4. Chores, chores and more chores

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(All this is happening in like the weeks and weeks following)

"Put some elbow into it!" Silver yelled to Jim who held the scraper.

Y/N was still half asleep. Her head in her hands. she wasn't really fighting to keep her eyes open.

It took Jim a good minute to scrape one barnacle off, which made her internally cringe because the whole boat was covered in so so so many more.

It was until she was more awake when she decided to help, grabbing the dagger from her thigh and trying to slice off more barnacles.

"You're going to scratch the boat!" The Silver scolded, snatching the knife off from her hands.

"What? Like the scraper isn't?" She protested, taking the knife back off from silver and stuffing it back into its Hollister.
Silver only grumbled as he passed her a scraper. She sighed before joining Jim in scraping them off.

An hour later, There was a really stubborn one. but she refused to let it win. So Y/N poured all her strength into trying to scrape it off. But yet it still didn't come off.

Jim was bored as well, so he decided in helping Y/N scrape off the one barnacle.
A minute of both prying at the Barnacle they managed to take it off, they grinned to each other in success.

However due to the impact Y/N lost her balance, slowly falling back. "Woahhh!" Her arms outstretched, trying to regain her balance.

Silver however, unfazed, pulled back on her shirt and onto the plank again.

"What if we just tied a life line around us and swung by the ship with the scraper against it, surely that would be faster right?" Y/N spoke aloud.

Silver of course said it was a terrible idea, but as soon as he left later  to get ready on lunch, that's exactly what Jim and Y/N did.

Grinning from opposite ends on the ship, at the count of three the two ran and jumped off, holding their scrapers to the ship as they swung beside it.

It worked, the barnacles came off in one swift motion.
They giggled uncontrollably once the rope stopped swinging and they just hung there.

Ready for a second round, the two climbed their way back on deck using the rope. But as soon as they climbed over Silver stood there with his arms crossed, glaring at the two angrily.

Jim and Y/N turned away from Silver to each other sheepishly, cringing as they made eye contact.

"If yer two Don' get back there right now and do it properly, I'll 'ave your heads"

They retreated cautiously, sitting on the plank and lowering it back down.

"No more shortcuts!"


"You're supposed to be drying the dishes" Silver scolded Y/N as she sat beside Jim who was sitting on a barrel.

"I finished. So I'm gonna help Jim" she stated, pulling out her knife and grabbing a potato, starting to peel away the skin.

"Or do you have a problem with that to?" Jim looked up to Silver, annoyed.

Silver glared at them both but didn't argue against them.


Y/N was showing the rocket boots she had been working on to Jim, pressing a button on her ankle she shot up into the air, using her hands to balance herself. 

Morph flew up to her, sticking his tongue out playfully before flying to Y/Ns boots and turning them off.

She screamed as she hit her head on the deck, sitting back up and rubbing her head angrily as she glared at Morph who was cackling.


Jim was stuck on all falls, scrubbing the deck.

Silver towered over him with a smug look, hands on his hips.
Jim stood up, angrily glaring up at Silver as silver thrusted a bucket of soapy water to Jim.

Jim angrily threw the bucket into the deck before sighing and falling back into his knees.

"Is it bad that I feel kinda bad for him?" Y/N asked Silver, walking up to him with a lazy hand on her hip, she watched as Jim continued to scrub.

"Eh" Silver shrugged, "at least the job is gettin' done"
He pat Y/N on the back as he walked away.

She crossed her arms, still watching him until morph flew from behind her and grabbed her dagger, holding it in his mouth.

Y/N shrieked. "Gimme that! You could hurt yourself!" She scolded, reaching for morph but missing.

Morph laughed as he ran away, Y/N chasing after him.

Jim looked up upon hearing the commotion, a soft smile playing on his face as he watched them interact.


Jim and Y/N both walked along the bowsprit, Y/N walked in front, Jim close behind.

Y/N was just in awe of the stars as was Jim.
"Do you wanna go closer?" Y/N whispered behind her to Jim, not taking her eyes off the sky.

"This is good" he whispered back.

Y/N then stiffened. Feeling Jim's hands grip her arms to keep her steady as he adjusted his leg so it was kneeling up so that Y/N could lean against his leg safely.

Y/N then remembered the plan so she eased into his touch. She internally cringed.

Y/N leaned her head back to see what Jim looked like, he had his gazed fixated on the stars,
One of his hands left Y/N to grip onto the rope to further hold them in place.

The smallest amount of guilt then began to form when she reminded herself why she was letting this happen.


Y/N took a seat beside Jim, handing him a cup of hot chocolate she made.

He smiled at her in thanks before the two turned there attention to Silver who was enthusiastically telling his exciting stories to the crew, Jim began to smile.

"He's stretching the truth" Y/N rolled her eyes with a laugh, taking a sip from her own cup, she continued to look at Silver as he spoke. "He cried out like a baby, I was eleven and had to run back into the
crowd and fight through them, just to grab stuff from the first aid kit. Actually, I have the scar over here from it..."

Y/N turned down and turned her arm around to point out the scar to prove it. Jim looked to her and smiled softly. He enjoyed listening to Silvers stories and Y/N calling him out his half truths.

He was a little jealous of how much excitement Y/N got to experience as a young child, he just wished that he'd be experiencing it as well in the future, preferably with her.

He was hardly paying attention to what she was even saying, Jim just enjoyed hearing how much excitement could erupt from a person, he hoped he could be that one day.


Y/N yawned tiredly as she grabbed the freshly washed plate from Jim, dried it, and placed it on top of the neatly stacked pile.

"You can go to bed if you want" Jim told her as he noticed her yawn. "This is my job after-all"

"No" Y/N waved him off, taking the next plate off of his hands to dry. "Silver gives you way to much, it's the least I can do"

"For what?" Jim cocked his eyebrow, he couldn't recall any favours he had done Y/N in the last few days.

"being a good friend" she answered casually. "And as your friend I wanna help you get this done so you can get some rest to"

Jim looked to the ground to hide his smile.
"You should take of your gold bracelet then, wouldn't want something like that to get dirty" he smirked.

"I love this thing for than I love myself" She grinned in reply. "It stays on. You can't get rid of me"

As soon as they were done the last pot, Silver walked back in with an even bigger pile of dirty dishes.

Both their mouths opened in shock. Jim angrily grabbed a large pot from the pile and aggressively scrubbed it, glaring At Silver as he walked away.

"It's better than doing everyone's laundry" she tried to stay optimistic, now drying the pot Jim handed to her.

An hour and a half later, Y/N neatly packed the last dish away onto the bench before turning back to Jim who had fallen asleep over a large bowl.

She immediately collapsed, falling on her knees and onto the side of the bowl, also leaning her head on it. Jim hand was hovering just above her head.

Silver walked in on the two, bashful as he rubbed his neck once he saw the neatly stacked pile of clean dishes.

He took off his jacket and placed it around Jim as a blanket.
Jim's eyes fluttered open a little, noticing the jacket that had been placed over him and Silver walking around him to Y/N.

Silver had slightly woken Y/N, helping her stand up from the pot and guiding her up the galley to go back to her hammock in the cabin, She was half asleep.

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