Volume 8 Chapter 6 A Traitor In The Hero Ranks?

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Previously: He heads to the door and thinks of something he wants to ask him before he leaves.,"Um sir do you know the name Hizashi Yamada?"
One For All smiles evily at the familiar name."Yes he's the traitor you hero's have been looking for. He talks about you alot SHO." Shota gets a shiver up his spine because only Hizashi calls him that. "Wait what! My best friend is the traitor... For how long!!" "Don't worry only for a little bit, but even my own son doesn't know. I'll give you a code word to tell your Best Friend." He grins sadistically at Shota. "Midnight Shadow. Is the code for telling him you know about him. But you should tell my son First before you try anything. Now that's enough time for today now off you go sho!" Aizawa shivers at his nickname yet again and says goodbye to his new boss. He walks to the school where Deku told him to Meet back up at. On the way to the school Aizawa is going over everything that he was just told by the greatest villian in the world. His best friend from childhood is a traitor, but now it seems like both of them are now. He is a informant for One For All and is Deku's lover and bodyguard. He can't judge his best friend for the life of him, but he has to tell Deku everything as soon as he can. It's really late now and the sun is setting. Aizawa has to hurry before Deku goes home to katsuki Bokugo and Mitsuki Bakugo. Just as Aizawa is arriving at the school Hizashi and Deku and a few other teachers are leaving the school together. Aizawa put away his worried look and put on his tried and boring look just in time. "HEY SHO OVER HERE!!" Yamada waves his hand up in the air to get Aizawa's attention. Shota waves at him and walks over to the teachers. "What are you all doing here this late in the day?" "Well Deku here wanted to celebrate getting his official teacher badge and he said the drinks are on him so why wouldn't we come with him." Midnight said excitingly. "You just want to get drunk." Kamui woods said annoyed. "So what I like drinking!" Midnight said irritated. (Cementos, Midnight, present mic, Deku, and Kamui woods. Are in the group besides Eraserhead.) Aizawa why don't you join us tonight, and cool off." Cementos said in his deep voice. Aizawa looks at Deku and Hizashi and thinks to himself,"If I go then I can talk to both of them at once. I do need a drink before I talk to them about that serious topic." Aizawa smirks a little,"Sure why not." They all start walking to the nearest Pro Hero Bar. While they walk there Aizawa, Deku and Hizashi talk about how good the Students are doing in the ultimate moves training. And they talk about Shinso and how strong he's getting. Hizashi is like a uncle to Shinso. And Deku is a big brother and a Sensei to him. The other pro heros are talking about what drinks they are going to get.

A few minutes later they finally reach the Pro Hero Bar and they show the bouncer their hero licenses. They tell that the white haired kid is with them. They get a huge booth in the far back of the room. Aizawa is sitting between Hizashi and Deku, the two who love him and the two who are evil master minds. Aizawa is really nervous about what happened today and what he found out. He has been thinking it over and he need to confront both of them tonight, but after a few drinks so he can loosen up a little.
A few drinks later he got enough confidence to confront both of them. Luckily Hizashi isn't drunk yet and so isn't Deku. Aizawa asked the two of them to meet him outside and that it's important.
To be continued...

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