When I envisioned Ethan and I's wedding, I was approximately 24 pounds lighter and my ankles weren't killing me. But there I was, almost 7 months pregnant and showing, after getting pregnant on the very first try. Even though pregnancy had been tough, and my wedding dress was a few sizes bigger, I wouldn't have changed a thing.
"Are you almost done, Lys?" I asked. She was taking her sweet time on my makeup.
"Can't rush perfection!" she sang and continued applying something sparkly to my face.
I rolled my eyes, "Any longer and he's gonna think I left him at the altar."
"I'm almost done, Mama Bear."
"Still can't believe my baby's having a baby," my mom said with a little pouty face. She'd come to stand behind me in the mirror and put her hands on my shoulders. "I can't wait to see the little one."
I smiled at her reflection, "You'll be seeing a lot of your baby's baby, Mom. Trust me." She kissed the top of my head. "You too, Mrs. Cutkosky," I said to Ethan's mom, who was sitting next to Yas.
"Please call me Yvonne, sweetheart," she smiled, "And I can't wait." I smiled back and nodded. She'd become my second mom over the years. It would've been too weird calling her by her first name, but who could say no to such a sweet face?
"All finished!" Alyssa chimed and stepped back to admire her work. My dad walked in and I turned in the chair to face him.
"You look beautiful, darling," he smiled.
"Doesn't she?" my mom added.
"Absolutely!" Yasmin agreed, coming over to help me up, "You have like 2 minutes before the music starts playing."
"Thanks, you guys. I love you so much," I smoothed my dress down, "Where's Mackenzie?"
"That's right, she's the flower girl," said my mom. "I'm gonna go make sure everything is set up with her."
"And make sure Donny has the rings! You know how he is, and if he plays a prank on my wedding day I'll push him down a flight of stairs."
"Okay, honey," she laughed and headed out of the room.
"We're gonna go get in our positions, sis," Alyssa said and clutched Yasmin's arm. I nodded and they left out. As soon as the door shut, I started getting extra nervous. I guess my dad could feel my anxiety floating around.
"Hey, everything's gonna be fine, Peanut," my dad started. "All the people who love you are here to see you marry the one you love," He pulled me in for a hug, "I know you're ready and that you can do this."
I clutched him tighter, "Thanks, Dad. You always know what to say."
"Cause you're my baby," He kissed my forehead and I heard the music start playing outside, "It's time."
"Let's do this," I sighed nervously. We walked out of the room (more like a waddle for me) and down a hallway. The bridesmaids and groomsmen had already walked in, leaving my little cousin, Mackenzie standing there. "Hey, Kenz! You look so pretty."
"Not as pretty as you, Harper," she smiled, looking up at me.
"Of course you do," I tickled her a little, "Everyone's beautiful in their own way. Never forget that, okay?"
She smiled widely, "Okay! It's my turn to go now." I nodded and she went through the doors. Once the doors shut enough that you couldn't see my dad and me, we stepped in front of it. My dad gave me a reassuring smile and I smiled back before locking my arm with his.
After a few seconds, the Wedding March started to play and my nerves were at a high. It was even worse than when I performed on stage! I shook as many jitters away as I could and then the doors started to open.
God, I was so nervous. It was the day I was marrying the love of my life, and I couldn't have been happier. If only I could get my knees to stop shaking. I wasn't nervous about marriage, or Harper leaving me at the altar, I was just scared I'd mess up my vows in front of everyone. Breathe, Ethan.
Just as I was getting myself together, those two huge doors opened and all my fears went out of the window. There she was, my beautiful bride, soon-to-be wife, and mother of our child— gorgeous as ever. Angelic, even.
We locked eyes as she and her dad walked toward me. I couldn't help the smile that covered my face— the blush either. I couldn't believe she was really gonna be mine forever. How'd I get so lucky?
Once the two were at the altar, he handed Harper off to me. "You're so beautiful," I said to her quietly while the music was still playing. Her smile matched mine, and her pregnancy gave her an added glow. It was gonna be a struggle waiting for permission to kiss her.
I took her hands in mine at the request of the priest marrying us. I tried my hardest to pay attention to what he was saying, but Harper had me in a trance. I may have stolen her skateboard, but she stole my heart. I finally snapped back into reality when the priest said it was time to take the rings and recite our vows. Luckily, we'd written and made arrangements to have them printed out for us. We were handed our individual vows and Donny brought us the rings with a big grin on his face before returning to his position of Best Man. I took a deep breath because it was my turn to speak first.
"When we met I didn't know what true love was-- or if it existed. You proved to me that it does exist, and you continue to show me every day with your angelic words and fiery spirit. You have strengthened me when I felt weak and always stood by me when things were difficult. I promise to never let my love for you go, and I promise to keep you and our family safe, no matter the danger, forever and always."
I placed the ring we'd picked out together on her finger. Harper's smile was huge and tears threatened to fall from her brown eyes, all while my heart raced. It was her turn to say vows and I had butterflies.
"Our journey has been full of love, strength, and fun. We have overcome every hardship there is and came out stronger. Because of you, I get to wake up every day knowing what it's like to be loved in my entirety. I promise to cherish, love, care for, and sing you to sleep when you need it most, forever and always."
Harper grinned and put my ring on. You couldn't suppress the smile on my face. She made life feel warm and sunny when it was bleak. She was my hope and I was lucky enough to have her as my own forever. Happy was the biggest understatement.
"Go now in harmony and live enamored, sharing the most valuable blessings you have- the blessings of your lives joined together. Also, may your days be long on this planet. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," the priest ended off with a smile. I pressed my lips onto Harper's gently, wrapping one arm around her waist and placing one hand on her baby bump. Cheers were erupting in the audience but it felt as if we were the only two in the room.
This has been a long and awesome journey, guys. The last year and a half were really rough on me, but you guys' interactions and reads are the reason I still had enough fire to finish this story. Thank you to everyone for reading, giving feedback, voting, and making my days with your comments! I honestly don't think Roomies or Dormies would've happened without your support.
Much love, A.
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