Volume 7 Chapter 2 Conflicting Thoughts And Old Friends

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Previously: So if Deku didn't go to the school and meet up with the heros then where did he go?  Deku is running in the city and is looking for a certain someone, but who could it be? Well some of you must be thinking about when did Deku meet Dabi and how come they know each other. Well Deku is looking for someone who connected the Both of them back in the day. Dabi was Deku's first Best friend that understood him and didn't fear him. Kuroguri wasn't on Deku's level so he didn't care for him that much. Dabi and Deku met when they were 10 years old and did almost everything together for the five years they spent together. Until Deku had to go back to his father and brother where he was going to go seperate ways and going to prison. When Deku met Dabi for the first time when he was 10 he was known as Toya Todoroki back then. And Deku didn't use his full name but he eventually told Toya his full name, as a sign of friendship. (That's it for now let's go back to Deku)

NOW: Deku is now on top a building that is connected to a alley way and he hears screams coming from the end of the alley. Deku parkours over to the end of the alley way to see if that is who he think it is. A few minutes later Deku is right above the two figures that are below him. A man with a red outfit and a sharp jagged sword is just now stabbing a hero in the chest making him bleed out. Then he licks the blade, as he does that he senses a dark aura above him. He acts calm and talks in raspy rough voice,"How long are you going to stand there Deku!?"
Deku smirks and drops down behind him."Awww you are no fun Sensei. But hey it took you a while to notice me." Deku says in a confident tone. The man turns around and smirks devilishly at Deku,"Indeed you are getting better Kid." Deku smiles,"Well I learned from the best Stain Sensei." Deku bows in respect, then looks back up and starts to speak but chokes up on his words. Stain looks at Deku with a strict and Stern look. "What's gotten you all upset, to the brink of tears? A strong kid like you crying is pretty rare, tell me about what happened while I collect this guys blood and materials he has." Deku falls to his knees and wipes his eyes and stops crying blood, so he can explain to Stain what happened to him all these years and what is bothering him. (To sum it up) Deku is having conflicting thoughts about being fully evil or fully good. He just can't go back to th hero's without being treated like a villan again, but if he goes back to the villians hideout he will be treated like a traitor. Deku loves his villian friends and his hero friends as well, he's stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Stain listens to Deku and his story of what has happened to him all these years. Part of him is proud of Deku for evolving from a pure evil robot child to a young adult that can finally think for himself. He gets an idea and waits for Deku to finish up telling his story. He tells Deku that he can call up Dabi and then Deku can talk to his old friend and then he can decide. Because Deku only cares about Dabi's and his father's opinion at this point. His brother isn't his real brother and they have drifted apart now, there is no point of caring of what he thinks. Deku agrees with Stain and that cheers up Deku a little. "Hey Sensei can I stay at your place for a bit until Dabi agrees to Meet up with me." Stain looks at Deku with a serious look but then suddenly smirks a little, "Sure thing kid just one condition, you don't complain about me killing heros." Deku nods in approval to his condition. Before they head back to his hideout, Deku walks over to the bleeding out hero and takes his quirk before he dies. Stain looks at Deku and remembers that Deku's quirk takes others quirks, just like his father. They head back to his hideout by parkouring on the rooftops of buildings. Deku keeps his over powered quirks a secret until the time is right.
To be continued...

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