Chapter 11

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Overprotective Emo Brother

Overprotective Emo Brother

You don't have to come to school today


I want to though

Overprotective Emo Brother

He's coming back to school. 


I know.

Don't worry Xiao. 

I'll be fine.


You set down your phone and sighed. 

Will I really be alright?

"Just stay away from me."

"Just stay away from me." 

"Just stay away from me." 

"Just stay away from me." 

His voice echoed in your head over and over again. 


Stop it!

He was just mad.

That's it. 

It wasn't because of me. 

He won't push me away again.


You cleared your head of these thoughts. No use being nervous. Just go with the flow. Whatever happens, will happen. No use worrying about it. 

Yet, as soon as you stepped out of your dorm, to walk to the place where you usually meet Kuni, your anxiety spiked again. You were hyperventilating in front of your door. 

"I can't do this...." You turned and leaned your head against the door. Something cold slid down your cheek. You used a trembling hand to wipe it away. 

Am I...Crying? 



I'm fine.

I'm not upset. 

There's no need for me to cry. 

However, you could not suppress the sob that left your mouth. 

You quickly entered your room. 

Overprotective Emo Brother


Changed my mind. 

I'm going to stay in my dorm for today.

You then threw your phone on your bed. 

You didn't feel like reading his reply. 

Sensing the pity in his words. 

You didn't want his sympathy. 

I just wanted...

What do I want? 

Is there something just out of reach that I need? 

That will complete my life? 

Make me happy? 

Or am I satisfied with what I have now?  


Do I have anything?

Scara POV

"Kazuha? Xiao? Why are the two of you here?" (Scara)

"Are you alright?" (Kazuha)

"Why wouldn't I be?" (Scara) 

"You were suspended?" Kazuha deadpanned

"I wasn't hurt." (Scara) 

"Alright then. Xiao let's go. Don't cause a scene." Kazuha started dragging Xiao away. Xiao was seething. 

What did I do? 

Eh, Whatever.

I walked to my first class. 

"Hey, isn't that Y/N's boyfriend?" Hearing her name, I immediately tuned into the conversation. 

"Yeah. I heard he was expelled. How's he here?" 

"Maybe it was just suspension?" 

"Aww, I thought I had a chance with Y/N." 

"She is hot but like, wasn't she dating Xiao?"' 

"Xiao's dating Lumine isn't he?" Hearing the conversation move on, I walked away. Similar situations popped up over and over. It seems gossip followed me wherever I went. 


The rest of the morning went by rather quickly until it was time for lunch. I instinctively headed to the practice room, but I paused in front of the door. 

"Don't worry. She's not in there." I turned around and saw a pair of olive-green eyes staring right back at me. 

"Well, thanks for the info Shikanoin." I turned to open the door, but Heizous words stopped me again. 

"She's not usually one to miss school when she's not sick. I wonder what the reason could be?" 

"I don't know nor do I care." 

"You sure?" He was smirking. 

"Why should I?" However, my tense voice and clenched hand gave me away. 

"Heh. You never deserved her." He turned and walked away, and I walked into the room, slamming the door shut behind me. 

He's right. 

That's why I told her to stay away. 

I don't deserve kindness from a person like her. 

She's so kind. 


You don't deserve her. 

You never did. 

You're useless. 


No one can love you. 

You don't deserve anything. 

"Get out of my head Raiden!" My breathing came heavily. 

Raiden Shogun. 

My older sister. 

Perfect in everything she does. 

While I'm considered weak. 


Toshed aside like trash. 

She was the perfect doll, while I was the broken puppet. 

She manipulated our mother into hating me. 

She almost killed Tomo. Making Kazuha's older brother chase me out when I went to his house. 

She killed a child I was fond of. 

She's a murderer. 

Yet there's always no proof of her crimes. 

And it's always people I care about. 

She can never know I care about Y/N. 

And to do that, I have to push Y/N away. 

I have to live my life alone so no one gets hurt. 

A/N: Short chapter lmho. Backstory chapter lol. Hope you enjoyed!

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