Volume 6 Chapter 7 Taken Friends

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Previously: And Deku sees his students fighting back, he clicks back to reality and slaps his face to wake up. "Shoto Todoroki and students?" Deku says softly.. Dabi hears Deku say that and his eyes widen and he looks closer at the student with half white and half red hair. He thinks to himself,"little brother..." Deku grits his teeth, his students are going to be in real trouble. He screams at them,"GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!!" Shoto Todoroki yells at Deku to get the marble that the villian has because Bokugo is in there. Deku tells them to get out of here, but they don't listen like children they are.
Deku dashes past the villians just before Dabi uses his flame quirk to get the students away from the villian Compress. Deku takes the hit of the fire and it burns his armor off until it's liquid. All you can see is Deku's clothes now. Deku is breathing heavily as he is sheilding his students, they look up to Deku and see he's not looking so good just because of them being in the way. They look over towards the villians and they see the same purple smoke from the USJ attack. Deku looks behind him to see the villians running toward him to attack the students. He is stagering and can barely stand, he has used up too much energy. He reverts back to his half Demon form with only a few quirks working. And not his full half Demon form. He tries to fight Against the villians but he is getting off balanced. So the students had to fend for themselves in the end he fell to his knees. He can't move to help them, and he can't speak anymore. He has hit his limit, and he can't do anything about it. Dabi sees his old best friend in severe pain and watches his little brother fight Against his fellow villians. Dabi calls to the other villians to get their attention, compress gives Dabi the marbles and they head to the portal. Dabi stops and walks over to and grabs Deku and puts him over his shoulder. And walks towards the portal, Dabi throws back tokoyami into teb students that are running towards him and then holds Katsuki Bokugo by the neck and goes into the portal. And says,"Too bad Shoto Todoroki you failed.." But really he wanted to say,"hi little brother, it's me Toya."
Once the villians disappeared everyone was devastated that their friends and teacher Deku was taken by the league of villians. And a few people were taken too. A few hours later Everyone regrouped up at camp and Aizawa found out by Shoto todoroki that Deku was taken from the villians, because he was too busy defending him and the other students. Aizawa fell to his knees and started crying hysterically. His lover and best friend was taken by the villians and his old villianous family. Kirishima cried for his best friend Katsuki Bokugo. He finally figured out what his true feelings are, he loves his Best Friend Bokugo. The hero's we're all in distraught after what happened especially the teachers.
They had a meeting a few days afterwards, talking about the villians.

Meanwhile back at the villians hideout: Uraraka, Bokugo and Deku are all chained up in chairs in the bar. With all of the villians surrounding them. Bokugo is telling at them even if he has a gag in his mouth. Uraraka is very scared because she is remembering everything that happened last time she was here. And Deku is complacent and not speaking. He is behaving unlike Bokugo and looks really depressed. Shigaraki is talking to Bokugo like he was a fellow villian and Deku knows that he won't join the dark side and neither will Uraraka. Deku knows them too well, but he doesn't say anything and just sits in his restraints. Even though he could break out of them anytime he wanted to. Dabi looks at Deku and See's how upset he is, and doesn't understand why still. Shigaraki tells compress to take Bokugo's restraints if they are going through be working together and Deku sees what's going to happen. Compress takes off Bokugo's restraints and then something expected happened. Bokugo kicks Compress and then sets an explosive at Shigaraki. But right before Shigaraki gets attacked by Bokugo something unexpected happened. Deku transforms into his half Demon form and inhumanly dashes right infront of Shigaraki and takes the blow instead. Bokugo tells Shigaraki to screw off and then looks up to see his sensei Deku defending the enemy."Wait what? Sensei Deku what's are you doing!?" Deku frowns and picks up Bokugo by the shirt collar and then starts to choke him in the air. The whole room goes silent and all you can hear is Bokugo choking.  Shigaraki smiles at Deku defending him and going back to his old self. "Thanks brother, I'm glad you came back to your senses." The whole room gasps except for Dabi and Kuroguri. To be continued...

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