Volume 8 Chapter 7 The Code Word

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Previously: A few drinks later he got enough confidence to confront both of them. Luckily Hizashi isn't drunk yet and so isn't Deku. Aizawa asked the two of them to meet him outside and that it's important. They follow him outside and both look really confused about what it could possibly be about. Deku and Hizashi are in a alley way looking at Aizawa and wondering why they are in alleyway of all places. "Why are we in the alley way?" Deku said looking confused. "What he said and why do you look so nervous sho?" Yamada says concerned for his best friend. Aizawa figets with his hands and is sweating profusely. He looking at his hands as he starts shaking in fear and frustration. "I.i...i...followed All Might like you said Izuku...but then he went into a prison/mental institution. I let him go and went to see what he went in there for and what I found out was shocking." Hizashi started to get antsy and nervous about what he was about to say next. On the other hand Deku is completely calm and collected. "I went in the room number he went to and I saw your father Deku. He told me a whole lot of things, it started off rough. But at the end of the visitation I felt relieved but nervous to tell you both this. Hizashi you Know I love you like a brother so don't worry I won't hate you... Midnight Shadow..." As soon as he said the code word Hizashi Yamada started crying but also backing up out of the alleyway wanting to run away. He is bursting into tears and can't contain his sadness and agony any longer. His best friend knows his Dark secret and he still accepts him as a brother. Deku looks over at Yamada and gets really confused about what's exactly happening. "What is going on? And you saw my father? Wtf is happening!" Aizawa explains to the both of them what happened in the room with him and One For All. And then he told them with a big creepy and sadistic grin,"I'm a Traitor and a villan just like you too! I'm your body guard Deku and Hizashi we are both informants." Deku nods and smiles,"welcome to the ranks of the Darkside Aizawa Shota my love....To be continued..

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