Who Du Fack is Yous?

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~Nodody's POV~

"It doesn't matter how much you remember, what matters is that you something and that's so great!" Hermione said joyfully.
"I guess you're right, but I still didn't know stuff about you guys..." Harry explained.
Hermione gave Harry a hug and said, "You'll remember sooner or later, let's just hope it's sooner." Hermione said while chuckling a little at the end.

Blah blah blah- oh, now it's a group hug, great.

While everyone is hugging Draco notices someone, someone just watching them from the shadows.

"Um, who are you?" Draco asked, everyone broke out of the hug looking confused then turned their attention to the person standing in the corner.
"You're looking hella scary right now, come out of the shadows," Ron said.

At first, they didn't move, but eventually, they did.
They stepped out and showed themselves. It was girl, a very short and cute little girl, she was wearing a yellow dress, out of uniform... strange, she had a light blue bow holding up her dark brown hair, she had very strange eye colors, they were black and red to be exact, she had white socks, and shoes that matched the color of her bow.

"H-Hello..." The girl said as she took a few steps closer. Everyone was either confused or at aww because she looks so cute.

Draco was confused, "What were you doing in the shadows, why were you watching us, why aren't you wearing a uniform, and who are you?" Draco asked, well it more of a rant.
"Wow, that's a lot of questions.." The girl breathed out, and then took a deep breath, "I was in the shadows because I was watching you, I was watching you because I made a mistake, I'm not wearing a uniform because I burnt all my robes and I'm too embarrassed to ask to borrow someone else's robe, and my name is June, but people mostly call me Ju." June explained.

"You are so cute, how old are you?" Hermione asked, "I'm 12, but since I'm good at all my classes I'm learning stuff from 6-year classes." June explained.
"So you're smart cookie huh?" Hermione asked, "Although I am smart, I'm very clumsy...-and oh! That's why I'm here, I made a mistake and I need to fix it." June explained. She explains a lot of stuff, mind you she doesn't even know them, she knows of them, but not personally.

"And what might that mistake be?" Ron asked. June looked at her shoes, she was clearly embarrassed, and she mumbled something no one could hear. "Could you say that again?" Hermione asked.
The girl sighed and, without lifting her head, she pointed a Harry.

"He's my mistake." She said, she then shot her head up and started rambling. "Wait! Don't take that the wrong way! I-I just cast a memory dampener spell and it, for some reason I do not know of, was attracted to you! Please forgive my clumsy action!"
"It's ok, we forgive you. It's not like you completely erased his mind, we're all good." Ron said smiling.

June sighed a sigh in relief and pulled out her wand.

June then moved her wand and body in different motions before she noticed how confused everyone looked, mostly Ron. She sighed, "When I cast the spell I made a reverse spell to go with it, I may be clumsy, but I'm not stupid." June explained firmly before continuing her movements.
Once she was done she said, "Butter cakes." Then a glittery yellow ball came out of her wand and hit Harry's head. And no, it didn't hurt him. Duh.

"Ahh-chu!" Apparently, glitter makes Harry sneeze, "chu!" June as well.

"So Harry, remember anything?" Ron asked. "I remember I've never sneezed at Hogwarts before. Oh and everything else." Harry explained.
Oh, shit more hugs.
Oh danmit now June's in the hug too, ugh I hate when people show affection to each other, yuck.

~Ok so that is all! I am done with this book! I have run out of ideas, I might post a chapter on like how or if Draco and Harry come out as a couple, I might not don't wait on me.

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