Volume 6 Chapter 6 Familiar Faces

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While Deku was heading towards the villian that uses Blue flames. The other students are fighting Against multiple villians. And they are all out Matched in skill, power, and experience. But most of them aren't that scared, at least the ones that went up against Deku and his true form. So they stand up tall and fight back, no matter how reckless it is to fight back, they do it anyways. Unfortunately the villian Toga got the better of Uraraka and she got kidnapped by her, Asui got knocked out by Toga. And Katsuki got taken by the villian Compress.

Back to Deku: He is running towards the heat signature of a villan with Blue fire. Then he sees three other bodies near him. Deku jumps out of the Forrest over the three villians and gets behind them. They all react and get their guard up, Deku See's Uraraka in the hands of a school girl with a serial killer aura. And a guy in a full body suit, and lastly a very tall and vicious aura coming from the one with yeh blue flames. When Deku looks up to see his face he goes into shock. It's a familiar face he met all those years ago, before he went to prison and when he was with Shigaraki. He keeps his cool on the outside but on the inside he's freaking out. "Toya is that you?" Deku says with a serious tone of voice. Dabi looks at Deku with a confused look he doesn't recognize him. Since Deku has his black hair and not his white hair. And he is in his Demon form. "Who the hell are you!?" Deku realizes that he's in his Demon form and that Toya doesn't recognize him. He starts to cry blood from his black eyes. Twice,"who is this guy? Yeah but more importantly what is he?" (Split personality) Toga,"Hey Dabi can I take his blood?" Dabi says," Let me take care of this freak." As soon as he says this he sees the person infront of him starting to cry blood from his eyes. He gets a thought in the back of his mind, that he only knows two people that do that. But he just brushes teg thought off and uses his fire quirk at Deku. Deku walks over to Dabi with no fear, and his armor starts to produce purple flames that counter his blue flames.
"What the.." Dabi is speechless, barely anyone can stand his flames, except a couple of people. Deku smiles evily and changes his appearance back to normal, white hair, red eyes that glow, and no fangs. The other villians take a step back in fear. Deku looks right into Dabi's blue eyes and smiles genuinely,"I've missed you Toya Todoroki, it's been awhile huh buddy?" Dabi gulps in fear trying to figure who this guy is. "What...how do you..?" Deku sighs deeply,"Sorry about that, I suppose it's been so long that you forgot what your best friend looks like. Eh? Toya? Or I guess it's now Dabi." Dabi looks closer and hears him say "Eh?" And then another word. He instantly figures out who he is.. he thinks to himself,"There is no way this is him, this is who Shigaraki wanted to take back. I..I.. I've missed you too Midoriya Izuku." He looks at the stranger infront of him and he starts to cry blood. Deku smiles at Dabi,"I'm glad you finally figured it out Toya and you know what you have to do." Deku goes to smiling to crying blood Again. Toga and Twice are so confused at what's happening. "Mid..No Deku I.. I've missed you so much...why are you helping those you used to help!!" Deku looks at him and aviofs the question,"I saw your brother and don't worry he's okay." Deku smirks a little at Dabi, he realizes that his brother is here and he gets scared. "You mean he's here?" Deku nods"yeah he is and he's almost as strong as you and me." Dabi almost smiles and asked the same question again."Deku why are you helping them!!" Deku gets in a fighting stance to go against his best friend."I had no choice, they forced me to be a teacher, it was either that or the death penalty." (Which is true but a little bit of him did enjoy being a teacher and making up for his wrongs and blood on his hands.) "But now i can save you from that horrible life. You must can't stand not being able to kill people." (Deku does feel like that but on the other hand he wants to be good. He doesn't know what to do.)  "I don't know, something is wrong with me..." Deku says to Dabi and holds his head in frustration. He is having trouble with wanting to join them or fight back. Dabi sees this and decides to take Deku by force. And make him see who his real family is. Then suddenly compress get smashed into the ground by a few students. And Deku sees his students fighting back, he clicks back to reality and slaps his face to wake up. "Shoto Todoroki and students?" Deku says softly.. Dabi hears Deku say that and his eyes widen and he looks closer at the student with half white and half red hair. He thinks to himself,"little brother..." Deku grits his teeth, his students are going to be in real trouble. He screams at them,"GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!!" Shoto Todoroki yells at Deku to get the marble that the villian has because Bokugo is in there. Deku tells them to get out of here, but they don't listen like children they are.
To be continued...
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