Previously Deku made a huge mess in the lunchroom and sent a sacred little messenger to get a familiar face. What is Deku planning? It will come out in the light very soon... Deku spread fear through the whole prison in ONE day. Now he's set up his ground work for his new home for the next 5 years. But will it stay the way he wants it to go? Deku drained the guards of blood and quirks, the prisoners and guards known their place around him from now on. What's next on his agenda I wonder? Let's wait a few days and see what happens next eh?
1 year later: Deku is the Demon who rules the prison, guards and prisoners. He's comfortable with what he's done. He drinks blood weekly now, he enjoys the different blood types like different types of wines. The prisoners worship him so they don't get slaughtered or become his meal. Deku has spread fear through the criminal world and brought attention to the League of Villians. He's done his job for the league of villians, now he's going to chill in prison and ride out his life in prison for the next 4 years. Or is he? Today is the day that a certain hero arrives to see Deku, unfortunately things don't go as planned.
A few hours later: Deku is told he has a visitor so he has to go to the visitation room. The guard don't even dare to put cuffs on his, he walks freely in the prison at all times. Several people tried to kill him but just ended up being his pets on chains and his late night snacks. Deku is now sitting in a metal chair with his hands in his lap. Eraserhead opens the door and sees that Deku isn't restrained in cuffs. He asks one of the guards why this is and they just cower in fear behind eraserhead. Deku smirks devilishly," This is my domain Shota. But don't worry I won't hurt you, I respect you as a person and a hero." Eraserhead looks at this smug looking criminal and scoffs brushing it off. He coughs to clear his throat."Look Deku I know you love ruling over this domain, but I'm here to give you a deal if you are interested..." Eraserhead shuffles some papers infront of Deku. And looking tired as usual. Deku thinks to himself,"Hmm he wants to give me a deal... I am getting bored here, I did do what I was supposed to do here in just one year. I have 4 years left to go, I should hear him out before I decide on anything. But why would he give me a deal... It just doesn't make sense... I guess I will see eh.." Deku nods in approval for Eraserhead to go forward with telling him the deal. "I'm glad you hearing me out, I know you are a serial killer, but would you ever consider to be a teacher at our school for the rest of your time in prison. 4-9 years left of your sentence. You were only charged for what you did to the kid and nothing else. Since you get rid of the victims bodies we can't charge you for anything else." Deku interups Eraserhead."Wait a second... I'm a killer and you want me to work at the school of children...Why!?" Deku scowls at Eraserhead. "Well if you let me finish I was going to explain. You love to fight right? Well I told the principal and the rest of the faculty you could teach the students how to fight real villians, but without killing them. You can rough them up but no killing. We can give you blood from the hospital if that's what you eat. You can't leave the campus unless I follow you. But besides that I'll fill in the rest if you say yes." Eraserhead gives Deku the papers to sign if he's going to go through with the deal. Deku looks over the material and scans very thorough. He tells Eraserhead that he will give it thought and tell him in a few days.
To be continued...
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