Scene 17 - Hatchment

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The Doctor, River, and Hope continue to dash for it through the jungles of Esto. The creatures continue charging from behind. Whilst the Doctor continues using the Sonic to detect any further Moqurates attacking, River hears the screeching of the plant life.


Ah! What is that?


It's the plants! They're communicating with one another!


What are they saying?


The incoming asteroid, River! Danger, like when there's a cat in the tree and birds are warning each other of it!

They're approaching some kind of cave. Assumingly, they enter in. It's low, but they continue to rush through. The three have to weave in and out of obstructing rocks and large stones to enter.

Any idea of what's in here Hope?


No! Never got this far along the path. There isn't anything that's down here?


Sonic reads no. We should be safe through here.


Why don't we block the entrance by a rockfall or landslide or bury up the rocks so we can stop the Mosqurates from getting in?


Because we don't know what leads up here. We'll get to the end, and then think of something! Anyway, these Mosqurates would probably just dig their way up. There would be no point.


I was going to say we could use the Vortex Manipulator, but it still needs a few more hours to charge.


I could help charge it up for you if needs be. Where is your Sonic?


I left it with an acquaintance of mine.


River, you bad girl!

They rush through, now gaining steepness by a gradient of ten per cent. Light still shines through. It comes from both their entrance and whatever lies up at the top. The Sonic still detects no Mosqurates, so it must be safe for the Doctor and his friends. They finally reach the top! After clambering up, they all take a sigh of relief. They stare around the area. Light beams around because they lie in a massive hall carved in the cave. It is filled with extremely thin yet tall eggs! They are scattered across the entire space. The Doctor and his friends are some distance away from it, but the next path to escape is all the way to the other side of the massive space. There is no way they can get through without disturbing the eggs.




Any signs of life?


Maybe. Perhaps the mother might be around. Now we definitely wouldn't want to upset her.


I don't think we can get around without going past her eggs. And not after watching Alien do I want to go near extraterrestrial eggs.

The Doctor approaches the eggs carefully and taking out the Sonic Screwdriver to analyse the egg.


Careful, Doctor!


It's all right River. Ah! Seems as though as they might be ready for hatching. I think we'd better step away. They could explode any minute.


But what about the Mosqurates down below?

We then see the asteroid shoot closer and closer to the planet! Because of its area in relation to Esto's orbit, it causes a great rumbling everywhere! Rocks begin tumbling and rolling. The walls shudder and the roof looks as though as it may cave in. The Mosqurates begin closing up the steep descent. The Doctor and his friends hang on tightly with each other.


The asteroid! It can't be already here!


Looks as it might crack the planet in half like an egg before it even hits Esto! No pun intended there. River, can you still try to get us out of here anyway?

She fiddles with the device, and nothing is working.


I can't! It won't take me off yet! It needs to be fully charged!


Well why does it have to?


Because of what I did to it when I had to transport myself to the Pyramid!

The shaking intensifies! The Mosqurates almost reach the top to capture them! And some of the eggs being cracking up! They get deeper and deeper! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! The larvae hatch! They immediately turn towards the Doctor and his friends! The shaking worsens again! More rocks tumble and collapse down everywhere. A further ten eggs hatch as the Mosquito species larvae hatch out. The offspring squeal their first noise and begin making for the Doctor and his friends. They were doomed. They were either going to be crushed underneath the falling rocks or eaten up by the pursuing Mosqurates or by the newly hatched larvae. Death was inevitable...


(End credits)

(Next time)

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