing. I was the only person from Slytherin there, as everyone was in Gryffindor once I entered the room. Everyone's heads turn as I walk towards them, as they smile. Harry sits up a little, "Mila.." Harry mumbles.

I smile softly as I come closer towards them. Some of the Gryffindors began to leave, "Heard a lot about you" I hear someone speak behind me. I turn around, when I was looking directly at the Weasley twins. I raise my eyebrows as I smile, "What exactly have you heard about me?"

"About you and Malfoy of course!" One of the twins say.

I chuckle, "There's nothing going on between Malfoy and I.." I mumble.

"Oh, we know that.. it's how you piss him off, that's the amazing part.."

I nod slowly, "Malfoy gets what he deserves at times"

They both laugh, "We have also heard some stuff about you from our famous Gryffindor," One of the twins point towards at Harry.

"George.." I hear Harry behind us say.

I chuckle again, "Right, I'm guessing your Fred.." I look at the twin on the left, "And your George?" I look at the person next to him.

"Hey, she already knows us apart!" Fred says to George, "Harry, you were right! She is different!" Fred says to Harry.

"Shut up.." I hear Harry mumble again behind us.

I laugh, "Right, well we must be off," George says, "Get better Harry!" He looks at Harry before the twins both leave. I smile as I walk towards Harry's cot, "You look.. terrible.." We both laugh.

He groans, "How bad was it? My fall?" He asks.

I sigh, "Bad enough to scare me, that's for sure.." I take a seat near the cot, "What exactly happened up there?" I ask. He looks down at his palms, "I saw some Dementors.. and then I just blacked out I guess.. but apparently I caught the snitch"

I chuckle, "At least you guys won, that's a positive thing.."

He nods, "How'd the Slytherin team take it?"

I inhale, "Flint and Malfoy are pretty pissed and disappointed.. but they deserve it"

He laughs, "Your talking negative of your own house? That's a first.."

I smirk, "I guess there's good and bad in everyone"

"And for Malfoy?" He asks. I look down at my palms, "He's no where near being a good person, but maybe deep down, there may be part in him that no one has ever seen before, the good side of him"

He nods, "Maybe your right, but maybe deep down there's nothing positive in him besides stubbornness and just impertinent behaviour"

I chuckle slightly, "You never know.."

"Are you saying you doubt me?" He asks me.

I stare at him, "No-"

"I mean, his father is a deatheater, maybe he will just turn out to be like him one day-"


"I'm not wrong, am I?" He asks.

"Harry, he's just-"

"Who knows, he might even be a deatheater as well at this very moment-"

I stand out of my seat, "Harry, yes Malfoy may be the rudest person in this whole school for instance, and yes his father may be a deatheater for You-Know-Who, but you can't judge people like that, it's not fair on them. I know the Malfoy's, I've met them and honestly in my opinion, their sort of nice-"

"Mila, your just saying that because their brainwashing you-"

"What?!" I cry out.


"No! I'm not finished talking! You think they're trying to brainwash me?! Are you serious?! Your probably just saying that because you've never met them before!"

"I have met them, besides Narcissa Malfoy, and if Lucius Malfoy and Draco Malfoy are rude and cruel, why wouldn't Narcissa Malfoy?!" He yells.

"Why are you talking as if your my father?! You can't control my life!" I yell back.

"Milaa, I'm just trying to protect you, and your the one who's talking as if your trying to protect Malfoy as if you two were dating!"

"What?!" I cry out again.

"It's true! Look at the way your talking to me-"

"I will never ever date Malfoy, how many times do I have to say that?! The fact that you think-" I couldn't take it anymore, I stopped myself on purpose, "You know what? Come back and talk to me when your not being rude to people behind their back-"

"Excuse me Mila? You're the one who talks shit about Malfoy to me as well!"

"Yeah, I may talk shit about him, but the fact that you thought the Malfoy's are actually trying to brainwash me? Really Harry? Could you think anymore stupidly?" I yell as I pace out of the hospital wing.

I exit the doors, when I bumped into someone as I was turning to my right. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry-" I looked up, when I realised it was Adrian Pucey.

He raises his eyebrows as he smirks, "You're alright". He was still in his Slytherin Quidditch uniform, as his hair was wet from playing in the rain.

"I'm Adrian Pucey.." He sticks out his hand. I smile, "I know.. wait, sorry no, that sounds creepy," He laughs a little as I shake his hand, "I'm Mila Blackwood.." I mumble.

He smiles, "Why exactly were you in the hospital wing?" He asks.

"Oh, I was seeing.. Harry.. after his fall.." I mumble.

He nods slowly, "Are you guys a thing or something?" He asks.

I widen my eyes, "Oh, god no.. we're just friends.."

He smiles, "That's alright, I was just heading towards the hospital wing because I got a headache after the match.." He says.

I nod, "Right.. well, I guess I'll let you get checked.."

"Alright, cool. I guess I'll see you around.."

I smile, "I guess so" I say before I walk away from him as he enters the hospital wing. What the fuck was all of that?

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