Waking up from your dreamless rest you sluggishly moved and stretched your limbs, still hurting and sore from when you were making your escape from your pursuers.
Getting a clearer look at your surroundings you notice the floor and walls are not at all natural except for the hanging foliage on the roof, the same white roots you saw coming out of the dome were also inside here, and that it isn't exactly that bright of a room, you can see but not all that well, outside of this dome was much brighter but the low-level light is something you can work with.
You suppose you can take time relax and rest your body for a bit, resting in an area that is difficult to see in is at least a little better than actively being hunted down. You sighed as you let your body go limp against the wall, once your eyes had shut you heard a stomach growl, but more specifically your stomach, you were hungry and you hadn't realized it up until now.
Getting out of your slumped position you crawled farther down the tunnel, stopping when you suddenly bumped your head into the wall with a thunk! Looking up from where you bumped your head into the wall a faint light gleamed above, standing up to nearly full height you could see the light coming up straight ahead. Mantling over the small ledge that you had bumped into you crawled towards the light, hoping that you would be outside of the dome after this. Preferably not in the middle of a group of Mantises or in a pool of acid.
Once you had crawled far enough you fell a very short distance before landing on solid ground again. Looking up you couldn't really see anything, it was so bright. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness of the rather large area you were in. Looking around you finally found the source of the white, glowing roots. In the back-middle of the room a tall, glowing figure stood rooted, branches extending from the top of the figure.
This thing produced so much light, you just couldn't... go away... from the light. You crawled forwards, getting closer to such an astonishing thing every time your body drug itself against the foliage. You were so close now- "Hello little butterfly, what brings you to my Gardens?" A soft, sweet, very feminine voice interrupted you, looking up the first thing you notice is how the she now has visible eyes which you couldn't see before, and she is so pretty, you just couldn't help but stare at how beautiful she is.
"Are you okay little Butterfly? Are you lost in thought? Are you in Shock? Are you scared of me?" She asked, her questions landing on deaf ears as her voice became white noise, like the constant bubbling of acid in Greenpath.
"HEY! Are you even alive?" She asked, her much louder voice broke you out of your trance.
"YES!" You blurted out loud, now broken from your endless thoughts.
"Then why were you just staring at me?" She questioned.
"Oh I-I- I was lost in my own thoughts I apologize but I REALLY need help." You asked, You had almost forgotten about your clipped wing and severely injured back.
"What kind of help? I will try my best to help you, as long as it doesn't harm the Garden." You found her demand very reasonable.
"While I was exploring the Fungal Wastes I was ambushed by a Mantis so I ran, then another joined the chase. My wing got sliced off and part of my back is injured so I need someone to help heal my injuries." You recapped your unfortunate circumstances to her.
"I am truly sorry for what happened to you and I can heal you but I must something of you." You were curious so you nodded as conformation.
"What is your name?" Oh... OH. You forgot to give her your name the entire time you met her. Better late than never.
"My name is Y/N. Yours?" I asked, hoping to find out what the name of this beautiful person is.
"I am the White Lady, nice to meet you Y/N." Wait a- what? huh? SHE IS THE WHITE LADY? QUEEN OF HOLLOWNEST?
Okay, okay, calm down. Nothing to worry about, she can heal you, she is a higher being after all.
"Now, let me see your wounds. I'll try my best." I turned away from her and now my back is facing her.
"Oh, I see your injuries now, I know just what will help these" The White Lady said, after a little bit your back got warm, the heat against your back pleasant and nice to have rubbing against your body. Then the heat started moving towards your wing, giving off the same warm sensation that rubbed against your back earlier, this is total bliss, you never wanted this to end but everything good must always come to an end.
"feel better now?" There is no way you could ever say no to her, that would very rude! And to the Queen of the Kingdom too!
"Yes, I loved it." You said, you didn't even take the time to think about what you had just said.
"Glad to know you enjoyed it. Is there anything else you need?" She said as you remembered one particular feeling.
"I could use something to eat." You said very nervously, was she really willing to offer you food?
"I can provide that for you." She really is serious about helping you...
One of her many branches came out towards you and started secreting a white liquid out of it. You were scared at first, flinching a little, but once it stopped moving you brought it up to your mouth and took a sip. It felt warm, it also tasted really good. You drank as much of the liquid as you could, but it is as filling as it is tasty, after just a few gulps you were full.
It was weird to say the least. The Queen herself feeding you like a child, it was almost insulting but you just couldn't be mad at her. She had treated you with kindness and only raised her voice when you were lost in your thoughts, she was... just a normal person, status just didn't matter anymore. you were a desperate bug who needed help, she provided you with hospitality and she can now live a normal life with you.
Laying against the Queen is one of those things that felt weird, maybe you could get used to it if you were with her long enough.
You slept so often it was like you are just always tired. You are safe now, and you can rest without worry now.
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