The night of the Chimara's cry.

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You were in the Tucker a state again, in the research section of the house. You, Al, Ed, Nina, and Alexander were all there. You were talking about Nina's mother. Alphonse was saying "... So, your mother left two years ago..." Nina replied "Uh-Huh. Daddy said she went back to her parents house." Alphonse replied " really? It must be lonely living in a big house like this with just the two of you." Nina sugar head slightly and said "no, it's not! Daddy is always nice to me, and I have Alexander too!" She then took some time to finish her thoughts "but... Lately daddy is always been in his laboratory with the door locked... So I guess it is a little lonely." She had another old her head into Alexander's white, three coats. She looks so innocent and young at that time. But it also was a bit sad, seeing her so let down like this. You were looking at her over the top of your book, same with Ed. Soon enough, Edward closed his book with the snap. He then started stretching a bit with his shoulders. They made a slight creaking sound "Awe man..." He said, still at the distrirbimg cracking sounds "All this reading is making my shoulders cramp up. Day after day..." you shuddered slightly. "I can see that." You said will make me a face. He chuckled slightly, and punched your shoulder playfully. Al was then the sensible voice In the crowd like he always is. He said "exercise is the best cure for shoulder cramps, big brother. And sing with you, (Y/n) we don't need any shoulder injuries here. " you sighed slightly. The outdoors always make your allergies start up. You hated nature... When you were out in it. The grass would always be creeping up your legs, giving you terrible rashes for the next few days. But, you agreed to it... Finally saying "I guess you're right. i'll go work out a little in the yard. Are you coming, Ed! A are you coming, Ed?" He nodded, smiling at you. He then snap-pointed at Alexander, saying "hey, dog! Hopefully with you for exercise!" Alphonse then turn his metalheads to Nina and said "Come on, Nina. lets go too!" Nina giggled, and started going outside. Soon enough, you were all outside in the yard, running around, and chasing one another. You were actually acting like the little children that you all felt too grown up to be. Soon enough, alexander had gotten on top of Ed again. You laughed it off, even though you wanted to hurt that dog for going on top of your Ed. Meanwhile... Inside Tucker was feverishly working on his notes. He ripped a study paper out of his notebook, and crumpled it up. He threw it onto the floor and anger, and then in grief, he slumped over the table, elbows resting upon it, and hands running through his hair. The light was glinting off of his classes mysteriously. He had no other choice. You returned to the tuckers the states the next day, the sky was gloomy and gray. For sure it was going to rain. It was already very windy, and your coat was billowing all around you. Edward pointed out the obvious as he usually does, by saying "man... it's going to rain for sure today ..." You slightly rolled your eyes, as Alphonse ringed the doorbell. There was no answer for quite a while. Al then opened the door a few inches wide. He called in "hello... Mr. Tucker? It's us again." You were excited to see Nina again. She such a nice little girl... You were hoping that maybe she would like to come on your adventures with you... If Mr. Tucker thought it would be okay. Hearing no answer throughout the empty house, Al opened the door wider, and poked his head I mean... Helmet inside. He looked left and right, and there was nobody there. No boundingAlexander to crush Edward under its full weight... no Nina, rushing to Alphonse and greeting him with girly smile, and a giggle. Her two long braid swaying by her face By the force of her stopping point. No... Anything. You three cautiously made your way inside the house. Possibly there was some kind of gas explosion that force them out of the house in the night... That was very unlikely. You were sure that would be a top priority... You wondered what could be going on. The boys were being boys, and were calling out for mister Tucker and Nina in the empty house. You almost passed the study, but something told you to look inside. You opened the door with a creek, and saw two figures. There was something wrong here. You booked from one creature to another... One of them was Mr. Tucker, as unshaven as ever, and the other creature... No... He couldn't be... a Chimera? Tucker smiled at you, The light reflecting off of his glasses, and most of his face and shadow. He said no voice it's in a most unlike his own "look, it's my newest creation." You raise your eyebrows skeptical week, and looked at this new creature. Mr. Tucker stood up to his fullest height, and spread his arms I can evil scientist. He said "it's a Chimara that just talks like a human." He didn't crouched down again, saying "watch this." He then looked at the Chimara in the eye, and pointed at you. He said "listen closely sweetheart, this person... This girl right here is named (y/n). she's a good friend. Understand?" The Chimara tilted his head slightly. It looks directly at you, it's brown hair sweeping across its dog like face. It said (y/).....(y/n)....?" Mr. Tucker clasped his hands together in a pure burst of joy. "That's right! Very good!" He had said to it. The chimera said in its almost childlike voice "Veh.... Ree...... Good?" Ed stepped forward slightly "I can't believe it... This chimera... It can actually talk!" Tucker sighed, and said "mhm, i'm glad that I made it in time for this assessment. This just save my neck. And when the grant money kicks in, I won't have to worry about research costs for a while...!" The chimera however... Had its full attention on you. It kept repeating your name, over and over again. "(Y/n)... (Y/n).... (Y-y/n)... Big..... Sis.... ter." You took a sharp intake of breath, part of your hair covering your left eye. Your eyes had widened, but your pupils had retracted. This is exactly what you had feared from the start. And what an innocent child to experiment on too! Obviously, Edward hat caught on to your train of thought, and figured out exactly what happened, as you had don't moments before. He said quietly, murder in his tone of voice " mr. Tucker... When was it that you got your license? By making the first Chimera that spoke human words?" Mr. Tucker rubbed his chin with his index finger spite we will saying "... That was two years ago." You then finished Edwards thought "... And when did your wife leave?" Tucker replied "... That was two years ago as well... Why?" You and Edward and spoke in unison. "And can I ask you one more thing? What happened to Nina and Alexander?" Alphonse gasped, grasping what had happened. Tucker just said "I hate perceptive brats like you two..." Edward and then grabbed Mr. Tucker by his shirt color, and slammed him up against the wall. You were trying not to think about how he would do that to you later on... I-I mean... I-if he did that later On... I... I mean... B-BACK TO THE STORY!! Alphonse then said, a shocked tone to his voice "Brother!" And Ed shouted at Tucker " so that's what happened! You scum... How could you!? Two years ago was your wife!! This time you made a Chimara out of your own daughter and a dog!" You were trembling with rage, torn in between wether to comfort the chimera, or beat the living shit out of Tucker for doing such a thing as this. You decided for less violent approach, and yelled at for Tucker instead. You yelled at him "isn't that right!? Because there's only so much you can do by experimenting on animals... Smoother so much better... Am I right!?" Tucker retorted with "The progress of medicine... The progress of human knowledge... Is the results of experiment lunch humans. Someone has to do it. As a scientist... You should be the first to..." You had interrupted him by yelling at him "shut up! Just shut up!!" Edward joined on with your rant by saying "do you think you're going to get away with this? Playing around with peoples lives!?" Tucker laughed insanely, and then went on this whole rant about how the three of you are all the same. About how deep inside, you were all one. Edward was the first one to snap. He punched Mr. Tucker across the face with his automobile are inside, you were all one. Edward was the first one to snap. He punched Mr. Tucker across the face with his auto mail arm. You soon joined in, kicking him where would hurt. You were both yelling at him at the top of your lungs, him up mainly a shout about how they're not the same. You, avenging Nina. cursing him, yelling at the top of your lungs about where he deserved to go, and why. Soon, Al had to hold both of you back, you were near tears, but tried to blink them Back. Edward, looking to feuded dropped Mr. Tucker, so he slumped against the wall. He is kind of going same, and said something that made Alphonse turned around. With a rare malice in his metal voice, he said "Mr. Tucker... If you say one more word, this time I'll be the one to snap." Tucker remained silent, blood dripping down his face. Al crouched down to the chimera, saying "Nina..... I'm sorry. We don't have the skill right now to turn you back to normal." then he kept repeating how sorry he was. Soon, NIna remembered we had promised to come back and play with her. In her deep, slow voice... She kept repeating two words. "Wanna play.... Wanna play....... Wanna.... Play." You didn't try to stem your flow of tears any longer.

~Yes yes, I am heartless.~


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