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*Tessa pov*

I woke up on the couch at the Whyte Wyrm, though I remember sitting at the Kings desk. I look around in confusion as my serpent jacket was on the chair and my iconic emerald green turtleneck sweater was on top of it. I walked over and grabbed my things before the door opened to see Jughead panting slightly.

"As much as this was a weird sight to see you without your sweater on, Dads trial is today, did you have a nice sleep?" He asked me, I glanced at my sweater before putting it on slowly.

"Yeah, sure, I'll be right there okay? Did you get Cheryl to agree for the leniency?" I asked him as I look around the room.

"We won't know until we get there," Jughead replies as I swiped my phone and keys before ushering him out.


"Ms. Blossom, you may proceed with your statement." I sat with Jughead and Betty as we watched in suspense.

"Your Honor, I speak for myself and my mother when I say we forgive FP Jones for the part he played in covering up my brother's murder. And we humbly ask the court for leniency. FP's guilt has been blown out of proportion to satiate what my father's suicide denied us... closure."

"As much as I sympathize, I can't ignore the quality of Mr. Jones' crimes. There were no extenuating circumstances."

"My father threatened him!" Cheryl said fairly quickly, we all stared at her, she was lying under oath for us, "I overheard them talking in Daddy's study. Daddy said he would hurt Jughead and Tessa if FP didn't comply." My whole body stiffened when Jughead's eyes were burning into me. "Is that extenuating enough?" I look at Jughead and he glanced at me, I leaned on to his side before leaning into his ear.

"She lied under oath for him, you better repay her by giving up the USB," I whispered before sitting back up and continued watching.

"In light of these revelations, I suggest that we take a step back and re-evaluate certain aspects of the case. At which time, we will revisit the sentencing." I smile, it was a delay.

"Adjourned." The hammer hit the block and Cheryl walked away, Jughead leans forward as he grabbed his fathers shoulder and shook it. FP stood up as did the three of us behind him.

"Is that a win?" FP asked the pair of us.

"It's a delay, so yeah." Jughead and FP hugged as Jughead was crying in joy, I smiled at them before looking to Betty.

"We will win, I promise," I told them before getting out of the chair to walk away.

"Wait!" I turned around and FP beckoned me over, I walk back and he tackled me into a hug, "you son of a bitch I knew you'd help them." He whispered as I pat his back.

"Betty was the one who helped, I just gave them the right steps... in my own way," I told him quietly so they couldn't hear as the couple were talking amongst themselves.

"You're a smart girl," he told me.

"I learn from the best," I smirk before slipping on my serpent jacket, "good luck, Jones, you're going to need all of it. Jug, Betts, we have a retro store to save from graffiti."


Jughead, Betty, Veronica and I were all in Pops uniform, Betty and I were on roller skates. They were talking as I roller skated around with a slight giggle.

"No one's here. No one's coming." Betty sighs is disappointment.

"It's still early, okay?" Jughead assures her as the bell rang, Mrs Cooper walked in.

"Mom." Betty says happily before changing the expression on her face, "What, did you come to gloat?" Betty snaps and I snickered slightly as I kept rolling around to entertain myself as I fix my serpent jacket.

"Oh, don't be so cynical, Elizabeth. I came to write my next story over one last root beer float. I'm calling it "Requiem for Pop's." Can I get a quote, dear?" Alice asks as she sat down at a booth and opened her laptop.

"You're a fiend, Mother, but this is one obituary that you're not gonna write." Betty told her and then Alice looked over at me.

"Well, I've heard all about you," she stood up and I stopped skating, "Miss Tessa Emerald, you look like your mother, too bad she was an addict." She tuts as I crossed my arms as we were face to face.

"Mrs Smith, sorry, Cooper, don't forget that I know who you are, we don't shed so easily," I smirked and she scowled.

"Shut your mouthโ€”"

"โ€”then don't bring my mother into this conversation ever again." I growl and she puffs her chest out slightly and walked away to her booth without another word.


"All right, two strawberries, one vanilla, and one chocolate with extra malt." Veronica said as she placed down the booth order, I was serving others. The bell rang and three girls walked in, Josie, her friend and Cheryl.

"Hey kinky boots," I winked at Cheryl and she scoffed before smiling at me.

"Hey snake," I just snickered.

"How's it goin'? Do you want your strawberry shake?" I asked her.

"Thanks, Tessa," she smiles and I wink before going to make her a milkshake, she saved the father figure I've only had today.

"Here," I handed it to her and she thanked me by kissing my cheek, "no payment, you potentially saved the only man who's raised me." Cheryl only smiles before walking away, I watched her before serving again.

"Why the hell did you broadcast all over social media that the Pussycats would be doing a free concert here tonight?" My ears perked up and Cheryl glanced at me as I stifled my laugh.

"I knew that if I asked you, you would have saidโ€”"


"Mmm-hmm." Betty proved herself right.

"If my mom even hears that I set foot in this placeโ€”"

"โ€”Josie, you care about this place, I know you do. I see you in here all the time." She was still hopeful.

"Betty, even if I wanted to help, I'm down a cat. Valerie has norovirusโ€”"

"โ€”I don't mind stepping in. After all, if you can be a River Vixen, Josie, I can be a Pussycat. As long as it's a cover, I'm sure I'll know the lyrics." Cheryl cuts in as she sipped her milkshake.

"I mean, you do love your cheese fries, Josie." Her friend said and I smiled as I was serving other people.

"Fine, Fine."


I saw Archie as he walked into the diner and I patted his shoulder, "it's rough but please try and stay calm. Deep breaths, my friend, I know you can see things from that morning." I said before I saw Tall boy walk in.

"Thanks, Tessa, it's going to be rough but I've got this, I'll see you soon, okay?" I nod as I pat his shoulder again before giving him a kiss on the temple.

"I look after my family, that's you too," I whispered before walking over to the table before the serpent table to serve the teens.

"Emerald," I smile to the people I served before I walked over to the booth with the serpents.

"Hey, what can I get you guys?" I asked as I put my hands on my hips with a big smile on my face.

"Didn't know you were helping out tonight?" Tall boy said in amusement and I laughed.

"I have to, this place means a lot to me," I said as I look over to Jughead and Betty kissing.

"Can we have our usuals? You know them, doll face," I nod my head as I wrote them all down before waving and walking away.


Betty and the Lodges were praised as they should be, without them, this safe haven would've been shut down, no where for us to go to get rid of the pain all of us have faced.

"I have another thank you to say," we all look at Pop as he smiles at me, directly me, "I have to thank Tessa Aideen Emerald." I look at Tall boy before looking back at pop.

"Why thank me, Mr. Tate?" I asked him curiously.

"You helped save this diner, so did you, Jughead, without these three kids... we wouldn't be here tonight." Everyone cheers and I nod my head awkwardly as I was sitting on the table where Tall boy and the others sat. Everyone went back to eating and I sighed.

"Thanks for supporting the diner," I look down at Tall boy as he pats my knee in a comforting way.

"Love, I've you've known since you were 4, we look after our own," I nod my head before hopping off the table.

"I should get back to helping, I'll see you all later tonight, I think anyway," Tall boy nods and I walk away.


I walked back into the Whyte Wyrm and my phone rang, I answered it and sighed "hello?" I answered.

"Did you let Jughead go to see Peabody?" FP asks straight away and I widened my eyes.

"What the hell? No! Of course not, why?" I asked him.

"I got word that he went and saw her, I'm going to ring him, talk soon,"

"Okay, see you soon, bye FP."

"Bye Emerald, see you soon," we both hung the phone up and I yell in frustration, stupid Jughead! You don't want to be in bed with a snake charmer, especially that blonde bitch.


My feet were on FP's desk as I kept working on his things, he even let me have access to the basement since he knows I'm the one keeping everything under control.

"Back to work I see?" I slowly look up to see Fangs, I smile at my best friend as he came and sat on the desk.

"Yeah, FP needs them done, so, while he's on "vacation" I'll be doing them," we both snorted before I placed down yet another completed paper.

"How did the trial go?" Fangs asks.

"Got his trial delayed, that's a good sign," I told him.

"How'd you do it, Tess?" He asks me and I sighed.

"I save asses, it's my job," we both laughed.

"No, seriously, how?" Fangs asks me, "Even though that is your job."

"I might've given Betty Cooper the push to find a way to get Cheryl to lie under oath... for accepting the fate of FP's crime, to accept the apology... the leniency." Fangs stared at me in shock.

"And it worked?" Fangs asks me.


"wow, since the trials been delayed, how was saving the diner?"

"Saved it by the helping piggy bank of Hiram and Hermione Lodge in their dark kindness to give money to Mr. Tate... I don't think they gave money for that reason. I think it was a bribe into buying the diner." I told him as I look at the ceiling.

"And if it was? Why would Pop take the deal?" Fangs questions.

"To keep quiet, he's still manager there." I answered, "it might sound nuts, but that's what Mr. Lodge does, Veronica doesn't do that... I hope not anyway, but what is he going to buy next?"

"Who knows, the only thing I know is that you need to come home and get some sleep." Fangs held a hand out and I put my feet down before dropping the papers on the desk. I took his hand and he pulled me up with little effort.

"Sounds like a plan, Fogarty."


Fangs and I walked into my trailer, "are you gonna sleep here tonight?" I question as I threw my keys on to the kitchen counter.

"Might as well," I was still in my Pops uniform, "you have to wear shorts more often," fangs said and I laughed.

"No thanks, these are so uncomfortable," we both laugh before I ducked into my room to get changed.

"Why not? You look great," I look down at myself, I was wearing my bra and shorts, I look back up and huffed as my fringe fell over my eyes.

"I don't know, this isn't my colour, neither is this," I held the yellow shirt up and we both snicker while I fixed my fringe.

"Green suits you more," he said as he tossed my green shirt to me, I caught it and slipped it on.

"Thanks, I know, it is my last name after all," I mentioned as I grabbed my turtleneck sweater and put that on too. "Come on, Fogarty. Bed time," he nods as I took the shorts off and tossed them along with my clothes from the night before into the laundry hamper.

"Night, Emerald."

"Night, Fogarty," I pulled his head to my lips as I kissed his temple, he smiled at me when I let him go.

"Try and sleep would you?" Fangs looked at me as I rubbed my neck.

"I've got a lot of work to doโ€” hey!" Fangs decked me on to the bed and we both laughed.

"Now, sleep," I roll my eyes as we both laid on my bed, I squirmed to get comfortable in my best friends arms before sighing.

"Fine, fine, goodnight, Fogarty," I sigh as he laid his forehead on my shoulder, I've never been comfortable sleeping with other people... but it's better than sleeping in the silence after you've been through two deaths waved in your face.

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