Chapter 5

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(Sorry if this is really late, I've been kinda busy and had some writers block. Also I didn't know what to do for this chapter I promise the next one will be better)

Michael, about a week later
Neither of them had anything to do since their thumbs didn't work well and couldn't do school work, they talked a lot more than they already had before the fire. But Jeremy slept a lot and Michael couldn't sleep at all because he wasn't very good at sleeping in different places. That's why they only had awkward sleepovers at his house. So he stared at Jeremy. He didn't even realize he stared at him as much as he did but if you looked at the security camera, he stared at Jeremy for approximately an hour each day.

"You're the one who caused him to be like this" Michael tried to tune out those thoughts, but as soon as he saw Jeremy at anytime, they always came rushing back,"if you paid attention to where you were stepping, you would both be fine. If you hadn't gone to the bathroom for so long, you both would've made it out fine and Jeremy wouldn't be so damaged." Because no matter what caused the fire, Michael blamed himself for everything that happened to Jeremy.

He started crying softly about it in the hospital bed, trying to be quiet. But he somehow woke up Jeremy from being slightly too loud.

He woke up from the dreamless sleep to see Michael sobbing his eyes out and probably didn't know he had woken up Jeremy from how openly he was crying. But as he was crying Jeremy could tell he was whispering things to himself. "It was your fault" he heard him say under his breath.

Jeremy sat upright, getting Michaels attention, who tried to wipe the tears off his face and look like nothing happened. "Dude, don't blame yourself for all this, it wasn't anyone's fault. A fire started on accident and I had been in a room by myself and you cared about me enough to go back into a burning house to help me. If anything, it was my fault this happened." Jeremy cared too much about his best friend to let him beat himself up about this mess and it hurt his heart to even think about the fact his friend would ever think this was his own fault.

Michael wiped his eyes, trying to keep in mind what Jeremy said, and trusting his was right. "Of course he's right, he's your best friend!" Michael thought "well it would be better if he was more than that"ah yes, gay thoughts here to ruin the sappy moment again. Michael decided to at least pretend he believed(it auto corrected to beloved wth) Jeremy and tried to change the subject to something else when Jenna burst into the room for her usual gossip visit.

" HI GUYS" Jenna said as she walked into the room, precious phone in her hand texting non stop,"wait what happened why do you look like you were crying Michael?"she looked concerned for a second as she sat down in the chair in between the two beds then kept talking,"So there's a betting pool going on for Rich and Jake, theres $150 so far for it being Jake will confess to Rich in a week and then they're dating, what do you two think?" Jeremy looked concerned and started stuttering"w-well I don't think we s-should be-""Four days and Rich confesses for ten dollars"Michael interrupted his best friend. Jenna wrote it down in the notes of her phone"aaaaalirghty, now for the next thing" Jenna paused, looking down at her phone with surprise

Michael (wow lots of switching sorry)
"Hey Jeremy, you don't like Christine, right?" Jenna asked with wide eyes flickering towards Michael. "Ummm" Jeremy looked towards his extremely uncomfortable looking friend"no?" He said like he totally did. "Well as turns out" Jenna steepled her fingers at her chin"she's just said she's lesbian and she just asked me out?  What the fuck do I do?""SAY YES"Michael shouted louder than he needed to, eager to get rid of the annoying girl from his crushes mind. Well she's not that annoying, if Jeremy didn't like her I would be okay with her I guess. Then Jenna let out an inhuman screech that sounded more like a pterodactyl than anything and texted what he thought was Christine and looked up again, her face glowing with excitement,"oh yeah, the second thing because that wasn't the second thing sorry about that I got sidetracked by the gay."

"The second thing is people are saying that that one edgy kid" Jenna paused trying to remember the name"Jason Dean! That's the kid. I've heard from one of my many sources that he shot two jocks with some blanks, so now he's suspended and Veronica, that one girl who only wears blue for no god damn reason? Yeah she has a sadistic love for him and some weird shit might be happening when you two get back" she pointed finger guns at the two"just a heads up"

(IM SORRY THIS IS TAKING FOREVER AND IM NOT GOOD AT FINISHING CHAPTERS BUT HEERE TAKE THIS TRASH ILL HAVE A BETTER ONE IN A FEW DAYS I'm so sorry this is so bad and you read all this but stick with me it gets slightly better, has more crossovers and just gets gayer OK)

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