The next day, the ship docked on a nearby planet. Just for a quick maintenance and repair.
Y/N followed Silver out, standing by him as he helped make some scratches along the bottom of the boat fade.
Y/N was holding the polish for him as he kept dipping his fingers into it and gently rubbing it on the Boats 'scars' that's what Y/N liked to call them.
"Here lass.." Silver grunted, resting the cloth that he used to help buff it out over his shoulder.
he grunted as he searched his pockets for something.
He pulled out a few coins from his pocket and placed in Y/N hands.
"Go get yourself a little somethin', I expect we'll be here for a bit"
Y/N grinned happily as she placed the coins into her pocket and ran off to a food truck, there was one a little far off, just in front of a market.
"Now don' be going to far out! Don't want ye getting lost!"
He chuckled as Y/N just waved him off from behind her head.
She bought hot chips and a can of lemonade.
She ate the chips, standing there awkwardly before deciding to find Jim.
So she jogged back towards the ship, running around the side to find Jim.
He was helping Mr Arrow bring down some barrels, Y/N guessed they were gonna stock it back up with food or something.
"Hey!" She spoke loudly, running up to him and placing a hand on his shoulder.
Jim shrieked, as he turned, Y/N saw the sweat patches over his shirt and the droplets on his forehead.
"Sorry" she laughed and Jim smiled it off, using his shirt to wipe of his face. "Here, I got you a lemonade" she chucked the cold can towards him, he caught it swiftly.
"Hey thanks" he nodded to her with a smile, opening the can and gulping it down. Y/N cocked her brow as she watched.
When he finished the can, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve and looked back at Y/N.
"...Do you Wanna go somewhere else?"
Y/N opened her mouth to reply until she jumped since someone called for Jim.
"Jimbo! Where are ya lad?" It was Silver.
"C'mon" Jim whisper shouted, grabbing Y/Ns wrist and running off, down into the market where they couldn't be seen.
They giggled as they ran, but they were unsuccessful as Silver had just caught them run into the market before disappearing.
He yelled out at them angrily, making the two burst out in laughter as they hid behind a stall.
"A roller skating rink!" Jim pointed it towards a building with a picture of a roller skate. It had only one big wheel on it.
They had strode further down passed the market, into a town now.
Y/N didn't react, just stared between Jim and the building blankly.
"Oh c'mon! You've never been to a rink before?!" He spoke excitedly, mixed with disbelief.
"Once before when- only once but never enough to learn how to actually skate" Y/N shrugged.
"You can make and use your own rocket boots and fly a hundred meters into the air but can't roll around on wheels?!" He grinned teasingly.
Y/N just glared at him as he rolled his eyes playfully.
"I'll teach you" he laughed, grabbing her hand again and dragging her into the building.
He let go of her hand and walked in, leaving Y/N by herself as she waited.
When Jim returned his hand were in his pockets and he shrugged. "The prices in there are a scam."
"Follow me"
Jim cocked his eyebrow but followed Y/N anyway, down beside the building. There she spotted a window.
"Up" Y/N said bluntly, tapping his shoulder repeatedly.
A little confused, Jim bent down and cupped his hands for Y/N to step on and reach the Window, using her dagger she jabbed at the corners until it opened a little so she could put the blade under death and pry it open.
Jim just watched her in complete shock, not because she was breaking into something, but aggressively she was doing it. Like she didn't think about anyone hearing.
With a few grunts of using her blade to pry it open, she did it enough where she could fit her hand in and unlock the window so she could fully open it from inside.
As Y/N pushed herself in, she made him also help push her in by pushing up her foot.
Once she was in she leaned out to help Jim in, grabbing his hand and helping to pull him in.
They were now in a cubicle, standing on the toilet.
Jim was slightly scared of how easily Y/N was able to do that. "Is this men's or women?" He whispered to her.
Y/N peaked up through the stall, quickly ducking when she saw a man at a urinal, thank the heavens he was turned around so she only saw his back.
"Men's" Y/N whispered back, cringing but laughing at the same time.
"We'll get out of here once he leaves" Jim whispered back, stepping of the toilet now.
"What if he spots four Legs from under the door?"
"Right... okay"
After a minute of hearing some random guy piss, (they had to bite their hands to not burst out laughing) they heard the door close.
"Okay let's go" he grinned, grabbing Y/Ns hand and walking out of the cubicle, guiding there way to the door.
But as soon as they reached out to open it, a boy (who looked like Delberts species) walked through the door. The three paused awkwardly at the situation.
"This isn't the women's?"
Jim quickly dragged her out of there as Y/N snickered at herself.
Jim walked in front as Y/N walked behind.
She spotted three pairs of skates on a bench, the people who she assumed might if been there's were little away from the table, buying drinks.
She subtly grabbed two of the three pairs for herself and Jim to use.
"I think we have enough to at least get one pair..." he muttered, about to Turn around to Y/N but she quickly put he skates under her arm and used her hand to turn Jim's face away, towards the sock bar.
"I'll take care of the skates, you just get us some socks" she pointed towards it.
Jim nodded, quickly making his way over as Y/N pretended to get the skates.
She didn't know where Jim stood with "stealing"
She sat on a bench and waited for him Time arrive with the socks.
"How did you afford two pairs of skates? We only had enough for one. And that's when we put our change together"
"I had some extra in my pocket that I forgot about"
It was good enough for Jim, he didn't question as he put them on. Once he was done he saw that Y/N hadn't finished her first skate, so he went to tie up her other.
Y/N sat on the bench as Jim kneeled before her, tying up the skate.
"I can't believe you've never done this before" Jim grinned excitedly.
"I Have" Y/N corrected firmly.
"Yeah, when you were what, six? That doesn't count"
He finished tying the shoe, standing up and offering Y/N his hand.
She took it and lifted herself up, immediately losing her balance before falling forward and catching herself onto him.
"How're are you suppose to-?" She grunted, trying to stabilise herself before stumbling again.
Jim hummed in amusement. "Here, just hold onto me and I'll show you"
Y/N grasped his hands as he smiled assuringly.
He skated back slowly, forcing Y/N to roll towards him.
She kept stumbling, but by holding onto Jim's hands helped a lot.
"You put all your pressure on one leg and pushed your weight onto it before switching to the other" he explained, Y/N nodded as she kept her eyes on her feet.
She tried doing as he said but tripped again, falling into his chest. Upon her falling, Jim also stumbled but caught himself and Y/N, his arm around her back also tangled in her hair and the other just just joking her hand.
Y/Ns hair fell in front of her face, she sighed in frustration, strands of her hair blowing up as so she did.
Jim hummed a giggle as he watched it happen.
As Y/N tried to balance, Jim was looking around the area, his eyes locking on a groups of three friends looking for two pairs of skates.
"They were just on the table?"
"I said that one of you should of stayed with them!"
"I wanted to see what drinks they had!"
"...Y/N? Did you take-"
Suddenly, a bulky man barged through the door onto the rink, glaring at the two.
"How'd yous get in here?!" He started to charge towards them.
Y/N and Jim cringed, quickly jumping out from each other's grasp, pulling off the skates, grabbing their shoes and making a run for it out the door.
They panted against a brick wall in an alley way between two other buildings.
Their backs leaned up against the wall as they stood across.
"We should probably get back now" Y/N grinned through a pant. "What if they leave without us"
"They won't" Jim assured, falling off the wall to stand by Y/N.
"And besides, I don't want to go back yet"
"Jim-" Y/N shook her head with a sigh, "we can't keep them waiting for us."
Jim only smugly rolled his eyes before walking off.
Y/N jogged to catch up with him. "Fine" she grinned, turning to face him. "Where to next?"
He smirked, looking to a pub before turning to Y/N and tilting her face towards it.
They snuck around the back, Y/N used a twig to fiddle with the inside of the lock to open the door as Jim kept an eye out to make sure they wouldn't be seen.
"Let's go" Y/N grinned, turning to Jim as she opened the door behind her, they walked in secretly.
Even though it was bright outside, the pub was dimly lit as older, scruffy and dirty looking Aliens chugged down beers.
The two scoped the place out. Not really knowing what to do from here.
"This place smells awful" Y/N whispered over to Jim, still looking around the place.
Jim shrugged, before he noticed some of the crew members whispering together on a table in the corner. "Is that Scroop?"
Y/N looked over to where Jim was nodding to. Her heart dropping.
"Let's leave"
"Why? Let's get a closer look" Jim grinned, whispering as he didn't take his eyes off of them.
Before Y/N could protest Jim already walked off, she had no choice but to follow.
"I'll say! If tha' boy didn't stick his beak in our business if the firs' place I'd be-"
Jim raised his eyebrow in question, before Y/N spoke.
"I'm not one to run away from things, but if they see us snooping-"
"What do you thinks gonna happen?" Jim quickly replied to Y/N, looking between the crew and her.
Y/N gave him a look. "Last time you picked a fight with Scroop he almost killed you?!"
"I'll be more careful this time, sh" he held his finger to his lips, ignoring Y/N to continue to eavesdrop.
Scroop began to speak. "Once we get where we're headed, I'm headin' straight for tha' cabin boy-"
Y/N bit her tongue, warily glancing between Scroop and Jim.
However, Jim was then shoved back by a man walking past.
"Hey! Watch where your going" Jim said boldly.
Y/N mentally face palmed. He never learnt.
The man paused, slowly turning around to face Jim. "What'd you jus' say to me?"
Jim looked between Y/N and back up at the man. Smirking confidently.
Everyone around the pub turned upon hearing the scene. Including the crew members.
The man grabbed him by the collar, Y/N gasped. "Hey c'mon he's just a kid" Y/N tried to reason, outstretching her hands cautiously. "Just put him down." She pulled on the man's arm which felt like nothing to him.
"Get of'" the man gruffed, pushing Y/N to the side, She fell on her back, resting herself on her elbows as she looked to the crew. Scroop was glaring at Y/N.
I tried to stop him! Y/N mouthed but Scroop was still mad.
The man still had his hand on jim, now holding him to the wall, he had his hand closed in a fist, ready to punch Jim.
Y/N quickly scrambled to her feet running to the man and swinging her leg from behind, hitting him where it hurts.
The man yelled in pain, dropping to the floor in the fetal position as he cried, Jim was met free but stared at the man with wide eyed, Y/N quickly leaped for Jim's hand and started to run for the door.
"You really do need to learn to pick your fights!" She said breathily as they sprinted.
But Y/N was pulled back on her collar, the bar tender pulling her around aggressively.
"...ain't you the girl on my wall?" He said more to himself, studying Y/Ns face closely.
But he turned away and grunted as Jim had starting swinging him in the face, punching him from the jaw.
"Jim!" Y/N gasped in shock, she turned to face him but Jim had already grabbed hold of her hand and started running for the door again.
Once they almost made their way out they were blocked by silver who was looking down out then angrily, his arms crossed.
Y/N and Jim looked down ashamed, glancing at each-other with their lips pressed together.
"Yous ar' scrubin', the entire deck! Twice over with a single toothbrush!" He gritted his teeth angrily, grabbing ahold of their shoulders and roughly pulling them out, waving in Sorry to the people they had abused in the bar.
"I can assure you they will be punished!" He called with a nervous laugh before the door slammed behind them.
Y/N and Jim were to scared to speak, cause they might make their punishment worse.
"Yous are under my care! I can't have ya running off and getting yourself killed?! Do ye know what kind of' position that'd put me in?"
"A bad one" Y/N said expressionless, but trying to hide the smile that wanted to make its way through.
He grunted angrily at Y/Ns response, grabbing ahold of their shoulders once again and pushing them back towards the ship.
"How did you know we were in there" Jim said annoyedly.
"I have eyes in the back o' me head!" He still replied crossly, escorting them to the ship.
I made it a one wheel roller skate cause I don't want this to sound to much like reality, little things need to change to make this sound a little more techno in the future.
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