Previously Deku is fighting a few thugs and inmates that messed with out of nowhere. Now they are paying for in with their lives. Deku is is on the steel table looking for his next victim. "Who's next?" He smirks creepily at the inmates as he licks his fingers that are covered in blood. The guards finally try and stop him from doing anymore deaths. Sadly for them that just irritates Deku, he can't feel the surge of power going through his whole body. It's just a numb tickled feeling. Deku turns around looking up at the guards who activating his collar and turning up the frequency. "You just interupted my meal, how rude of you." Deku crouches down like a primal animal, and jumps up grabbing a ledge from a stair case leading up to the Guards. He lifts him self up and grabs the rail hopping over it. He grins as he walks towards the guards that are frozen and shaking in fear. "W-ho are you....W-w-what are you..?" *Giggles evily as he grabs the first guard* "Me? I'm the Serial killer known as the Vampire Demon. But you can just call me Deku. Now Shhh and sleep." Deku puts his fingers over the guard's lips and says,"sweet dreams." Deku takes the guys quirk and then bites his neck draining every single drop of his blood. His body drops as soon as Deku is done with him."Yummy his blood was so tasty. I want some MORE!" *Eyes glow more* The 4 other guards freak and try to push each other out of the way to escape from Deku. He jumps on the rail infront of him and then uses the Guards quirk paralyzing venom. He jumps rail to rail to get over to the 4 guards. He bites 2 of them with his paralyzing venom that's in his fangs now automatically every time he bites someone. They can't move now until it wears off. The he grabs the other two and takes their quirks and then snaps one of the guards necks. And keeps one alive for only one purpose,"I need you to go get the pro hero Eraserhead and if you don't I'll kill your family__." He whispered softly in the guards ear that and saying his full name. He got a memory reader quirk, when he bites someone he can see people's memories. After the guard runs off to get the pro hero, deku goes back to the two leftovers of the remaining guards. "Now what shall I do with you too hmmm.?" Deku takes their quirks and then sucks the blood from one guard's neck killing him. Then he drags the last man into his cell and then bites him to put more paralyzing venom in him so he can snack on him later tonight. He walks back out and jumps on a rail that oversees the whole cafeteria. Deku smiles like a psychopath,"I'm The Villain Called Deku, Also Known as The Vampire DEMON!!!" Deku screams that and then heads to his cell to finish a certain someone for a late night snack.
To be continued...
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