Scene 17 - Regret, and anger

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Now we are at the controls of the TARDIS console, we are shown to the navigation panel and the atom accelerator spinning and turning as the TARDIS zooms through the time vortex. The Doctor is down underneath the panel finishing off his amendments, where Amy and Rory stand around the console listening to the Doctor in their conversation. We do not see them yet but we do when we zoom up to reveal the rest of the TARDIS interior. The mess has been cleared up, the wires and equipment lying around have been put away and the TARDIS seems to function as perfectly as it normally should. The Doctor's voice is heard first, and then we will zoom up to the tidied up console room.


I can guarantee Amy that the TARDIS is functioning as perfectly as it was!

The Doctor closes the console, and then we swing around the majestic TARDIS control room.


Funny you know, I seem to remember you saying that just before we were meant to leave off for our holiday to Egypt.


Well, it was a good thing we got there, all of us, wasn't it? The TARDIS has a mind and will of its own Amy. It has its own feelings, influences, mood swings, you know. Obviously, she felt that something in the fabric of the universe was a little off and she decided that something had to be done with. And the rest was history.


You seem to be feeling a lot better than you were when we left off from the pyramid.


Yes. Back to fixing the old girl and applying my scientific genius seems to have taken my mind off it. And it only crossed my mind now that the Last Pyramid of Mosqurana now ceases to exist.


And my and Rory are sorry about Hope. You knew her?


Well... yeah. It was a while ago. But don't worry about it.


You still got us two.


Yes. Guess I still do.


By the way, has anybody noticed where River has got to? I haven't seen her ever since we left off.


I heard a flash from some kind of transportation device. She must have taken off with her Vortex Manipulator to avoid the sandstorm. Don't worry Rory, she'll turn up somewhere down the line. But, moving on.

The Doctor tampers with his newly refurbished console. It is still the same design as was present in this era.


Come on Amy. Time we got out of these clothes. I need a shower. I have an entire beach in my shoes.

They then leave the console room. Now the Doctor is left on his own, he quickly displays an image of Esto and scans the planet following its destruction. Viewing it closely, he can see that nothing could have survived the devastating catastrophe from anywhere near Esto. The Doctor leans on the console, saddened by the fact that yet again he has lost someone who means a great deal to him. He has experienced this many times, and at this point in his life, he is tired of losing people around him. The Doctor then pushes the scanner away from him for it to be out of his sight and fling around to the other side of the console. As we zoom in onto the scanner, we see the planet explode into dust. However, there is a small little dot that hurriedly escapes from the planet's destruction as it speeds downwards from the view of the scanner. All that remains is for the view of the rest of the planet to be destroyed...


(Next time)

(End credits)

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