|40 - Would That Be So Bad?|

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Is that bacon I smell? Ethan wasn't in bed next to me, so he had to be cooking. I smiled and sat up in bed slightly, wiping the sleep out of my eyes. Dinner, sex that knocked my socks off, and now breakfast? God, I love that man.

After using the bathroom, I skipped to the kitchen. "Good morning, Mr. Chef," I sang and Ethan turned away from the stove to smile at me. I took a seat at the kitchen island.

"Good morning," He finished up some scrambled eggs and added them to our plates, which already had pancakes and bacon on them. He turned the stove off and put his last dish in the sink.

"Fuck, this looks so good. How long have you been in here?"

He walked back over to the island and sat next to me, coffee in hand, "Not too long. And I know it tastes even better, so go ahead and eat, baby."

"Don't have to tell me twice," I smiled and grabbed my fork and knife. Ethan sipped his coffee and I cringed, "Still don't know how you drink that shit with no sugar."

"You know the sugar makes my stomach hurt," he replied, shrugging and taking another sip. I shook my head and continued to eat. After a few minutes, I noticed Ethan scrunching his nose and frowning up a bit in my peripheral.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Have a bit of a headache, that's all," he answered, rubbing his temples.

I stood up from the island chair, "I'm gonna go get you some medicine."

He grabbed my forearm, "No, baby. Finish your food first, I'll be ok."

"I'll be right back, it's not going anywhere. Unless you have a master plan to eat my food too," I raised a brow playfully.

He gasped dramatically, "Oh my gosh, you caught me!"

I giggled, "Despicable! I'll be right back." I sprinted to the bathroom and looked in the medicine cabinet but couldn't find the Advil. If it wasn't in there, it was probably in the bedroom. I went straight in there and opened the nightstand drawer. "Aha," I said upon finding what I was looking for. I also found something I should've been looking for the night before too...

There they were— condoms. Staring directly at me. We definitely weren't thinking about them the night before, and I'd been off of birth control for months.

I opened the Advil and poured two pills into my hand before closing and putting the bottle away. When I got back to the kitchen, Ethan was scrolling through something on his phone. 

"Here you go..." I said, handing him the pills.

"Thank you," he smiled. I smiled back slightly and looked away. "You ok?"

"Yeah, just hungry as hell. Can we please eat?" I said, hopping back onto the chair. Ethan nodded and put his phone away. By the time our food was practically gone, I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize I had a weird expression on my face.

"Okay, what's going on?" Ethan asked, snapping me out of my own head.

I sighed and took a long pause before looking at him, "Did you pull out last night?"

A look of confusion, followed by a look of slight worry appeared on his face, "No, fuck." I facepalmed slightly. "Hey, it's no big deal. It was only hours ago— wouldn't be our first Plan-B after drunken sex."

I chuckled, but only slightly— remembering the first time we'd had sex. I guess he could still sense something was off with me.

"Harper, what's wrong?"

I sighed and sat back in front of my plate, "What if I wanna skip the Plan-B this time..?"

"Skip?" he asked, confused. "But then you'd probably get pregnant."

"Would that be so bad?" I chortled nervously. His expression turned surprised. "I mean, we'll be 27 next year and married. I really don't want to wait until we're 30 to have a baby. And we have the means to support a kid."

He still had surprise all over his face and he paused for a second. I was about to start rambling because I thought he was gonna have a panic attack or something, but he finally spoke.

"What about your career? You're so happy with it right now. Plus performing and stuff? That much stress on you, while you're pregnant, scares me a bit," he started. "And what about when the baby gets here? We're both so busy— one of us would always have to be free if we couldn't find a babysitter."

In that moment, the person that always encouraged me to go for things, made me feel discouraged. He had some majorly valid points too... but I knew what I wanted. I took one of his hands in mine, "Yeah, we both have a lot going on career-wise, and it's not gonna be a walk in the park, but we've been through so much and always come out on top. What if life hasn't slowed down in a couple of years and the wait was for no reason? Why should I let anything keep me from having a baby with the person I'm in love with?"

His expression turned to that of awe and he intertwined our fingers, "There's that passion and fire I love."

"Huh?" It was my turn to be confused.

"That was a test. A test to see just how strongly you felt about it all, and how much you want what you do. You didn't back down or change your mind, and that's how I know you're 100% serious about this. Why wouldn't I want to have a baby with the love of my life? I'd put whatever aside."

"You little sneak," I pushed his shoulder slightly and giggled, "Using your psychology knowledge against me." He pulled me in for a hug and rubbed my back. "I love you so much, Ethan."

"I love you more," He pulled back and cupped my cheek, "And I'm ready whenever you are to start the next chapter of our lives."

My smile couldn't be contained, "Jeez, I'm gonna be huge at our wedding if I get pregnant now."

Ethan pecked my lips softly, "And still beautiful as ever."

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