Chapter 24

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"How'd it go?" 

"She's scared. She doesn't know it's me either." 


"What is?" 

"That you're willing to go this far." 

"I'll do whatever." 

"People like you are so easily to manipulate." 


"Nothing Nothing. You're doing great. Just continue your work and I'll uphold my end of the bargain." 

"But... Are you sure that this will help me?" 

"Are you doubting me?" 

"I want to know if this will really help me." 

"Of course it will. I don't do things halfheartedly." 





"Where are you?" 

"I'm with Kuki at my dorm. Everything alright?" 

"I got another text. This time from a different number. I blocked whoever it is but..."

"$#it. Fu## this. I'm coming over. Sit tight." 


You paced around the room. 

Why again? 

I barely left my dorm! 

How'd they manage to take so many pictures? 

I saw literally nobody and I checked every minute!


"Y/N. I'm here." (Heizou)

"Hei! Oh! You brought Kuki?" (You)

"Yeah. I can't be away from my girlfriend for too long." (Heizou)

"Hey Y/N. How're you doing?" Kuki expertly ignored what Heizou had just said. 

"I'm fine. Let's talk in the living room." You brought them inside and flopped on the couch.

"You sure you're alright?" (Kuki) 

"I- I don't know what to do!" You held your head in your hands. 

"Y/N. Show me the texts." (Heizou) 

"It's a new number. I blocked it... Here are the texts." You handed him your phone. 


Unknown Number

Unknown Number

20 Images

Didn't I tell you I could get a new number? 


"I didn't even reply this time." You sighed "I'm so pathetic." 

"You're not. You did the right thing." (Kuki) 

"Did I though? I should have just reported this." (you) 

"If they cover it up... we would lose everything. Right now, we need evidence of who did it and how." (Heizou) 

"Yeah. Can you though?" You didn't want to be disapointed. 

"He can. Don't worry and rest Y/N." (Kuki) 

"Yeah... Tell me if you need anything." After they left, you sighed. 


Who hates me this much to go this far? 

What did I do? 

Is... Is it her

She seems like she would...

Just to scare me...

Playing with me before ending me...

Seems like something she would do. 

Should I tell Kuni? 


His reactions whenever I tell him something...

I think it would be better to leave him out of this...

I don't even know if we're friends anymore. 

I haven't seen him in so long...

Childe and Rosa only came that one time because they ran into the others coming into my dorm. 

I don't even see him at practices anymore...

Is he avoiding me? 

Or am I avoiding him? 


Why am I thinking of him? 

I should be focused on who the culprit is!

It won't be her directly. 

It's more likely she hired someone. 

Someone who goes to this school. 

It can be either someone who hates me or someone who was desperate for something she could give. 


This doesn't rule out anyone. 


Maybe I should just leave it to Hei. 

I wonder what he and Kuki were doing before they came here. 

They seemed a little flustered....

Well, it's none of my business.  


Why is my train of thought so weird?

This is so stupid. 

I have to do homework.

That text distracted me. 

"Explain the symbolism of circles in this novel." 


What an interesting question. 

I scribbled down my answer. 

Turns out, I had a lot to say about that subject. 

"The main character in this novel is stuck in a circle of events. Even though they have different contexts, the basic pattern is the same. The character is happy, then experiences a misfortune. That causes them to lose something important to them. Then they regain it. However, another misfortune appears and the entire thing happens all over again. The character compares their life to a circle multiple times. Even though it may seem that the character doesn't learn anything because of this, the character does grow and change. By the end of the book, they become quite capable." 

"Wow. It's like I'm talking about myself... Except for the last two sentences of course." 

You sighed. 

"Okay the last one... How can you relate to the characters in this novel?" 


"I relate to this character because of how they changed over the course of the book." 

That should do it.

I don't want to...

Reveal too much. 

If the teacher gets concerned about me, who knows what will happen. 

"Why am I so cautious? It's not like it would be that bad..." 

You ran your hands over your face. 

"It would be that bad if it piles on top of everything that is happening. Ha. I need some sleep." 

You got ready and climbed into bed. 

"I wish... I wish when I wake up... This will all be a dream." 

A/N: Another short chapter... Idk i didn't really want to drag it out from here. Hope you enjoyed!

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