Volume 1 Chapter 14 Internal Conflict

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1 year has passed and Deku is 20 years old now and it's the same year of him and his brother planned to meet up and plan to kill the symbol of peace, what will Deku do about it... Save the school or destroy everything he has built up to protect.... This is the year of the new students to come and do the exam and be taught under Deku and Aizawa. Deku and Aizawa are not always together now but most of the time he is required to be near him. Deku is still a criminal, the two of them are overlooking the Entrance Exam this year. Today is the day of the Exam, Aizawa and Deku are in the overview room. The exams start in 3-2-1 go the announcer is Hero Present mic. He's Also Aizawa's best friend from childhood and till this day. Deku kicks back when watching the exam and a few potential strong students, Katsuki Bokugo, Shinso Aizawa, Tokoyami, and Shoto Todoroki. Deku tells Aizawa that they look promising. The entrance exam is based around defeating as many robots that you can or get rescue points. Katsuki Bokugo is has the highest score so far, and Shinso has a high score but not as high as the rest, but he is definitely trying his best. Todoroki has 2nd place so far, Tokoyami is at 5th place for now. Deku is impressed with the 4 students and a few others. The exam is about to end and Shinso has gotten in 4th place at the end. Aizawa and Deku are very proud of him doing very well in the exam, especially if he's competing with those powerful quirks. Deku is wondering about giving him another quirk to help him, but he's not sure yet.
A few minutes later present mic announces that the exam ends and that the pro hero's will go and check on everyone's health. Aizawa and Deku head over to Shinso and the other students. Deku drops down from a high height and activated his black scaled armor on his legs so he won't break his lower body. Aizawa takes the stairs like a normal person would, unlike Deku. Deku walks over to the direction of Shinso and sees him injured next to a girl who is hurt as well. Shinso saved her from getting crushed by a robot. Deku calls over recovery girl and Aizawa to ,"come help over here, there is injured students!" They rush over there and see Shinso and Ochaco hurt but alive. Recovery girl heals them and they wake up after a few minutes. Shinso has a walk with Deku as he has a talk with him about giving him another quirk. While Aizawa and Recovery girl continue to help other students. Deku brings Shinso to a isolated area and tells a gist of his real quirk and tells Shinso that he's going to give him a quirk as his student. Shinso looks up to Deku and he trusts him fully, so he accepts the offer. Deku says he won't give it to him until he gets accepted in the school, and he needs to decide what kind of quirk he will give him. But that he is very proud of him doing so well in the exam and especially that he saved a girl out of his kindness of his heart. Shinso says,"Thank you Sensei!" And then he runs off back to his father's direction. Deku smiles a little at the kid running away. Deku walks back over too to where Aizawa was and went to help out with hurt kids. After the exam they all headed home early, and Deku, Shinso and Aizawa are going to be training every day until the acceptance letter comes in the mail, Deku is still thinking about what quirk he should give to Shinso, he's still not sure. Aizawa was told about Deku's quirk by Deku himself on this break before school starts. Aizawa was scared, shocked and then understanding in one sitting. It makes everything he's seen make a lot more sense. And since Deku and Aizawa are so close they both Trust each other fully and with each other's lives. Deku hasn't told him everything but if he did he knows he would lose them forever. So he just told them his quirk to an extent.
It's been a few weeks since the entrance exam happened. And the mail finally arrived that morning, and the acceptance letter was there too. Aizawa got the mail and brought it in with a small smile on his face, Deku, Shinso and Aizawa watched the recording together. They all say in a surprised voice,"It's All Might!!" They all heard that All Might is going to be a new teacher at the school, when Deku heard this he clenched his fist in frustration and pure hate. He still wants revenge for his father's injuries. Aizawa looks over and see's Deku upset and then looks over to what Deku's looking at. He's looking at All Might's face. Deku calms down when he hears that Shinso made it to UA because of attack points and rescue points as well. Aizawa and Deku congratulate Shinso and they celebrate that night with movies and pizza. Aizawa doesn't mention what he saw during the recording to Deku but he's keeping an eye on him very carefully even more now. Deku didn't realize that Aizawa saw his reaction so he's in the dark about that.
Next week is Shinso's first day at UA High School he's so excited. Deku is nervous about his brother and his organization that he's been working on for the few years since he's been gone. Aizawa is nervous about All Might and Deku working together in the hero course this year. Tension is high this year for all parties involved.

To be continued

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