Trouble and it's on the double!

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The plant life of the Queens Gardens flowed peacefully, dancing along to the silent melody hummed by an unseen songstress, living a life undisturbed by predatory insects allowed the plants of the Queens Gardens to grow exponentially, the garden claimed by the Queen of Hollownest. Legends say the garden is home to many species of plants, flowers, and even the Queen herself!

But you didn't visit the Queens Gardens because of the legends speaking of the beautiful,  astonishing flowers or that the Queen herself may reside there. You went to the Queens Gardens because- "HOLY DUNG DEFENDER I'M GETTING CHASED MY MANTIS WARRIORS!" You yelled as you ran as fast as your Butterfly legs could take you. The two Mantis Warriors hot on your wings as you evaded swing after swing every time they caught up with you. No matter how confusing you made your route. Flying up, falling down, rushing forward, the Mantises always managed to stay hot on your trail, you were quickly running out of- "AAAH!" You screamed in pain as one of the Mantises hit one of your wings and cut part of it clean off. You just have to bite the Nail and keep pressing forward. Another swing from a Mantis soon afterwards struck you directly on the back, leaving a clean slash across your back and you resisted the urge to scream.

While trying to lose the mantises you nearly fell into a pool of acid when you tried to fly despite your wings being mangled, that's one too many close calls for today. From dashing to and from temporary platforms, over and across gaps of Thorns, and lifting yourself up onto ledges you managed to jump up into a large, empty area. Your body, now scratched and bruised wanted to give in but you just couldn't, not with so many close calls.

Continuing to push yourself you stumbled across a black dome with white glowing roots protruding from the top of the dome, Mantis corpses laid strewn across the grass and foliage around the dome, a perfectly round hole carved into the dome with what seemed like enough space for you to fit through and without a second thought you dove into the hole. 

Inside of the dome you fell down into a slightly cramped area and slowly crawled through the less than comfortable tunnels, your energy from before gone and as you laid down in a small area you got time to remember how you got into this situation in the first place.


You were casually taking a stroll through the Fungal Wastes, thinking of how life was even possible despite the spore contaminated air when a Mantis appeared out of nowhere, jumpscared you, and nearly executed you with its claws, the first of a few close calls.

After that you remembered running as fast as you could while the Mantis chased you, a Young Mantis and Mantis warrior had joined in the chase temporarily before giving up but the Mantis that had started the chase wasn't feeling like letting you live, never leaving you alone like the dreadful feeling of death that lingered in the Kingdom after the Infection struck, though quite recently it had suddenly disappeared which was a good sign.

The second Mantis joined in the chase when you dashed right under its legs to slow down your original pursuer. Yeah your luck wasn't all that great when it then decided that it would be a good idea to join in the pursuit to hunt the little Butterfly.

Combined with all the running, evasive maneuvers, and the damage taken to your body you were not only tired from pushing your body to it's physical and mental limits but you were just completely exhausted, your body had ached from everything that had happened and you need a little time to settle down and recover from the fatigue.

You were not visited by the God of Dreams that rest.

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