"So you found something out???" (you)
"Yeah. It wasn't easy, but since I'm a genius I easily succeeded." (Heizou)
"He actually had a lot of trouble with it." (Kuki)
"Kuki! You're supposed to be on my side!" (Heizou)
"Really?" (Kuki)
"Ugh! Why do you two always gang up on me?" (Heizou)
"Hehe. Anyways, what'd you find out?" (you)
"I know who it is." (Heizou)
"Oh." (You)
"Yeah... DO YOU NOT BELEIVE ME?" (Heizou)
"I don't." (You)
"Seriously?" (Heizou)
"Pfttt." (Kuki)
"Hey! Not you too! Have pity on your poor boyfriend!" (Heizou)
"Uhhh how about.... No?" (Kuki)
"Hahahaha! Alright. We're getting off topic here. So?" (You)
"SO what?" (Heizou)
"You said you knew who it was!" (You)
"Oh, that." (Heizou)
"Yeah." (you)
"..." (Heizou)
"Uhhhh... Why are you so quiet?" (you)
"You teased me and that hurt my feelings. Why would I want to tell you?" (Heizou)
"Kuki?" (you)
"He refused to tell me." (Kuki)
"No I mean like kiss him and convince him to tell me." (You)
"Y/N WTF???!!!" (Kuki)
"Wait what? Well, I have no complaints. Go for it." (Heizou)
"Heizou!" (Kuki)
"Yeah Heizou. Look at your girlfriend. She's my bestie. Are you refusing to help your girlfriend's bestie?" (You)
"Yes." (Heizou)
"Seriously? Are you really gonna make me do this?" (You)
"Do what?" (Heizou)
You grabbed your phone and opened contacts. You pressed on one and showed it to Heizou.
"Call Xiao." (You)
"Alright, Alright I'll tell you!" (Heizou)
"Sheesh. Took you long enough." (You)
"The author needed to have an intro instead of directly introducing the antagonist even though all the readers probably already know who it is." (???)
"What?" (You)
"Ah nvm. You didn't hear that. *Magical author powers*" (???)
"So? Who is it?" (You)
"Mona." (Heizou)
"Yeah I know." (You)
"Then why'd you ask me?" (Heizou)
"If you know it's her, you probably have evidence right?" (You)
"Yeah..." (Heizou)
"Great!" (You)
"What..." (Heizou)
"Gimmie the evidence. I have to go find Mona, confront her, find out why, and get her expelled." (You)
"Uhhhhhh...." (Heizou)
"What? Are you in awe of my superior brainpower?" (You)
"Not at all." (Heizou)
"Yeah. It was really obvious. LIke who else is out to get me in this school? Anyway, what's the evidence?" (You)
"If you confront her and record the entire thing it should be enough." (Heizou)
"Right... Wait. Are you telling me there's no evidence?" (you)
"Yeah." (Heizou)
"Pretty much." (Heizou)
"Okay. Get out." (you)
"What?" (Heizou)
"Get. Out. You've fulfilled your purpose. Actually, you haven't and you're useless to me right now. Get out." (You)
"Seriously?" (Heizou)
"I'll drag him out. See you later Y/N. Good luck!" (kuki)
"Bye!" (You)
Even though he was protecting the entire time, Hei was eventually dragged out the door by Kuki.
"Well, now that that's over and done with..." You contemplated on what to do next.
Who should I call to help me?
"Hey Hu."
"Y/N! Did someone die?"
"*sigh* Focus Hu. I need you to help me record someone. In secret."
"Sign me up!"
"Great! Wait by the library. I'll be there in a sec."
"Got it!"
"Remember to stay out of sight!"
"Of course!"
"Kay see you soon!"
You sighed.
"Now, I have to find her."
Ah... Where should I begin?
If I step outside, she should be there, in a moment, but...
She'll be careful not to be seen.
Eh. Why not try it?
It might work.
A few minutes later...
"Wow. That actually worked." (You)
"What do you want?" (Mona)
"What do you think? Why else would I have called you?" (You)
"I didn't do anything wrong!" (Mona)
"Are you sure about that?"
"Really? For example, stalking is a serious crime. And if someone were able to gather evidence..."
"W- What are you saying? I never stalked you!"
"I never said you did. I was just curious about something."
"What?" (Mona)
"Why do you hate me so much?"
"I- I don't- I don't..."
"See? You can't even say 'I don't hate you."
"So what if I hate you? I didn't do anything wrong!"
"Again, are you sure about that?"
"What do you want from me? I never did anything to you! Why do you hate me this much?"
"Playing the victim card huh? I do hate you, but you're to one who gave me a reason to."
"You gave me a reason to hate you too!"
"Finally talking huh? So, let's hear it. What did I ever do to you?"
"You ruined my life!"
"Don't you remember? You reported me of cheating!"
"Oh. That?!!"
"Yeah! You ruined all chances of my getting into Hexenzirkel High!"
"I didn't want you to get something by cheating! We were friends! I was just doing the right thing!"
"It was my destiny to get in! It was written in the stars! And you ruined it all!"
"You shouldn't have cheated! You said you forgave me!"
"I never did. I wanted revenge! You destroyed me! Do you know how much trouble I got in?"
"So that's why? I was happy Mona! Even if he'd continued to use me for the rest of my life, I would have been happy! But you ruined all that! But then, I guess I also have to thank you for that."
"I don't think that I would have ever known that I was being used... if you hadn't done that."
"I- I wanted to hurt you, and all I did was help you?"
"Anyways, thanks for that. But didn't you get enough revenge? Why are you doing this to me Mona?"
"You're trying to take Scaramouche from me! I won't allow that! His sister said she'd support me if I took pictures of you and sent them to you... Oops."
"What do you mean I'm trying to take Kuni from you? He's not your possession. He's a human! He never belonged to you!"
"No! I love him!"
"Wow. Anyways, thank you for that confession."
"Your confession of stalking me."
"W- When did I say that?"
"Hu! You got everything right? Play it back!"
"Kay!" (Hu tao)
"His sister said she'd support me if I took pictures of you and sent them to you..." (Recording)
"Well, I think that's enough evidence. Right? Thanks for cooperating Mona."
You started walking away with Hu.
"Wait!" (Mona)
"What do you want?" (You)
"Please don't tell anyone!" (Mona)
"Why? Why should she listen to you?" (Hu)
"I-" (Mona)
"Goodbye Mona." (You)
You walked away.
"That was awesome!" (Hu)
"Really?" (You)
"Why do you sound so sad? We beat that b!#h!"
"What? I honestly don't get it Y/N. Why are you so hard on yourself? You did the right thing."
"Stop with the what ifs. What happened has happened. You can't change the past. Just focus on what you can do now."
"That's easier said than done Hu."
"I know. But try. You're just making the people around you worried."
"Thanks. I guess we have to go report her now."
"Do you want someone else to do it? I can get Heizou."
"I- I might need Heizou. And Kazuha. But I want to report her myself."
"Why Kazuha?"
"So he can give me therapy after."
"Oh. Alright. Wait by the office. I'll bring them and I'll be right back."
"Kay. See you soon."
Did I... Am I... Really doing the right thing?
A/N: Mental health: -100 Current Mental health: -50 Story Progress: 80% Hope you enjoyed!
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