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*Tessa Pov*

"This is boring, he's late," I told Toni as we dodged a trash can being thrown in the hall, I flicked paper off my shoulder as we kept walking.

"He will be here, don't worry," she sighs as we stepped outside, I put my sunglasses on and kept my arms crossed.

"Mm-hm," I muttered as we cruised around the front yard of the school.


"It's the pins on my hat." I'd recognised that sarcastic voice anywhere, it's Jughead Jones.

"Half an hour, I won that bet, gimme the 10 you owe me, Topaz," Toni slapped the 10 in my hand and I grinned as I shoved it into my pocket.

"Thank youโ€”"

"โ€”shut up," I snickered as she glared at me before I smirked down at her, I crossed my arms as Jughead walked through the metal detector again before grabbing his stuff.

"Forsythe Pendleton Jones III." Toni took a photo of the most annoyed human in existence.

"Uh it's Jughead, actually," he looks at me and I smirked.

"I'm Toni Topaz. We were supposed to give you the full animatronic tour, but some robots went insane and started killing the guests, so, we'll just wing it." I started laughing and Jughead shook his head at me.

"Hey Juggy," we hugged before I motioned him to follow us.


"Classrooms don't have Wi-Fi, bathroom stalls don't have doors." Toni states as we walked down the stairs, a Ghoulie passed me and I shoved him into the wall before racing after the pair.

"What about the Red and Black?" Jughead questions.

"Yeah, it no longer exists." I told him as I kicked the Ghoulie that I shoved before.

"Censorship? Budget cuts? Take your pick." Toni told him and then she smacked me.

"You'll find a glimpse of jingle-jangle being consumed in its natural habitat." I told him while we walked past the drug addicts, it made me sick.

"I'm sorry, "jingle-jangle"?" He asked us and I nod along.

"This place is crawling with the JJ." Toni said and I hummed in agreement.

"A highly addictive total gutter drug." I cut in.

"So, let's not touch that." She told him and I punched one of the serpents' shoulders, he smirked at me and I laughed as I waved and kept walking.

"Jingle-jangle, Fascinating."

"Get ahold of yourself, Jones, it looks like sherbet but it's not, trust me," they both look at me and I sighed, "I do FP's work, I have to deliver, we know this."


"All right. Here in the cafetorium, Ghoulies sit over there." Toni points to one of the tables.

"Rival gang, drug dealers, street racers, rumors of cannibalism." Jughead paled as we both snickered.

"Don't ask." Toni and I say as we kept walking.

"And we sit over there. With the Serpents." I elbowed one of the serpents and then we first-bumped.

"You're a Southside Serpent? I knew that Tessa was one but you?" Jughead asked and I nodded.

"Why do you think that Tessa and I volunteered to give you the tour?" Toni asked him.

"Actually, I'm gonna sit alone. Just, you know, finish my book and brood."

"Jug, you antisocial brood, don't," I told him.

"I'm confused." Toni states and I sighed "Aren't you like a Serpent by blood? The son of FP Jones?"

"Yeah. So? I self-identify as a loner, not a pack animal. I'm just gonna put my head down and try and get through this, okay?" I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, you wanna get through this, you should hang with the Serpents." Toni advises.

"If the Ghoulies get a whiff that you're alone, or vulnerable, they'll make you their bitch faster than you can say American History X." I stated and he gulped, "Jug, I won't be able to protect you if you shy away from where people would stand and fight." I told him before looking at the serpents before looking back to him "please, sit with us."

"Angel!" I turned around and Sweet pea along with Fangs were grinning at me.

"Yeah?" I asked as I let go of Jughead's shoulder and walked over.

"Who's the beanie boy?" Fangs asked as he pulled me on to his lap.

"FP's son," I told him as I leaned back with a heavy sigh.

"That's jughead?" Sweet pea asks with a scoff, "thought he'd be more like FP."

"He is... but wrong one, he's more of his grandfather than his father," I mentioned as I played with my sweater, "he's a writer, so was the first FP, except I don't think Jug would ever abandon or hit his child if he had one," they nod in agreement as we watched them walk over and sit with us.


It's been a fairly long day at school, I've been working overdrive in the shadows to find a way to get FP out quicker than later. My phone rings and I answer it.

"Hey, why didn't you come to movie night last night?" Veronica asks.

"Shit, I'm so sorry! I was really busy," I told her as someone knocked on the door to the office, I let them in as I walked away from the door.

"Did you hear about Midge and Moose?" Veronica asks and my head tilts, I heard the door close as my back was turned.

"Midge and Moose? No? What happened?" I asked as I felt someone hug me from behind.

"Moose got shot multiple times by some lunatic at Lovers' Lane. Don't worry, Midge and Moose are okay, he shielded her from getting hurt." I nod my head slowly as I glance over my shoulder to see Fangs, he was hugging me.

"Geez, Ronnie, I'll come to the hospital later to see how he's going." I said as I slowly played with Fangs' hair.

"I'll see you tomorrow at Pops, right?" I smile as I sighed.

"Oh, of course, I'll be at Pops tomorrow, I need to buy FP some food anyway." I told her with a slight chuckle, Fangs was very quiet which was odd.

"I have to go, I'll talk to you tomorrow, mwah!" She hung up and I tossed my phone on to the couch.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked as I turned around in Fangs' arms and hugged him.

"I'm just tired," he replied.

"Is there anything I can do?" I ask quietly.

"Just let me hold you for awhile," I nod my head as we just hugged.

"Wanna have a nap on the couch? I haven't got much to do other than look over some paperwork."

"Mm-hm," I let him go before grabbing what I needed, I laid down comfortably on the couch as I put my phone on the back of it. I patted my chest as Fangs took off his jacket and tossed it to the desk.

He walked up to me before laying down on the couch with his head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him as he did to me. I sighed as one hand played with his hair while the other held the paper so I could read it.


I heard a knock on the door as I was reading, I glance up before I continued reading as the door opened. Sweet pea looked at me with his eyebrows risen.

"Wake him and I'll kill you," I told him without letting my eyes leave the page.

"No, no, I came to ask you about something," I nod my head as he sat in the chair next to the couch and I finally look up as I took my reading glasses off.

"What's on your mind?" I asked him.

"I needed to ask you about any updates with FP," sweet pea replies and I showed him the notes I've had about every step of his trials and his time for jail.

"Every update, every sneaky thing about that damn case is on there, there's a lot of writing." I chuckle, Fangs moved and I cringed, I hushed him as I played with his hair again.

"Bad day huh?" Sweet Pea asks as he looked at Fangs.

"He said he was tired," I told him, "so, I let him have a nap... here, anyway, take it with you if you want to," I offered as he was scanning through it.

"Do you know when he's out?" Sweet pea asked me.

"No, I don't, the recent trial was delayed, it's a good thing since they have to look over everything all over again." I told him, "he's going to come home, Pea, I promise."

"I trust you, Emerald, you know how to handle these things. We all look up to you when FP isn't in," I nod my head.

"I know, that's why I'm working so hard to get him the hell out of there, for us and for Jughead. The boy needs his dad, Sweet pea." Fangs stirred in his sleep, I sighed as he shimmied up and cuddled me, my legs were either side of his body as I was sitting up against the arm of the couch.

"I know, and how long has this been going on?" He asks with a smug look on his face.

"Not dating, he's my friend as he is yours, don't think I haven't seen him do this to you," sweet pea shut his mouth and I grinned.

"Fine, you win this round," I shake my head at him with a grin.

"10 to 1, you suck, Pea," I stated as I grabbed my phone and unlocked it to find something to show him.

"What are you up to, Nancy Drew of the south?" Sweet pea asks as I handed him my phone with a video on it, it was Archie and his football team... the Red Circle.


"Fangs, sweetie, come on, home time," I whispered as he slowly woke up and rose his head up.

"What time is it?" He groggily asks me.

"It's 8:30, come on," Fangs got off me and I smile as I sighed before getting off the couch too.

"Did you finish your work?" He asks me as I cleaned up and placed all the work I've done back where I took the opportunity to label.

"Yeah, I did, come on Fangs," I handed him his jacket, "let's get you home."


I walked into my silent trailer with a sigh as I made my way to the bathroom to have a shower.


I rolled the clean bandage around each one of my my wrists and my hands before clipping them on both arms. I went to my bedroom and collapsed on to my bed with only my shirt and shorts on. I was a blank canvas before I started to cry hysterically into my duvet cover.


I rode my bike in my Serpent jacket and Pjs, I called for a late night session on getting a tattoo done. I needed the pain to go so why not have one that's on purpose and legal... it's illegal.


"Hey we'reโ€” oh! You're here, hey Tess," I smiled as I walked through the small door to go behind the desk.

"Hey, man, I want it from my rib down to my knee, you got this?" I asked him as he started washing his hands.

"well, duh, go take your shorts off and we'll get started, you want this done tonight colour and all, right?" He asked me and I winked as I clicked my tongue.

"You betcha, the moneys in the back already," I told him as I slid off my shorts and folded them before placing them under the chair.

"You're like a ghost when you do that," he said as he got everything ready.

"I know," I simply reply.

"I got your photo by the way, I made the template and I got you covered," I gave him the thumbs up as I put my earphones in and started playing music to prepare myself for hours upon hours worth of pain.


(A/n: This but a lot longer)

I felt him wipe my leg before he handed me the glad wrap, I wrapped my leg up myself and he smirks before getting up.

"Thanks," I said as I rip the wrap and then taped it down myself.

"No worries, how are you feeling? Do you like it?" He asks me as I look down at my leg.

"I love it, thank you so much for letting me in to do this," I said as we shook hands, he left to go do something as I slipped my shorts back on.

"Take care of it, you know the drill," I nod my head as I walked over and took one of the chocolates out of the bowl.

"I know, I'm riding home though, I don't wanna wake anyone up," he nods his head.

"Have a good one, okay?" I nod my head before walking out of the shop, I put my earphones back in and played my music as I tied my hair back up and danced as I went up to my bike and got on. I tapped my handle bars before starting my bike up, I kicked the stand up and then sped off home.


I was still listening to music as I danced around in my trailer to the blasting music going through my earphones. I didn't know Fangs let himself into my house as I started singing along.

"Wow," I froze as I heard Fangs, I turned my music off and turned around with my face flushed with red.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked him in embarrassment.

"About three minutes, where have you been exactly?" He asks me, I turn to my side and showed him my leg.

"Nice huh?" He looked at my leg and then I pulled my shirt up and his eyes slowly trailed up.

"Wow, it's really beautiful," he said and I smile, "but I can't hug you until that's healed up." He frowns and I shrugged my shoulders.

"You can still hug me," I told him as I walked up and smile as I gave Mr. Fogarty a hug. Fangs wrapped his arms around me and he sighs.

"Wanna go to bed now?" He asks quietly.

"Yeah, let's go," I told him as we let go of each other, I smile as I did my small routine when any one of the core four come over. I would kiss them on the temple before letting them sleep in my bed, so, that's what I did, "lean down for me? You're getting taller," I chuckled as he leans down and I kiss his temple.

"Come on, let's go to bed," I nod as I followed Fangs to my room, I took my shoes off at the front of my bed and sighed as my heels came off.

"Tomorrow, I'm wearing sneakers," I said to him, "remind me to wear sneakers, please," I asked as I groaned in delight as my other shoe came off.

"Will do," fangs stifled a laugh as I walked over to my side with aching feet, Fangs rose an eyebrow as I crawled into bed and sighed. Fangs got into bed with me and I took no time to pull him into me. "Your serpent jacket is still on."

"Thanks," I sighed as I let him go and took it off, I tossed it before cuddling into Fangs again.

"Cuddling me? What happened to you?" He jokes as I felt his arms wrap around me loosely, I made a small noise and he held me a little tighter.

"I needed it after what happened earlier," I told him.

"What happened earlier?" Fangs questions.

"Work, more work and even more work," I mumbled as my head laid on his chest, I heard his heartbeat and I sigh once again.

"You need to go on vacation," Fangs chuckled.

"I know but I don't wanna go by myself," I told him, "oh and apparently the Black hood is at large again." I said to him.

"Yeah?" I felt him slowly trace my serpent tattoo with his nails on my lower back.

"Mm-hm, Moose and Midge were shot at through the car window at Lovers Lane," I told him, "Moose was shot, Midge was fine, I have to see Moose tomorrow... or today, he taught me how to play football when I was little." I felt him rest his head on top of mine, "I grew up with the serpents, I grew up on this side, the "wrong" side but I went to Riverdale high and Elementary! That was for two years, Gladys and FP sent me to that school but then FP sent me to Southside Elementary and I met Toni, then you and Sweet pea!" I giggle as I look up and he smiles at me.

"You punched Sweet pea in the face because of your chocolate chip cookie," he snickered.

"Yeah, that was so funny," I giggled before sighing again, "then when we graduated year 6, FP took me to Riverdale High for a higher education, because of how smart or whatever I was." I shrugged my shoulders "I just wanted to be with my friends, then I met Betty, Archie, Reggie, Moose, Cheryl all over again since I didn't see them anymore." Fangs already knew this, I just wanted to talk about it.

"Do you miss Riverdale high?" He asks me.

"Of course, I do, but Southside is where someone like me belongs, I still see my friends when I drive by or when I go to Pops... do you believe me when I say that no matter what I'm a Southsider?" I asked him.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" Fangs Asked me as we both sat up.

"Becauseโ€”" I held his face in my hands and his eyes were twinkling "โ€”the Black hood is going after sinners, what if that means he's gonna go after you or the group? Or even me?" I asked as I fixed his hair, "Fangs, he's smart, he's cunning, this man sees all and I don't know what I can do to fix it... he's almost killed two people but has killed one... she was hooking up with underaged students," fangs was staring at me.

"You're scared he's gonna go after you for having friends in both sides, aren't you?" I slowly nod my head.

"And if he does? Please don't try to save me, it's me he has to deal with." I smile as he pulled me into his chest.

"You are not a sinner, you are anything but one," Fangs rubbed my back and I shut my eyes 'if only he knew who helped FP with cleaning and hiding the body.' I thought to myself as we both laid down and held each other.

"Night Fangs," I mumbled into his chest as he hums and continued to draw on my back.

"Night Tessa."

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