Volume 1 Chapter 15 Teacher Deku

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Today is the first day of the new school year. Aizawa, Deku and Shinso are all walking to school together, because why not. They have some small talk and then Shinso stops walking and says,"Oh yeah Deku you forgot to give me a quirk...." Aizawa and Deku stop walking too and turn around. "Oh that's right I'm sorry about that Shinso. Here hold out your hand." Shinso holds out his hand in confusion. Aizawa is just staying very quiet and watching. Deku walks over to Shinso and grows his fangs out as he yawns. Deku picks up Shinso's wrist and transfers the quirk through his fangs and into the bloodstream." I'm sorry if that hurt but it's the only way to transfer a few quirks at once, normally I could just touch you but if you want to get it instantly then there you go. I gave you the quirks of a cat vision and body enhancement. The quirks can't be seen by anyone but you so it will be easier to hide. Cat vision allows you to see heat from bodies, night vision, and and track color of different scents and tracks of your target." Aizawa looks interested in the quirks Deku gave Shinso. "Wow that's awesome thank you Sensei, I'll use them proudly." Shinso bows in respect. The 3 of them continue walking to the school very early. Deku and Aizawa headed to the teachers lounge to get ready their training papers for the first week. Shinso heads to his homeroom and sees no one in there yet so he sits in the back ish. Meanwhile back in the teacher lounge Deku and Aizawa are chilling out talking about what they are going to do for the first day. Usually Aizawa makes the students do a a few of physical test but he thinks Deku should plan a kind of test this year. Deku decided on testing them by fighting him for the last round and the 3 test before are standard tests. Aizawa agrees with Deku but he tells him to use his normal form just for safety reasons. Deku agrees with his friend. Then suddenly the hero present mic walks in the teachers break room seeing a familiar face and one he doesn't know. "HEY SHO!" Deku looks very questionable at the hero and back at Aizawa. "Hey Yamada what did I tell you about yelling in the morning." Present mic ignores Deku untill he saw him staring at him. "I'm Sho who's this guy?" Yamada looks very confused. "This is Deku he's a teacher here and..." Deku interups Aizawa and stands up looking directly at Yamada,"What's up Mic I'm Deku and I'm the Villian the school hired to educate the students about my kind." Deku smiles like a psychopath at Mic and goes silent and then laughs hysterically. Yamada looks terrified at Deku and takes a step back. Aizawa stands up and hits Deku on head as a punishment." Deku behave, down boy down. Sorry about that Mic he's just teasing you. He's a villan yes but he's under my supervison so don't worry." Yamada looks relived and let's out a big sigh,"I thought I was going to die to be honest. Deku it was nice to meet you kinda, if you are Aizawa's friend then you can be mine too, just don't try to kill me." Mic says goodbye and leaves quickly and heads to the auditorium."Why did you have to be such a pain Deku." Deku laughs nervously,"it's not my fault your friends are all softies, I'll try and be a good boy this year Aizawa. I don't want you to punish me too much." They both chuckle together and then Aizawa stops and says very calmly,"It's almost time to go back, so get your stuff and let's go. I'll go in class first." They both head to class right after the all students have arrived in class, still talking to each other. Aizawa walks in the class first and reprimands the students for not being quiet and in their seats. He introduces himself and tells the students to put on the gym outfits and head outside. Aizawa leaves the room and tells Deku he will introduce him outside.

Outside Aizawa is standing next to Deku, Aizawa is telling the class about the test and then the last final test, the highest scores of students will go up against the other Teacher Deku. The kids look over to Deku finally and see White haired young adult in fancy clothes, red glowing eyes, black latex gloves, black steel toed shoes, he's a almost Aizawa's height now. Aizawa tells Deku to introduce himself in front of the class,"Hello there Class 1-A I'm your  second Teacher for this class, and for the hero course I'm your teacher. You better get used to seeing me. Enough talking about that, I'm the serial killer known as the Vampire Demon and Im finishing my sentence teaching here, so yes I'm a criminal and known as a Demon. But don't worry I'm here to teach you and not kill you. Aizawa here is my supervisor so he will stop me from going out of control. I just wanted to let that be know I'm a killer and why I'm your teacher." Deku smirks devilishly saying that and then walks over to the fighting grounds waiting and getting ready for the 3 students that will be fighting him. While he's over there Aizawa operates the 3 tests. After Deku told the class the truth and who he really is, most of them started shaking in fear, some looked forward to fighting him, and the rest of them feared for their lives.

A few hours later the students did the 3 quirk test and the 3 students that are going to fight Deku is Bokugo, Shoto, and Shinso.

First Duel Deku VS Shinso: The students are scared to even watch. The other two students that are going next are paying close attention to how the Serial killer fights. Aizawa's is on the sideline close enough to stop the fight if he has too, but Deku isn't even going to try against the kids if he doesn't have to. Shinso hasn't used his new quirks yet, so he will test them out in this fight. 3-2-1 GO!! Deku uses normal fighting Technics and a movement enhancement quirk. "Deku sensei I'm going to beat you this time." Deku smiles evily,"Sure you are Shinso just come at me and try." They both say that in a slightly excited tone. Shinso dashes towards Deku and tries to punch him multiple times but Deku dodges every single attack, he does a backflip and in the process kicking Shinso in the chest causing him to fall 5 feet backwards, but he stood his ground. Deku smirks and runs directly at Shinso and activates his movement enhancement quirk, he runs so fast that when he punches Shinso in the gut yet again, he goes flying up in the air and falling to the ground very hard. Deku accidentally over did it so he activated his vampire inhumane speed and ran, jump and caught him in the air before he hit the ground. "Whoops I over did it Shinso are you okay?" Shinso is in Deku's arms, he looked up and smiled,"I'm okay Sensei don't worry." Deku goes over to the students and sets Shinso down on the ground.

Bokugo VS Deku:
And then walks back over to the fighting area,"Okay next person to fight me is going to be Katsuki Bokugo. Bokugo smirks crazily with excitement,"IM GOING TO CRUSH YOU CRIMINAL SCUM!!!" Bokugo walks over like a angsty teen. Deku thinks to himself,"Wow this kid really has some balls to talk to me like that, he was one of the students I watched during the exam, hmmm I wonder if I have to actually try against him. Hmph we will see I guess." Deku smiles like a psychopath at Bokugo and his confidence."You are really confident for a student aren't you Bokugo. How about you back up your words with actions eh?" Bokugo grits his teeth and gives Deku the middle finger while saying,"FUCK YOU VILLIAN SCUM!!" Everyone that was watching all thought how vulgar he was acting towards their teacher, but on the other hand most of them wanted the Villian to die just as much."I'll pass on fucking a child it's kind of weird for a teacher to do that. But okay what ever floats your boat." Deku smirks normally while giggling to himself then he signals to Aizawa for him to start the fight,3-2-1 GO!
Deku stood there to see what Bokugo would do besides just insult him all day. Bokugo positions his hands behind him and sets off an explosion sending him flying towards Deku. Deku blinks and then as soon as he opens his eyes he gets hit with a intense heat of an explosion. His outfit gets a little burned but besides that he brushes off the flames. He can't feel the pain from the flames, so Deku just writes it off like nothing happened. The whole class thinks that Deku got completely burned up but when the smoke clears up he's barely even touched. Before Bokugo can react and attack again it was Deku's turn to do some damage. He chuckles softly and grabs Katsuki's arm and swings him with brute Force/ strength quirk and then let's go sending him flying 20 or so feet away. Bokugo is falling straight down and just before he hits the ground hi sets off a few small explosions to land safely. He looks up seeing Deku smiling evily at him, and gesturing at him to come at him. Bokugo gathers up sweat in his hand and runs towards the criminal. "You BASTARD!!!" He yells setting off multiple explosions off at Deku, he continues with a final attack sure of himself that he will defeat the villian SCUM. Deku used visual slow mo quirk(it slows down everything around him, so he can make an analysis of the battle and of the opponents attacks) he sees the small explosions coming so he activates his not used yet quirk called tungsten metal scale armor, it's a less powerful but more durable armor than his Black scale armor. It covers all over his body except his head. But as soon as he is in the process of activating that last quirk the big explosion blasts him backwards a few feet and burns his left side of his face. Deku falls to his knees and holds his face healing it slowly before he dies. His tungsten armor is still crawling up his chest slowly as he's healing his face. Deku wants to talk but can't because his face is burned and still if being healed. The smoke is still covering up his position, it's slowly disappearing. A few minutes pass and the smoke clears up and Deku's armor is finally covering his body even his face, the armor has red horns, the whole armor is red as well. And Deku's Jaw is still slowly healing, thank goodness he has a helmet on or everyone would be able to see the damage Bokugo did to him. It's Deku's fault for letting his guard down and underestimating the students. Deku is still on his knees looking up at the class and Bokugo. All you can see is his red glowing eyes. The whole class gasps in shock, they have never seen armor like that before especially on a villian. Bokugo is even more frustrated that he didn't defeat the villian yet. Aizawa is about to step in and stop the fight but then Bokugo sets off a huge explosion directly at Deku, it's his last resort he's hurting himself with his own quirk at this point. But it was useless at this point. Now that Deku has that armor on it had no effect on him since it's so durable. Bokugo's hand starts to burn and his quirk starts to over heat. Deku nods at Aizawa to stop him before it's too late. Aizawa rushes over and restrains Bokugo with his scarf and quirk. Deku let's a huge breath and gets up to his feet, as he does that he deactivates the armor quirk making it all incenterate. Deku's face is healed so there's no point in hiding it anymore. Deku,"Hey Shoto Todoroki you are up next." Bokugo finally calms down and Aizawa let's go of him and walks over to Deku to ask if he's okay to continue. Deku whispers to Aizawa,"I'm okay I just underestimated the students this year that's all." Aizawa,"Yeah I'm shocked too, hey up Deku you should be extra careful with the next one he's the son of Endeavor the #2 hero. Well good luck." Deku,"Oh okay thanks for letting me know, and I'll try to take it more seriously now...and thanks for that but I'll be fine." Deku gets ready for the next match and Aizawa goes back over to the sidelines.

Shoto Todoroki VS Deku: Shoto walks up to the fight area all quiet. He gets in a fighting position without saying a word to Deku and he looks very serious about this fight. Deku was expecting at least a hi or something insulting but it seems he's more mature than Bokugo is. Deku gets in a fighting position and decides he will try this time with his guard up. 3-2-1 Go!
Shoto sends a ice wall spike directly towards Deku. He used the slo mo quirk so he dodges flawlessly. "Nice quirk Shoto, but why don't you use your fire quirk against me next eh Shoto?" Deku smirks devilishly saying that to Shoto. Then he walks towards Shoto with confidence. Shoto uses his ice quirk yet again and ignores Deku's comments. "More ice huh?! Why not your other quirk." Shoto ignores him yet again and keeps sending deadly ice spikey walls at Deku. He is getting frustrated because he keeps missing the villian with his ice, and he refuses to use his dad's quirk."What's wrong Shoto Todoroki, do you think I'm not worth using your fire?!" Deku says in a very serious and scary tone of voice. Shoto gets a shiver up his spine and its not because of his ice quirk. He gets intimated by Deku's tone of voice, and look on his face, he looks like he's going to kill him. Shoto refuses to use his left side but soon he won't have a choice in the matter he's over using his ice quirk and it's hurting him now. Deku is now close enough to attack Shoto, he runs and slides by Shoto. He kicks his leg causing him to fall as he slides. As Shoto is falling he touches Deku on the head using his ice quirk to slowly crawl down his body trapping him. Shoto falls face forward, deku doesn't notice the ice until it's too late. Shoto is getting up from the ground and looks behind him seeing Deku in cased in ice unable to move. Aizawa waited for a few minutes, he knows the fight isn't over. Shoto finally speaks in confidence and with a snarky attitude towards Deku,"It looks like you are all talk Mr. Deku, so much for being a strong serial killer." He smirks condescendingly. Then suddenly the ice starts to crack and shatter in tiny pieces....

To be continued...Volume 2 will continue the story.

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