chapter 6

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(Alrighty so change in posting schedule: I will definitely have a new chapter every four days instead of trying to do every other day)

Jenna left the room, but they could both hear her screaming from behind the closed doors.

After that pretty strange talk with Jenna, he was internally freaking out. But since Jeremy was right there he couldn't screech about it to anyone so he opted to read the book his Mom brought him so he wouldn't get bored since his iPhone somehow got ruined by being around the smoke.(team android fight me)

"Watcha reading there Mikey boy" Jeremy asked, putting his own book down and leaning over to look at the cover.
"It's called Cinder" he said without looking up.
"So like Cinderella?" Jeremy questioned.(SPOILER ALERT)
"If Cinderella was a cyborg in the future and her aunt was a power hungry lunar queen who could control people's minds and tried to kill her and her sister's daughter when she was three, now Cinderella was a wanted fugitive by the whole world who now have a plague that was created by the people on the moon(Okay spoiling is done now), then yes, yes it is." Michael said to an overwhelmed looking Jeremy,"well anyway, how are you doing with the whole umm "Your crush is a lesbian" shit?" Michael said, changing the topic."I told you, I don't like her anymore!"Jeremy said with a very red face. "Buuuuuuullshit whatever happened to,"Michael fluttered his eyelashes and looked up with a dreamily" Christiiiiiiiiine" he sang.

Oh wow he sounds amazing, how have I not heard him sing before? Jeremy thought to himself. Wait wasn't that the reason I started liking Christine in the first place? She started singing in the middle of drama class on the first day of school, right before she kicked a hole in the ceiling with her weird ass choreography?

Shit shit shit shit SHIT he internally screamed, his face turning even more red while he was spaced out in his own mind. How could I like him? He's been my friend for the last ten years, since kindergarten, how could I like him now? He's been sitting five feet away from me for the last week, how am I supposed to handle the situation? Oh god what if he doesn't like me back?

"Jeremy? Are you okay?"
"Huh? Oh um...yeah yup I'm fine" he awkwardly responded.
"What?" Michael raised one of his eyebrows, looking at his friend suggestively "Did my amazing voice send you into a spiral of gay thoughts?" Michael said sarcastically. Oh if only he knew. "Nooo of course not! What would make you think that?"

"Oh Jeremy, a lot of things." Michael mumbled under his breath, looking back at his book and chuckling. Like what had started happening a lot during the week, a doctor came in to check on them again. After going through all the procedures, he told Michael that he would be able to be discharged the next day.

When she left, he turned to Jeremy "aww now you won't be able to talk to me all day anymore jer-bear". Jeremy seemed unfazed by the new nickname and replied" well you can still come to see me after school everyday right?"
"Well I never thought about that, but of course I'll visit you everyday. But I'm not bringing Jenna with, she's just kind of annoying"

(Yeah I know I said this chapter would be better than thew last one but it's not by very much I'm so sorry after this point it'll get better I promise this was more of just the beginning of the story it's going to be a lot longer IM SO SORRY GUYS)

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