MIDNIGHT THOTS 5-Pet peeves of Humanity

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Drew: I fucking can't believe this shit.

Trevor: DREW!!!

Lake: You okay there?

Drew: Im sorry, But I'm just so fucking pissed rn.

Lake: What happened?

Drew: I have to fucking visit my cousins by next week.

Maggy: Is there anything wrong with it?

Drew: UH YES.


Dan: It's true, Drew has a cousin that made fun of him for his selective mutism and his autism.

Aiden: He's an ableist?

Dan: Yes.

Dan: He even made fun of me as well, Calling me slurs and taking my glasses, Glad I'm not visiting him today.

Drew: too bad I fucking have to.

Drew: I have to visit him by next week, and I can't find a way to get out of it.

Aiden: Cant you just tell your parents or your guardian you don't want to?

Drew: Trust me, They don't like it either , But our relatives forced us to.

Drew: And even if we don't want to, we have no choice. We have to go.

Drew: Cuz they said they were family bullshit. Like yeah, If you don't wanna visit your cousin who's an ableist, then you're an asshole.

Lake: I can relate to that.

Lake: I had a few hate comments back during my book greet n meet where a LOT of people were commenting on how I always make parents look like bastards in all of my books.

Lake: Like bruh, Not every single of my books have the parents look like assholes, Some of them are decent and actually supportive

Lake: Not my fault you read the ones that have abusive parents...

Aiden: No shit, I even read one comment where people claimed that Lake was only pretending she had abusive parents just to make her "Lesbian Yuri fanfiction fantasy" and promote it to kids.

Dan: That sounds stupid -_-

Aiden: It is.

Fiore: Yeah, If you think gays are bad, What about pedophiles?

Fiore: Like, You have more problems with people who don't date the opposite gender than people who rape kids?


Ally: She's got a point, Pedophiles are much worse than murderers, Like for murderers, Some do have excuses. But Pedophiles? Not so much.

Drew: They don't have a fucking excuse to begin with.

Dan: Why exactly?

Trevor: Maybe it's cause it's normal for kids to get raped than for people to date the same gender.

Trevor: I bet if someone raped YOUR kid, You wouldn't be happy about it, Huh?

Fiore: Thats why I hate adults.

Fiore: They always claim that us kids make up drama yet they see this shit and yet they BLAME US for not telling us.

Drew: No fucking shit.

Drew: And you know what sickens me?

Drew: When people claim that mental illnesses is a joke and a scam.

Drew: Now that? THAT is just plain disgusting.

Dan: Now I know why God hates humanity.

Fiore: What?

Dan: Nothing.

Lake: Anyways, Drew you want us to help you deal with your asshole cousin?

Drew: Not rn tho Lake, But I will let you know if I need help.

Lake: Thanks.

Trevor: Is it weirdly heartwarming that for all our differences, that we can all agree that pedophiles can burn in hell?

Aiden: No

Fiore: No

Dan: No

Hunter: No

Ally: It isn't.


Hunter: No she gets a pass, What she said isn't wrong.

Drew: Anyways, Gotta go to sleep, Wish me luck next week.

Dan: Okay bestie, Bye.

Fiore: Godspeed Drew, Godspeed.

Drew has left the groupchat

Let's face it, Humanity is fucked up and this chapter proves it.


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