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~Harry's POV~

I'm in the great hall with Hermione and Ron.
"Harry, can you look around the room to see if you can remember anyone?" Hermione asked, "sure." I said.

I looked down the Griffindor table and didn't recognize anyone, I looked down the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw and I didn't recognize anyone, except for Luna who I already met, I was about to look down the Slytherin table before Ron said something, "you're not gonna recognize anyone from that table."
"Ron don't say that! He might recognize someone-" Hermione started, "Draco!" I yelled.

"What?" Ron asked, "him, I recognize him." I explained while pointing at the Slytherin table.
"He's Draco, right?" I asked, "Yeah, that's Draco." Hermione said.

I smiled and I got up from where I was sitting, "where are you going?" Ron asked.
I ignored him and walked to the Slytherin table and stood behind Draco.
"Draco," I said, not as a question but as a statement.

"Um, yes?" He asked turning around to face me.
"You are Draco." I stated, "Yeah, and you know that." He said confused.

Hermione and Ron came over, "Sorry for bothering you, Harry can remember you and I guess he got a little excited.." Hermione explained then dragged Ron and I out of the great hall and Draco followed.
"What? Why wouldn't Harry remember me?" He asked Hermione then looked at me, "He can't remember anyone, well everyone except for you..." Hermione explained.

"Why him?" Ron asked, then I said something that answered his question, "You're hot." Ron looked shocked and a bit disgusted, Hermione looked excited, and Draco just asked, "Oh really? You think I'm hot?"
I nodded, "I guess now we know why he remembers you, you can't forget love." Hermione explained.

"Then I must really love you because I remember a lot about you," I explained, Draco smiled.
"I'm glad you remember your boyfriend," Draco said.

"Boyfriend?!" Ron shouted and at the same time Hermione said, "So cute!"
"Yep, you are my boyfriend." He said facing me and pulling me close to him, then I had a flashback-

"This will be our little secret..."
"What are you doin-"

"Harry?" Draco asked I looked at Hermione "You're the girl who walked in on us making out in the astronomy tower!" I explained a little too loudly.
"You were making out?! I thought you were checking his bruises!" Hermione yelled then paused, "wait, you remember that!"

"Only some parts like when Draco said, 'this will be our little secret' then I said, 'ok,' and I remember when you walked in and asked, 'what are you doin-' and that's all," I explained happily.

~So sorry it is short and very sorry that it took so long! I've been having great ideas for stories so I've accidentally been working on those other 9 stories instead of this one.
I'm very sorry I forgot about this story.
Bye for now~

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