Chapter 12

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Kuni? I'm sorry I couldn't meet up with you today. 

I wasn't feeling well. How was your first day back?


I told you to stay away from me Y/N. 

BFFL❤️ has blocked you



message not sent


You threw your phone on the couch and ran to your bed. 

It wasn't because he was upset. 

He was being serious. 

What did Albedo say to him?

What happened during that fight? 

Or maybe...

He just doesn't like me anymore.

You smiled sadly. 

I'm not loveable anyway.


I should still find out what happened.

Should I ask Heizou? 


Albedo kept trying to contact me.....

Should I ask him?

Is that really a good idea though? 

You sighed. The thoughts running through your head were making you tired. Or maybe that was because it was 1 am. 

I better sleep.

I'll think about it in the morning. 

In the morning: 

"I'm too tired. I don't want to do anything!" You whined. 

You placed a hand on your forehead. 

It seems hotter than usual...

Eh, I'm probably just overthinking. 

Though... I don't want to go to school. 


Who should I invite to skip school with me? 

Let me just ask Albedo. 

I have to talk to him anyways. 

You picked up your phone and called Albedo. 

You had deleted his contact, but you had memorized his number. 


"Hey. We need to talk. Do you want to skip with me?" 

"Uhhh sure. But why all of a sudden? Two days ago, you didn't even want to talk to me." 

"I'll tell you later. Meet me in front of the school in an hour." You hung up and rushed to get ready. You didn't need to dress nicely. It was better to be comfortable. He was your Ex after all. You didn't really want or need to impress him. 

An hour later, you walked out to the parking lot. 

"Y/N!" You looked at the direction of the voice, and walked over to the blonde. Before, you would have shamelessly stared at his crystal blue eyes, but now, you averted your eyes. 

"Hello, Albedo. Thank you for agreeing to come with me."

"It's no problem. I needed to talk to you anyways." 

"And it's so important you skip school? Not the Albedo I know. Are you his twin brother?" You joked attempting to lighten the mood. He smiled slightly. 

"I just wanted to apologize." 

"Let's keep that conversation for later Albedo. For now, let's go have some fun!" You dragged him to his car and practically forced him to drive. 

"You're the same as ever." You just smiled and looked out through the window. You had changed, but you had gotten better at hiding this from the outside world. "Y/N? Is something wrong?" 

"I thought I was good at hiding it." 

"We know each other well. I know your tells." 

"My friends can't tell though." 

"They haven't tried to tell." 



"Blunt as ever Bedo." He smiled at your use of his old nickname. 

"You're calling me that again?" 

"Why not? If it's between friends." 

"How have you forgiven me this easily?" 

"I haven't. It's just easy for me to talk to you I guess. I needed to talk to you." 


"Oh! Stop here!" When he parked, you grabbed him by the arm and dragged him inside. 

"A cafe?"

"Why not?" The two of you ordered and sat down at a table in the corner. 

"So why did you contact me so suddenly?" 

"I-" He waited. "I wanted to know what happened that day between you and Scaramouche." 

"He doesn't have a nickname?" 

"Just tell me Bedo. Stop avoiding the question!" 

"Fine." He sighed and looked away from you. "I wanted to ask him how you were doing." 

"That's all? Then why'd he punch you?" 

"I think he thought I was looking for information about you to continue my 'experiment'." 


"I'm sorry Y/N." 

"Why'd you do it though?" 

"I was just.... No matter what I say, it's not a good enough excuse. All I can say is that I'm sorry." 

"I loved you." 

"I know." 

"Did you... Did you ever love me?" 

"I don't know. I don't know what love feels like. I'm an orphan, so I never really knew... I never really felt like I was loved." 

"So that's why?" 


"I'm sorry Bedo." 

"I'm the one apologizing." 

"I know. And I accept your apology." 

"You're too quick to forgive." 

"Maybe it's because a bit of my feelings for you are still lingering." You looked him in the eye. 

"Why'd you want to ask me about the fight anyway?" He quickly changed the subject. 

"Scaramouche is avoiding me. I don't know why. He just told me to stay away from him after the fight then he blocked me when I texted him earlier this morning." 

"He blocked you!?!" 

"Yeah. I didn't know what was going on, so I thought it might have been because of the fight. But now I'm not so sure. What did I do to make him avoid me like that?" Bedo reached over and placed his hand on top of yours. 

"I'm sorry." 

"It's not your fault Bedo." You used your other hand to wipe away the tears that were starting to form. 

"I still feel guilty anyways. If it weren't for me breaking up with you-"

"Then I would never have become close to Kuni." 

"Who's Kuni?" 

"That's Scaramouche's nickname. I also call him Scara sometimes. Sorry, it just popped out. force of habit." 

"Do you love him?" 

"I-I don't know."

"Alright. I won't ask. I'll just listen to whatever you tell me. You needed someone to talk to right?" 

"Yeah. Thank you Bedo." 

Hours passed. 

You and Bedo had a lot of fun. 

You felt like you were dating again. 

But you didn't love him. 

You just saw him as a friend. 

When you got back to your dorm, you pulled out your phone. 



Thanks for today. 


No problem. 

Let me know if you need anything. 


A/N: Pls don't hate on me for forgiving Albedo. I didn't know what to write and this happened ok? I didn't really want to write that much angst so.... Maybe an evil Mona chapter soon idk. Its sad that Mona is like the antagonist in a lot of scara fanfics. Like I hate her now bc it was the first impression I had of her. Idk. 

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