Three days later.
September 17, 2006.
Bella has been pacing back and forth in the living room inside of the Cullen house. She has been thinking nonstop about her father, Charlie. She can't believe that Charlie is going to become a vampire. She hears footsteps walking towards her. She looks up seeing Edward who enter the living room with Melody in his arms. Her expression softens when she sees Melody looking at her.
" Ma! Ma!" Melody held her arms out to Bella.
" Hey, sweetheart" Bella smiles at Melody as she carefully takes her youngest daughter into her arms. " Where's Renesmee?" She asked Edward while looking down at Melody.
" Renesmee is with Rosalie, Emmett, and Jacob. They are peacefully enjoying the afternoon air" Edward tells Bella.
Bella looks down at Melody with a loving expression. She lightly touches Melody's lips and smiles when Melody cooed at her. She still couldn't believe that her daughter is six-days-old and yet she looks like a one-month-old.
" Edward. I'm worried about Melody, and Renesmee" Bella looks up at Edward.
" What do you mean?" Edward asked her.
" They are half-vampire, right?" Bella asked him.
Edward nods his head.
" How long will they live for?" Bella looks at him with a worried expression.
Edward looks down at Melody who is happily playing with Bella's long straight brown hair.
" Carlisle and I are searching everything we can about half-vampire children" He tells her.
Bella gently hugs Melody close to her. She is honestly scared of losing her daughters.
Footsteps entering the living room grabbed the family's attention. Bella looks forward seeing Alice who is smiling at her.
" Bella. It's Charlie. He is finally awake" Alice tells her.
Bella carefully passed Melody to Edward.
" I'm gonna go see him" She tells them.
Edward held Melody close to him.
" Be careful" He tells her.
Bella nods her head as she quickly disappears out of his eyesight and stands in front of a door. She slowly opens the door and looks forward seeing Charlie out of bed and curiously stare at his surroundings.
" Dad" She calls out to him.
Charlie turns his head forward and smiles when he sees Bella. He blinks when he stares at her eyes.
" Bella. Your eyes. They are red. L-Like his" He steps back feeling scared and confused.
" Dad. It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. I know you are scared and I'm here to tell you the truth" Bella tells him.
" The truth..." Charlie carefully stares at Bella wondering what is going on.
Bella sighs as she explains everything to Charlie.
Thirty minutes later.
" So, you are telling me that you and I are vampires. The Cullen are vampires, but they are different from the usual vampires because they don't drink human blood, and instead they drink animal's blood. Not only that, I have two granddaughters who are half-vampire because you had them when you were a human" Charlie calmly tells Bella.
Bella nods her head.
Charlie walks up to Bella and pulls her into a hug. He is started to feel better and is happy to be close to his daughter. He affectionately rubs his head against Bella's head.
Bella coughs a little because Charlie's newborn strength is crushing her a bit.
" D-Dad. You are crushing me" She mumbles.
" Oh. Sorry" Charlie lets go of Bella. " Since, I am a vampire. How do I look?" He asked.
Bella smiles at him.
" Handsome like always, but much paler" She giggles.
Charlie chuckles but stops when he feels a burning sensation in his throat.
" Bella" He gasped a little.
" My t-throat. It burns" He tells her.
" It's okay, Dad. You are only hungry. Let's go into the forest and find an animal for you to eat" Bella tells him.
Charlie nods his head.
Both father and daughter left the house and ran into the forest.
Inside the house, Edward is playing the piano with Melody on his lap. His fingers gracefully pressed the piano keys. He has been practicing different pieces just for Melody. He has decided to use all of the pieces and combine it into one melody.
He calls his piece, Edward's Melody.
Thirty minutes later.
Edward finished playing the piano. He looks down at Melody who is asleep on his lap. He smiles as he carefully held Melody in his arms and kisses the top of her head.
" I love you with all my life, My Melody" Edward whispers to her.
Melody coos in her sleep as a smile graced her lips. She unknowingly brought her mental shield down which causes Edward to see her thoughts.
If Edward were a human, he would be crying. He smiles when he sees her thoughts which are mainly, Bella, Renesmee, Seth and himself. He stands up and holds his baby girl close to him as he takes her up the stairs to the nursery room.
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