Chapter 1

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At night, when the moon is full, Julie is at her favorite lake to train for the Battle of the Elements. She raised her hands and bent the water, making the water float up in the air.

Julie: Come on, Julie. You got this.

She began to move the water, trying to do a special battle move that could work for the Battle of the Elements. She wrapped the water around her and started making the water into spikes of ice. Aiming for the targets around her. Once she got a good lock on them, she released her grip and hit the targets with ease.

She looked at her targets and was proud to see that she hit all of them. Once she finished, she decided to head home and get a much deserved sleep.

Once she was inside, she spotted her dad at his office signing different papers. Seeing her father stressed like this made her feel like she should do more. She wanted to help her father, and the only way to do that was to compete for the Battle of the Elements. Julie went over to her father and came to hug him from behind.

Julie: Hey, Papi.

Ray: Hey, mija. How's training?

Julie: It went really well. I hit all the targets with that move you showed me.

Ray: That's great. That move will give you a high advantage in the ring. I'm so proud of you, mija.

Julie: Thanks, Dad. Hope I make you proud when I win.

Ray: You will. And if you win, we can wipe off that smug look Patterson has.

Julie: *sighs* Yeah, we will.

Just when Julie was about to leave, Ray stopped her by asking a question she wanted to avoid.

Ray: Have you thought of doing the Moonlight performance?

Julie: Dad, we talked about this.

Ray: But Julie, you do this every year.

Julie: Correction, I used to do this every year.

Ray: I know it's been hard ever since your mom died, but everyone is counting on you to do this.

Julie: But dad, the last I did this without mom, I choked. Besides, I don't want to make a fool of myself again.

Ray: Julie, I know you can do it. Just please try again. Who knows, you might attract some suitors.

Julie: So that's the real reason.

Ray: Julie, you are of marrying age.

Julie: And I told you, I'm not ready to get married.

Ray: Mija -

Julie: Don't mija me. I'm going to my room.

Julie left her dad's office and went up to her room. Her room showed the water clan flag hanging above her bed and a balcony to see her nation. But out on the balcony, it also shows an amazing view from her favorite lake. Sometimes, she likes to stay up to see the sun rise to see how beautiful her lake is.

Julie took a deep breath and let out a sigh, now heading to her bed to get a well-deserved rest. But before she could go to bed, she noticed some rustling in the bushes near the lake. She had to squint to make sure, but she could tell that someone was going to the lake. She debated if she'll go or not, but she had to figure out what was going on. Reluctantly, she scaled down her balcony and headed to the forest.


Fireball after fireball came after the fire prince as he did training til sunset. Luke dodged them the best he could. He would either backflip, cartwheel, and do somersaults whenever he tried to dodge them.

He did a special move, and he went on the ground, spinned in a circle, and created a gust of fire around him. With this move, he knocked down the opponents, making him the victor of this match.

Luke stood up, faced his father observing the fight, and bowed down to him.

Mitch: Again!

Luke: Seriously, Dad. We did this 8 times already.

Mitch: And we'll do this again until you get this right. We need to make sure that we can beat that water head Molina and his kid. This move has to be perfect.

Luke: But dad, I'm tired. And it's the middle of the night. Don't you think you're pushing this a little, too far.

Mitch: Lucas, I'm doing this for us! To show everyone that our nation is the strongest, it's ever been. And it all depends on you, Lucas.

Luke: All of this, *gestures to the arena* is because you want to prove a point. I'm taking a break.

Mitch: Lucas!

Luke was walking to the exit when his eyes landed on his mother. She went over to him, but he was still mad at the situation he was in.

Emily: I thought that was great, honey.

Luke: Not now, mom!

And just like that, he stormed off. He went outside and ran out of the palace. Some of the guards tried to stop him, but he was way too fast. Luke was speeding through the forest, with tears of hatred in his eyes.

He wanted a break. Not just from training, but from his life. His father only cared about winning, and he was using his son to make that possible. Luke wished his father would be back to the way he used to be, the father who was proud of him. He just wanted his life to be normal again.

After running for so long, he stumbled upon a lake. He noticed how the moon was reflected on the lake, and that gave him a sense of ease. He took in a deep breath, closing his eyes to feel the peace around him.

That was until he felt water slapped his head.

Luke: Ow!

He rubbed his head and faced the culprit who hit him. He expected to see a grown male waterbender in his 40s, but he saw a teenage girl his age in a battle stance.

Luke: Who are you?

Julie: I should be asking the same question.

Luke: Trust me, you don't want to fight me, little lady.

Julie: I'll do whatever it takes to get it away from my lake, Hothead.

Luke: Your Lake?

Because of that, Julie bended the water to sweep his leg, making him fall down. She came a bit closer until Luke jumped up and got into a battle stance.

Luke: Alright, if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you get.

Julie smirked at this action, and Luke couldn't help but smirk too. Something tells them that this is going to be a great match.


Hey guys, I hope you like this so far. I tried making the bending sound cool, but it's still a work in progress. Anyway, I think I'll post the next chapter in a couple more days, and then I'll post a new chapter on "Do you love me?" As soon as I can.

Make sure to comment and vote.

Byeeeeeeeeeeeee 😁

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