Chapter 30

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TW (Trigger Warning) : Violence, Blood, Threats etc.

"I finished everything. Here. I hope you're happy. I'm going to go sleep for a long long time. DON'T call me if you need anything." (Heizou)

"Wow! Thank's Hei!" (You) 

"Mhm." (Heizou) 

"Wow, he looks really tired. I hope he'll be alright." 

"Don't worry about him. He's always like this before exams but then he gets perfect scores." (Scara)

"I should ask him to tutor me sometime." (You)

"Isn't, like, your brother smarter?" 

"Yeah, but like, he's too busy hanging out with Lumi." 

"Heizou has Kuki." 

"But like.... there's no one else." 




"You wouldn't-" 

"Who says so?" 

"Uhhh your personality?" 

"Ugh. That again. What's so bad about my personality?" 


"Wow. I'm soooooo hurt."

"Pffffft. Heh. Come on! We need to finish this up." 


"Wait, let me call your mom." 


"Hello? Yeah, it's me. How'd it go with finding those people? Great! We gathered all the evidence, so I think we should go and confront her before calling the police. What time? Alright. See you then! I'll bring Kuni so don't worry!" 

"Hey! Wait! What are you doing?!?! Did you really call my mom?" 



"We're meeting an hour later. Get ready. I'll see you in a bit!"


You ran off. 

"Hey! You crazy bi###! Get back here!" 


Running to your dorm, you got ready and gathered your stuff. 

"Hahaha! The look on his face!" 

After laughing for a long time you went to Kuni's dorm. 

"Hey! Kuni! Come out! I'm here!" 

"Leave me alone." 

"Come on! I promised your mom!" 

"Just go by yourself!" 

"I'm climbing in through the window then!" 

"Fine!" He opened the door. "You happy?" 

"Kuni-" He looked really tired and sad. 

"Yeah. I'm fine. Let's go." 

"Are you-" 

"Let's just go!" 


I haven't seen him this mad in a while.

At all really. 

He's been upset or sad before...

But this...

It's on a whole new level.


"Y/N. Let's just go and get this over with." 


You stayed quiet for the entire walk. You walked into the library. 

"Hey Lisa. Is she already here?" (You) 

"Yeah. Head on inside!" (Lisa) 

"I have to use the bathroom first. You go ahead Kuni." (You) 

"Mhm." He walked away towards the room and you sighed. 

"What's up with him?" (Lisa) 

"He doesn't want to meet his mom."



You finished your business and headed to the room. 

"You're here." (Scara) 

"K-Kuni? Why didn't you go inside?" 

"Why not? Go inside." He walked in behind you and sat down. 

"You're here." (Ei) 

"Yeah. How've you been?" (You) 

"I've been fine. How about you?" (Ei) 

"Okay. How did the operation go?" (You) 

"I got evidence. And I think we can follow your plan. I also happen to know where she is right now." (Ei) 

"Great!" (You)

"Kunikuzushi. Aren't you going to say hello to your mother?" (Ei)

"Hello." (Scara) 

"Let's go. Did you bring your car?" (You) 

"I did. Come along you two." (Ei) 

"Alright! Let's go Kuni." (You) 

"I'm coming. Stop making such a fuss." (Scara) 

The two of you got in the car. Since Kuni stayed silent the whole ride, you chatted with Ei.

"We're here." (Ei) 

"Okay let's go!" (You) 

"You remember all the evidence right?" (Ei) 

"Yeah, of course!" (You) 

"I'll just stay in the car." (Scara) 

"You sure? You can come with us Kuni." (You) 

"Stop calling me that. Just leave me alone." (Scara) 

"What?" (You) 

"Stop calling me that! Just go! It's not like we're that close anyways!" (Scara) 

"A-Alright." You turned around and ran towards Ei.

"Did he say something to you?" (Ei) 

"It's nothing. Let's go." (You)

The two of you were standing in front of an abandoned warehouse. The door creaked when you opened it. You stepped inside and sighed. 

"You're finally here." (Raiden) 

"Raiden Shogun. Stop this nonsense. You're coming with us." (Ei) 

"Oh hello mother. Why are you so interested now? You didn't care about me before. Is it because of little Scaramouche's girlfriend beside you?" (Raiden) 

"Leave her out of this." (Ei) 

"Is she your new daughter now? No need for me anymore so you're going to rein me in and lock me up?" (Raiden)

"Stop talking right now. We gathered a lot of evidence. You're done for. Now come along quietly." (Ei) 

"I know. But you really think you can beat me mother?" (Raiden) 

"H-How'd you know?" (You)

"You're a naive little one aren't you? Didn't Kunikuzushi tell you that it wouldn't work? Speaking of, where is he? Too traumatized?" (Raiden) 

"Stay away from him!" (You) 

"Awww a protective little girlfriend!" (Raiden) 

"We're not dati-" (You)

"Just stay out of this Y/N." (Ei)

"But-" (You) 

"Y/N." (Ei) 

"Alright." (You)

"It seems like you care more about this girl than you care about your own kids." (Raiden) 

"I care about you! I care about Kunikuzushi! That's why I'm here right now! Fix this bullsh## behavior!" (Ei) 

"You care about me? Hah. That's even more fu##ed up bullshi# than my apparently shi#y behavior." (Raiden) 

"I'm your mother! Of course I do!" (Ei) 

"Well you're a real shi#y mother. You didn't even care when you found out all the things I did!" (Raiden)

"I-" (Ei) 

"And 'I was grieving after Aunt Makato died' isn't an excuse! What excuse in the world is there for neglecting your own children?! What excuse is there for NOT GIVING A SINGLE FUC# when one of your kids becomes a FUC#ING MURDERER??!!!" (Raiden)

"I'm sorry. I know I'm a terrible mother. I'm sorry." (Ei) 

"Pull yourself together. If we can't convince her, we have to do it by force." (You) 

"By force? You little bit##. You think you can force me to do whatever you want?" (Raiden) 

"Raiden!" (Ei) 

"You can't tell me what to do." (Raiden) 

She walked towards you slowly, like a predator hunting her prey. You backed up until your back hit the wall. 

"Raiden Shogun. Stop right this instant!" (Ei) 

She ignored Ei and kept walking. Her eyes glowed purple. Filled with rage and venom. You had noticed it before. Her voice was sometimes filled with spite and malice and whenever she called Ei mother, her voice turned sarcastic. 

Right now, nothing could stop her. When she reached you, you tensed up. But all you felt was a finger on your chin. She lifted your face up, forcing you to meet her eyes. 

"You're a pretty little thing aren't you?" (Raiden) 

"Get away from her!" (Ei) 

You could see Ei. She was coming towards you, but she kept hesitating. 

She doesn't want to hurt her child.

"What do you want? Why do you keep hurting your family?" (You) 

"I'm guessing you don't want to hear my life story, and I don't want to stall until that bit## gets here, so let's get this over with. If you stay quiet I'll make it painless alright?"(Raiden) 

She pulled a knife out of her pocket and you flinched. 

"Awww, are you scared? Hmm. Staying quiet. Good." (Raiden) 

Your hands started shaking. 

She lifter the knife and tossed it straight at your head. 

Your self preservation instincts kicked in and you ducked. 

It sailed over your head then hit the wall.

"Ahhhhhh!" You screamed when a second knife cut your arm. When you looked down, dark red was slowly sliding down your arm accompanied by a throbbing pain. "Ow. That fuc#ing hurts like shi#" 

"If that hurts then-" Suddenly, she was knocked to the ground with a thud. The knife she was holding flew at you. 

You screamed as it pierced your side. You fell on the ground and darkness encompassed you. 

A/N: Ahahahahahaha........

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