We are now inside the TARDIS. It is a different time altogether now. We are before the events of what we have just witnessed a moment ago. Our only shot of the TARDIS interior is the doors. Amy enters in, striding in the lead. She is in a bossy, demanding, if not controlling mood. We see from her outfit that she looks ready to go to the beach. She wears sunglasses, a short skirt, a crop top with exposed shoulders, and trainers.
Right, come on you two. Time for a holiday! I want to be off as soon as.
The Doctor enters behind, following Amy up to the control console.
Amy, this is a time machine. We have all the time we can faff around.
We then zoom up to the control console from the view of the doors – and the console is a mess! The glass panels are open with wires and circuits lying out messily. Boards are left dumped around it. The mess lies around all six sides of the console, and all kinds of cables along the ground with extension leads. It's like a jungle of wires! Some hang from the scanner and leading all the way up to the top of the centre column. The glass itself has been removed, leaving only the glass inside that rises up and down. More cables and leads follow around there too. For Classic Who fans, the console is in a similar mess that it was in The Horns Of Nimon, just for the first Eleventh Doctor style TARDIS. The Doctor has to jump along the floor to avoid the circuits and extension cables and dig through open boards and other circuits to begin programing what he requires for the TARDIS. He heads by the Helm panel.
It would probably take a hundred years for the TARDIS to finally get us to where we want us to go after you've stripped the console.
Are you saying that I still don't know how to fly my own TARDIS? Over 1,000 or so years' experience, I can't operate the TARDIS?
Well, how many times have we arrived in the wrong time zone and before you said you had total and complete control of your ship?
Well... no... yes. I mean, well... they were external factors that weren't necessarily my burden. Like for example, most recently, our old friend, House. I was given mail. And it was a ploy the whole time. After that little episode, I think the TARDIS needs to have some updates to it.
So, what chance do we have of finally getting to somewhere that we need to, especially when the TARDIS is in this state?
You and I have both been to the beach before. That was nice. No interruptions for once.
The Doctor heads underneath the console for a few more repairs and puts on special goggles. Amy approaches and bends down to demand her answer.
That doesn't answer my question, Doctor. Our destination is Egypt, not the seaside.
Well, depends on if there are any beaches where we will be going.
Rory has entered and closes the doors behind him. We only hear the closing of the doors, and now we see Amy look towards her husband.
Ah, Rory. What kept you?
We now see the Doctor busy tinkering with his ship again, before changing to the shot of Amy again, and then Rory beside the door looking out of breath and tired with a brown suitcase to his left.
You wanted me to carry your bags for you my loving wife.
True. Ah well, pity I couldn't have taken any more stuff. Looks as though we will have to travel light. But I want to be off as soon as possible, honey.
We then see the mountain of luggage beside Rory. Stacks of them have piled around! Rory is annoyed at Amy forcing him to do all the work and carry all the bags. He replies with a sarcastic tone.
We can still take more, m'lady. The TARDIS works in another dimension, so you can have as many bags as you want. I want to enjoy this holiday too you know. I think we've earned it.
The Doctor has already begun activating the coordinates, atom accelerator and dematerialization lever etc. He only now has to pull the handbrake once he eventually gets around to the other side.
Right then! No time like the present. Or the past. Or the future. Depends on how you look at it.
He places his hand on the handbrake.
You sure we're going to get there alright?
Oh! Oh! Don't you start either! I've had enough of that with Amy. The old girl is working perfectly fine as she is. These are only a few minor upgrades I am making to her. Just fixing a few things that I should be doing. Except for the Chameleon Circuit. Apart from that I might as well have ripped the entire console up and put a new one in. Don't think you should really do that anyway. Might rip open to the time vortex. But nevertheless, the TARDIS is working perfectly fine. And I will prove it!
Do it then.
Alright. I will. Geronimo.
The Doctor pulls the handbrake, as the ship erratically vibrates. The centre column rises as the ship begins dematerializing. The time travellers are thrown down either onto the console, the floor, or the bars. The luggage topples onto Rory! The shaking worsens as the TARDIS continues in flight.
The centre column slows down as we hear the TARDIS materializing. Once landed, the Doctor pulls the handbrake back on as the console explodes with smoke. Sparks fly everywhere. BANG! POW! BAM! There is a massive crash, and the smoke is left to simmer. All instrumentation seems to have gone dead – there is no response from the console whatsoever, nor the wires or cables. Everything on the console and leading cables were dead. No lights are activated on the console, except for the walls and roof.
There we are. That could have gone worse.
Could have gone worse? The console is on fire!
Yeah, she'll be fine. We'll just give her a few hours. And in the meantime, we can relax on our long-deserved holiday.
Amy rushes towards the doors, leaving Rory buried underneath the many suitcases. She just walks past, ignoring him and making Rory feel, sarcastically, gratified.
Don't help me up then.
Amy opens the TARDIS doors, as we are presented to the setting of their household. They are just in front of it, exactly where they got aboard the TARDIS – meaning they hadn't moved at all.
We're still in the exact same place as we were!
Oh. Are we? Oh, well, hmmm. That can't be right. What is the matter with you, old girl? Why can't you ever let me operate you properly! I'm a bit miffed myself if I have to admit.
Ugh! Scratch this stupid vacation after all! Our holiday is not only cancelled! It's ruined!
I'm going home. Rory, bring the bags back inside! I'm done with your stupid TARDIS that can't get us to where we need it to! You know you can't fly your TARDIS! You never had, and you never will. Not the way you want it to all the time. Especially when you leave it in a wreck! Now we're going to have to occupy ourselves with something better to do – like organize a trip to Egypt ourselves. It would be less stressful than flying in this mess!
Amy has a hissy-fit and storms out of the TARDIS. Rory jumps up and follows his wife, like a simp.
Amy... Amy, wait.
Wha... what? Deary me. Why don't they ever understand?
The Doctor looks down with his hands on his hips. Rory then enters back into the TARDIS, trying to act tough.
Oi, Doctor. Let me make something very clear. My wife has been looking forward very much to our holiday, and so far, she has not been very impressed by the way you are handling our trip. I want a good holiday as much as my wife does. And we are going on a trip to Egypt whatever else happens. Now whilst my wife and I book for flights to Egypt, you are going to stay in here and sort the TARDIS out. You are going to turn this place inside out and make it absolutely spotless of all this mess you've made around here. And my wife does not want you coming out of your TARDIS until it was back to the way it was. Do I make myself clear?
He heads back out. The Doctor mumbles something under his breath.
Hmph. The old happy wife, happy life.
What was that?
Oh, erm, yeah, yeah.
Rory leaves, carrying a large number of suitcases that he can carry. The Doctor bangs the console.
Old girl! This is all because of you know! Why! Why do you have to do these sorts of things at exactly the wrong time?
The Doctor bangs the console again. The TARDIS doors are locked, and the craft begins taking off! The Doctor can't control his craft. He tries pulling the handbrake but it has no effect.
No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Rory has made it back to the opened house door with the suitcases. He turns when he hears the TARDIS and the wind breezing. The TARDIS had now gone!
Oh... he has. He really has. Amy isn't going to be happy.
The TARDIS had dematerialized, to where?
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