Ch. 18 It's your father

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After the whole ordeal, everyone walked back into the house. Seth carefully held Melody in his arms. He sits down on the couch in the living room with Edward and Bella sitting beside him. He looks down at Melody who is wearing a peaceful expression. He then looks away from her to Bella.

" Bella. I know you hate Jacob for imprinting on Renesmee. So, I am sorry for also imprinting on Melody" Seth apologizes to Bella.

Bella's expression softens.

" Seth. I already knew you imprinted on Melody. After I woke up, Edward explained to me what happened during the time I was transformed into a vampire. He told me how you took care of Melody during the time I was asleep" She smiles at him. " Thank you for taking care of her" She tells him. 

Seth happily smiles at Bella.

" I promise you that I will take good care of Melody for you and Edward" He tells her.

Bella carefully hugs Seth because she didn't want to hurt Melody who is in his arms.

Glass shattering woke Melody up and grabbed everyone's attention. Bella lets go of Seth and looks forward seeing Alice with a blank expression and a flower vase. 

" Alice? Everything alright?" Bella asked her.

Edward froze when he sees Alice's thoughts.

" We got to go like now" He stands up. " Seth. Give Melody to Esme. You are coming with us" He looks at Seth and his wife.

" Edward. What is going on?" Bella asked as she stands up.

Edward looks at Bella with a worried expression. 

" It's your father. An unknown vampire attacked him while he was patrolling around Forks in his police cruiser" He explained to him. 

Bella froze when she heard that.

" What are we waiting for!?" She asked him. " Where is he? I have to go see him!" If she were a human, she would be crying. 

" I'll take you" Edward runs out of the house with Bella following behind him.

Seth carefully passed Melody to Esme.

" Melody. Be a good girl while your parents and I are away. We would be right back" He kisses her forehead as he follows Edward and Bella. 

Alice, Rosalie, Bree, and Esme stayed behind to watch over the girls. Carlisle, Emmett, Jasper, and the other wolves followed Edward, Bella, and Seth to Charlie's destination. 

Deep in the forest, a male vampire drags Charlie who is heavily injured due to a car crash. Earlier, Charlie was patrolling like usual around Forks when he sees a man on the road which took him by surprise. The police cruiser twirled as it rolled down a small hill causing Charlie to fall into unconsciousness. 

Charlie begins to wake up as he groans in pain. He blinks seeing the man from the road looking down at him with blood red eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but is cut off by the guy biting on to his neck and drinking his blood. 

" LEAVE HIM ALONE!" A female voice grabbed their attention. 

The male vampire drops Charlie on the floor who is screaming in pain due to the vampire's venom entering his bloodstream. The last thing Charlie sees before fainting due to intense pain is a beautiful woman pushing the male vampire away from him.

Bella angrily pushes the male vampire away from Charlie. She was the first one to arrive with Edward and the others following behind her. She sees the male vampire fall to the ground. She angrily hissed at the male vampire as she walks up to him.

" You choose the wrong person to drink their blood!" Bella roughly pulls the man's arms causing him to scream in pain as he fell to his knees. " Now you would suffer..." She drops the man's arms and then grabs him by the neck as she roughly rips his head off. " Emmett. Give me the lighter" She held her hand out to Emmett.

Emmett pulls out a lighter and throws it at Bella. 

Bella catches it with ease as she turns it on and then throws at the male vampire's body. She jumps a few feet away when she sees the man's body engulfed in flames as it turns into ashes.

" Bella!" Edward shouts at her. 

Bella turns around seeing Edward holding Charlie in his arms. She quickly runs towards them as she stands by Charlie.

" Dad" She looks down at Charlie with a worried expression.

" I'm sorry, Bella. I can't save Charlie. He took a lot of venom into his body. He is going to become a vampire" Edward looks up at her.

Bella didn't know what to say. She lightly bites her lips as she nods her head.

" Let's take him home...." She whispers.


Twilight_Hime10: I have decided that Charlie Swan would be a vampire in this story. What do you guys think about it? Also, he will have a soul mate. His soul mate is another vampire ;) can you guess who it is?

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